1.   PRIMAL AND SUPREME.  True Christianity, or Catholicism, differs from false (pseudo) Christianity, or Protestantism, by affirming, contrary to a stemming from primal being (in the submasculine guise of the Father), an aspiration towards supreme being, the supreme being of the Holy Spirit, which is the omega where primal being is the alpha.  Hence whereas false Christianity is alpha-stemming, true Christianity is omega-orientated.  For the Omega Point (of supreme being) is only reached through the truth of the Holy Spirit.


2.   SOCIAL TRANSCENDENTALISM.  Truer even than Christianity is the Supertruth of Social Transcendentalism, as taught by he who corresponds, in his own well-founded estimation, to a Second Coming, and Social Transcendentalism is nothing less than the Superchristianity of 'Kingdom Come', whose supreme being has reference not to the posthumous afterlife of the Holy Ghost (or chemical changes in the brain following death), but to the Eternal Life of the Holy Spirit of Heaven, which is the theosophical antithesis to the cosmological Clear Light of the Void, and hence to the false transcendentalism (idealism) of the Superheathen.  The joyful supreme being of the Holy Spirit of Heaven will stand as the refutation of the woeful primal being of the Clear Light of the Void, not to mention, through devolutionary extrapolation, the various deities - Jehovah, Allah, the Father - which stem from the Clear Light ... and constitute both an obstacle and an opposition to the Holy Spirit of Heaven.  For while Christianity can co-exist, in open-society fashion, with the Heathen and Superheathen deities, as, for example, in the case of the Holy Spirit vis-à-vis the Father, no such co-existence would be possible or indeed desirable from a Superchristian standpoint, wherein the development of the Holy Spirit of Heaven could only happen independently and, as it were, at the expense of all traditional deities, not excepting the Virgin Mary, Who, in any case, would have been effectively superseded by what I call the Mary Child, the subfeminine counterpart, in feminist vacuity, of the supermasculine deity described above.


3.   NEW HEAVEN AND HELL.  Frankly, you can't have Heaven without Hell, the Holy Ghost without the Virgin Mary, and what applied to Christianity must apply, with even greater resolve, to the Superchristianity which I equate with Social Transcendentalism in what should be, under Messianic auspices, a New Heaven and a New Hell, the New Heaven of the Holy Spirit of Heaven, and the New Hell of the Mary Child, as between the superconscious and the sub-unconscious.  It is not to establish a 'New Earth' that the Second Coming has come, but, on the contrary, to divide the Earth between a New Heaven and a New Hell in order that Superchristianity may supersede Christianity, and those who are deserving of salvation duly be brought to the superhuman peaks of 'Kingdom Come'.