1.   FROM ALPHA TO OMEGA.  From the Superheathen science of cosmology to the Superchristian antireligion of theosophy via the Heathen antiscience of philosophy and the Christian religion of theology.  Thus to devolve from cosmology to philosophy, but to evolve from theology to theosophy, the latter pair symptomatic of a rebirth (from Heathen to Christian values) such that deals with the 'Kingdom Within' on both theoretical and practical terms.  For, until theology, there is only the 'Kingdom Without', even when this is dealt with from a theoretical, and therefore philosophical, point of view.


2.   SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY.  The Heathen antiscience of philosophy must ever stand in an inferior, because theoretical, relationship to science, which is rooted in the cosmological idealism of the exploration and even exploitation of the 'Kingdom Without'.


3.   RELIGION AND THEOSOPHY.  The Superchristian antireligion of theosophy must ever stand in a superior, because practical, relationship to religion, which is rooted in the theological humanism of the study and even exemplification of the 'Kingdom Within'.


4.   THEORY AND PRACTICE.  Scientific practice devolves towards philosophical theory, like elements towards molecules, whereas religious theory evolves towards theosophical practice, like molecules towards elements.  For the molecular middle-grounds of philosophy and theology are theoretical, while the elemental extremes of cosmology and theosophy are practical, like alpha and omega.  To philosophise is to theorize backwards (retrogressively) in relation to 'Kingdom Gone'.  To theologize, by contrast, is to theorize forwards (progressively) in relation to 'Kingdom Come'.  Philosophy leads not forwards to 'Kingdom Come', but backwards to the praxis of the Father, etc.  Theology leads not backwards to 'Kingdom Gone', but forwards to the praxis of the Holy Ghost, etc.