literary transcript


Lawrence Durrell's



Digital electronic transcription by John O’Loughlin


Transcription Copyright © 2023 Centretruths Digital Media





                                                     The mirror sees the man as beautiful, the mirror

                                                     loves the man; another mirror sees the man as

                                                     frightful and hates him; and it is always the same

                                                     being who produces the impressions.

                                                                                                          D.A.F. DE SADE: Justine


                                                     Yes, we insist upon those details, you veil them with

                                                     a decency which removes all their edge of horror;

                                                     there remains only what is useful to whoever wishes

                                                     to become familiar with man; you have no conception

                                                     how helpful these tableaux are to the development

                                                     of the human spirit; perhaps we are still so

                                                     benighted with respect to this branch of learning

                                                     only because of the stupid restraint of those who

                                                     wish to write upon such matters.  Inhabited by

                                                     absurd fears, they only discuss the puerilities with

                                                     which every fool is familiar and dare not, by

                                                     turning a bold hand to the human heart, offer

                                                     its gigantic idiosyncrasies to our view.

                                                                                                          D.A.F. DE SADE: Justine