1.   DEVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION.  The distinction between the Clear Light of the Void (Space) and the Clear Fire of Time - as, to a lesser extent, between Jehovah and Satan - is one of Superhell/Superdevil and Subheaven/Subgod.  Likewise the distinction between the Virgin Mary and the Holy Ghost is one of Hell/the Devil and Heaven/God.  Just so, the distinction between the Mary Child, or Female Child, and the Holy Spirit of Heaven ... is one of Subhell/Subdevil and Superheaven/Supergod.  Hence a devolutionary regression from the Superhell/Superdevil to the Subhell/Subdevil via Hell/the Devil on the one hand, but an evolutionary progression from the Subheaven/Subgod to the Superheaven/Supergod via Heaven/God on the other hand.  Hell and Heaven are Catholic (Christian) poles, as are the Devil (Virgin Mary) and God (the Holy Ghost), but Superhell and Subheaven are fundamentalist (Superheathen) poles, as are the Superdevil (Jehovah) and Subgod (Satan), while Subhell and Superheaven are transcendentalist (Superchristian) poles, as are the Subdevil (the Mary Child) and Supergod (the Holy Spirit of Heaven).  By contrast, the World and Purgatory are Protestant (Heathen) poles, as are woman and man.


2.   EQUIVALENT POSITIONS.  From Jehovah to Allah via Satan; from the Father to the Son via the Mother; from the Virgin Mary to the Holy Ghost via the Christ Child; from the Mary Child to the Holy Spirit of Heaven via the Second Coming.  Of the twelve listed deities, Jehovah, the Father, the Virgin Mary, and the Mary Child are in equivalent 'alpha' positions, while Satan, the Mother, the Christ Child, and the Second Coming are in equivalent 'intermediate' positions, and Allah, the Son, the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Spirit of Heaven in equivalent 'omega' positions.  Yet the distinction between each deity in any given position is significantly relative to Superheathen, Heathen, Christian, and Superchristian alternatives, ranging from mysticism to gnosticism via liberalism and humanism.  Hence the mystical 'idealism' (quasi-idealism?) of Jehovah, the liberal fundamentalism of the Father, the humanist fundamentalism of the Virgin Mary, and the gnostical fundamentalism of the Mary Child with regard to the 'alpha' positions; hence, too, the mystical naturalism of Satan, the liberal realism of the Mother, the transcendental humanism of the Christ Child, and the transcendental gnosticism of the Second Coming with regard to the 'intermediate' positions; and hence, finally, the mystical fundamentalism of Allah, the liberal materialism of the Son, the humanist transcendentalism of the Holy Ghost, and the gnostical transcendentalism of the Holy Spirit of Heaven with regard to the 'omega' positions.