literary transcript


Lawrence Durrell's




Digital electronic transcription by John O’Loughlin


Transcription Copyright © 2023 Centretruths Digital Media





                                                                    I am accustoming myself to the idea of

                                                                    regarding every sexual act as a process

                                                                    in which four persons are involved.  We

                                                                    shall have a lot to discuss about that.

                                                                                                          S. FREUD: Letters


                                                                    There are two positions available to us -

                                                                    either crime which renders us happy, or

                                                                    the noose, which prevents us from being

                                                                    unhappy.  I ask whether there can be any

                                                                    hesitation, lovely Thérèse, and where will

                                                                    your little mind find an argument able to

                                                                    combat that one?

                                                                                                          D.A.F. DE SADE: Justine