literary transcript


Lawrence Durrell's



Digital electronic transcription by John O’Loughlin


Transcription Copyright © 2023 Centretruths Digital Media





                                                     The dream dissipated, were one to recover one's

                                                     commonsense mood, the thing would be of but

                                                     mediocre import - 'tis the story of mental wrongdoing.

                                                     Everyone knows very well and it offends no-one.  But

                                                     alas! one sometimes carries the thing a little further.

                                                     What, one dares wonder, what would not be the

                                                     idea's realization if its more abstract shape thus

                                                     exalted has just so profoundly moved one?  The

                                                     accursed reverie is vivified and its existence is a crime.

                                                                                                          D.A.F. DE SADE: Justine


                                                     It faut que le roman raconte.
