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Cyclic Philosophy


Copyright © 2012 John O'Loughlin





CYCLE ONE: Jazz and Blues; Blues Light and Jazz Light; Jazz as Solar.


CYCLE TWO: Heathen and Superheathen; Christian and Superchristian; Incommensurables; Pseudo vis-à-vis Genuine; Super-Pseudo vis-à-vis Super-Genuine.


CYCLE THREE: Democracy and Bureaucracy; Autocracy and Theocracy; Fundamentalism and Transcendentalism; Naturalism and Idealism.


CYCLE FOUR: From Alpha to Omega; Science and Philosophy; Religion and Theosophy; Theory and Practice.


CYCLE FIVE: Joy through Truth; The God-Self; Beyond God; Heaven.


CYCLE SIX: Heathen Sports; Father and Son; Association Football; Objective vis-à-vis Subjective; Sexual Correlations.


CYCLE SEVEN: Heterosexual Alternatives; Instrumental Correlations;


CYCLE EIGHT: Gaelic vis-à-vis Hurling; Christian Triplicity; Intermediate Status.


CYCLE NINE: Superheathen Sports; Approaches to Primal Being; Basic Approach to Primal Being.


CYCLE TEN: Judaic Approach to Primal Being; Islamic Approach to Primal Being; Pseudo-Christian Approach to Primal Being.


CYCLE ELEVEN: Primal and Supreme; Social Transcendentalism; New Heaven and Hell.


CYCLE TWELVE: Book Divisions; Parliamentary Analogue; Softbacks and Hardbacks; Left/Right Distinctions.


CYCLE THIRTEEN: Newspapers; Verbal/Photographic Spectrums; Analogous Parallels.


CYCLE FOURTEEN: Magazine Culture; Film Naturalism; Photographic Idealism.


CYCLE FIFTEEN: Judgemental Sundering; Christian Schism; Heathen/Christian Schism; Peaceful Persuasions.


CYCLE SIXTEEN: Photography vis-à-vis Film; Blues Singing vis-à-vis Jazz Playing; Superfeminine vis-à-vis Submasculine.


CYCLE SEVENTEEN: Devolution and Evolution; Equivalent Positions.


CYCLE EIGHTEEN: True Christians; Theological Paradox; No Sex; Supermasculine Attainment; Moral Choice.


CYCLE NINETEEN: Cosmic Idealism vis-à-vis Solar Naturalism; Superheathen Correlation of Fried Food; Some Additional Correlations; Contrary Kinds of Openness.


CYCLE TWENTY: Noumenal and Phenomenal Computers; Technological Generalizations; Political Parallels; Beyond Pluralism.


CYCLE TWENTY-ONE: Art and Religion; Culture vis-à-vis Nature; Cultural Nurture and Natural Nurture; Alternative Cultures; Barbarism or Culture.


CYCLE TWENTY-TWO: From Barbarism to Civilization; From Naturalism to Culture; Underlying Natures; Personal and Universal; Christian Paradox.


CYCLE TWENTY-THREE: Noumenal Selfishness; Noumenal Selflessness.


CYCLE TWENTY-FOUR: Noumenal Heaven against Noumenal Hell; The Purgatorial Netherworld against the World; Phenomenal Heaven against Phenomenal Hell; Fundamentalist Heaven against Idealist Hell; Superfeminine vis-à-vis Supermasculine Universality; Phenomenal/Noumenal Gender Inversions; Submasculine to Supermasculine; Superheathen Triad; Heathen Triad; Christian Triad; Superchristian Triad; Trinitarian and Triangular.


CYCLE TWENTY-FIVE: Gender Clashes; Mohammedanism and Puritanism; Beyond Gender Clashes; False Trinity.


CYCLE TWENTY-SIX: Masculine Predominance; Heathen Exception; From Selfless to Selfish Universality; War and Peace.


CYCLE TWENTY-SEVEN: Heathen Accomplishments; Heathen Associations; Superheathen Accomplishments; Superheathen Associations.


CYCLE TWENTY-EIGHT: Theatre vis-à-vis Video; Cinema and Video; Barbarism and Civilization; Prevailing Influences; Male and Female Countries; Sign of the Superman.


CYCLE TWENTY-NINE: Church and State; State Barbarism; Church Civilization.


CYCLE THIRTY: Federal Hope; Superchristian Liberation; Day of Judgement.


CYCLE THIRTY-ONE: Percussion and Drums; Superheathen Percussion; Heathen Percussion.


CYCLE THIRTY-TWO: Christian Percussion; Superchristian Percussion.


CYCLE THIRTY-THREE: Hexagonal and Pentagonal Stars; Pyramidal and Inverted Triangles.


CYCLE THIRTY-FOUR: Salvation from the Father; Salvation in Freedom.


CYCLE THIRTY-FIVE: One True Salvation; Collectivism and Individualism; From Kingdom to Centre.


CYCLE THIRTY-SIX: From Superstate to Superchurch; State/Church Distinctions; From Superscience to Super-religion; Equivalent Antitheses; Subdivisions of the Brain.


CYCLE THIRTY-SEVEN: Primary and Secondary Qualities; Lunar Correlation of the Brain; Planetary Correlations of Bodily Organs.


CYCLE THIRTY-EIGHT: From Time to Space; Time/Mass verses Volume/Space; Antiquated Traditions; Platform of Liberation.


CYCLE THIRTY-NINE: A Certain Volume; Damnation verses Salvation.


CYCLE FORTY: Eyes and Ears; Firelight verses Lightfire; Popular Delusion; Alternative Traditions.


CYCLE FORTY-ONE: Idealistic Superheathen Heterosexuality; Naturalistic Superheathen Heterosexuality; Contrary Orientations.


CYCLE FORTY-TWO: Art and Music; No 'Gold Standard'; From

Gold to Silver.


CYCLE FORTY-THREE: Methodological Vindication; Blues Singing and Playing; Jazz Playing and Singing; Sexual Parallels of Blues and Jazz; Last Rites.


CYCLE FORTY-FOUR: Dress and Skirt; The Spirituality of Space; Transmutation of Mass; Triangular and Oblique Saluting; Bent-Arm Saluting; Synthetic Deliverance; Sporting Analogues.