1.   JUDGEMENTAL SUNDERING.  Just as the Heathen is damned to the Superheathen, as the netherworldly Behind ensues upon the purgatorial Netherworld (of the Father), so the Christian is saved to the Superchristian, as the otherworldly Beyond ensues upon the Christian Other World (of the Holy Ghost).  The Heathens are taken over by Superheathens, while the Christians are overtaken by Superchristians.  In such fashion, the phenomenal is rent asunder towards the noumenal extremes of alpha and omega.


2.   CHRISTIAN SCHISM.  The original schism in Christianity was between Orthodoxy and Romanism, the Eastern and the Western Churches, which effectively established, within Christendom, a dichotomy between Hell and Heaven, the subhuman (subfeminine) and the superhuman (supermasculine), the Virgin Mary and the Holy Ghost, World denial and otherworldly affirmation, as each Church took a contrary bias relative to the overall Christian Trinity, viz. the Virgin Mary, the Christ Child, and the Holy Ghost.  Many centuries later that same bias would lead the Orthodox Church to an accommodation with Communism, and the Roman Church, by contrast, to an accommodation with Fascism.  For the political schism between Communism and Fascism was the twentieth-century parallel to the religious schism, historically, between Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism, and it is the Christian peoples who have experienced this parallel the most.


3.   HEATHEN/CHRISTIAN SCHISM.  By comparison to the original schism in Christendom, the Reformation signified the coming to pass of a Heathen opposition to Christianity which resulted in the development, thereafter, of a Heathen/Christian schism in the guise of the Protestant/Catholic dichotomy.  Now whereas Christians (Catholics of one persuasion or another) live primarily for Christianity, Heathens (or pseudo-Christians) live primarily for Heathen values, and thus it can be said that Protestantism, far from being a genuine religion, was the thin-end-of-the-wedge that ultimately allowed for the development, within Protestant countries, of Liberalism, the bourgeois form of humanism that, whether in capitalism, materialism, or parliamentarianism, opposes anything Christian from its own narrowly secular point of view.  The result, after several centuries, was the relegation of Christendom to an inferior political and social status as the Heathen philistinism spawned by Protestantism gathered momentum, to culminate, at length, in that Superheathen/Heathen partnership which bears the paradoxical stamp of Anglo-American civilization.  Both Communism and Fascism were akin, in their contrary ways, to 'Neo-Christian' revolts against this Anglo-American hegemony, the former from below, the latter from above, and both alike failed to defeat it.  For Christian nations, the only solution lies in that Superchristianity which I define as Social Transcendentalism, and it is to be hoped that where, in their contrary imperfections, both Communism and Fascism failed to topple the Superheathen/Heathen beast of Anglo-American imperialism from its predatory perch, Social Transcendentalism will succeed, and succeed, moreover, from a universal position of Superchristian unity, free from schismatic antecedents and pledged to the peaceful development, under Messianic auspices, of 'Kingdom Come'.


4.   PEACEFUL PERSUASION.  Ultimately, the truth (as here) will 'out', and there is no better vehicle for effecting moral change than the assimilation of the truth by those who have most need of it.  Violence will not defeat the Heathen; only peaceful persuasion will bring them around to the error of their ways and encourage them to rejoin the Christian world for the sake of the Superchristian one to come.  Christians, after all, should be above violence, and Superchristians most especially so!