1.   COSMIC IDEALISM VIS-À-VIS SOLAR NATURALISM.  If the Hindu Clear Light of the Void can be defined in terms of cosmic idealism, then the Buddhist Clear Fire of Time can only be defined in terms of cosmic quasi-naturalism, bearing in mind its 'bovaryized' essence in relation to primal being.  Conversely, if Satan can be defined in terms of solar naturalism, then Jehovah can only be defined in terms of stellar quasi-idealism, bearing in mind His 'bovaryized' essence in relation to primal doing.


2.   SUPERHEATHEN CORRELATIONS OF FRIED FOOD.  The American passion for fried food owes not a little to its Superheathen roots in cosmic mysticism, since the culture of, for example, fries (chips), burgers, and cola would seems to parallel, on a culinary basis, the Clear Light/Fire, Jehovah/Satan, and Allah, with so, I contend, straight fries corresponding to the Clear Light (and thus to Hindu idealism), but wavy fries (crinkly) corresponding to the Clear Fire (and thus to Buddhist quasi-naturalism); with fried and/or oven-grilled burgers corresponding to Jehovah (and thus to Judaic quasi-idealism), but flame-grilled burgers corresponding to Satan (and thus to Judaic naturalism); and, finally, with cola corresponding to Allah (and thus to Moslem fundamentalism), this latter akin, with its use of a straw, to the blood-sucking culture of vampirism.  However, where fries and burgers are concerned, one shouldn't overlook the part played by tomato ketchup in distinguishing the naturalistic or quasi-naturalistic from its idealistic counterpart, since the addition of ketchup to fries and burgers is obviously a significant factor in their approximation to fiery colour.


3.   SOME ADDITIONAL CORRELATIONS.  Also correlative with fries, burgers, and cola (in that devolutionary order) would be Basketball, Baseball, and Gridiron, not to mention Blues, Jazz, and Soul, or, last but by no means least, photos, films, and magazines.  Hence a correlation between fries and basketball/blues/photos; between burgers and baseball/jazz/films; and between cola and gridiron/soul/magazines.  Other correlations could doubtless be given, but the above examples should suffice to confirm the Superheathen status of the 'phenomena' in question, a status as punishing as the Superchristian status of ultimate culture would be graceful.


4.   CONTRARY KINDS OF OPENNESS.  The development of Superchristian culture can only proceed at the expense of all Heathen and Superheathen cultures, the criminal and false cultures which are rooted in triadic triplicities of noumenal and phenomenal orders, respectively, of suffering.  A Superchristian society cannot be open, like a Heathen one, to Superheathen influence, but should strive, with all the means at its disposal, to protect its citizens from such fundamentalist evil.  For unlike a Heathen society, which is open to the Superheathen and closed to Christian/Superchristian influences, a Superchristian society can only be closed to Superheathen influence but open to the heavenly Beyond, the realization of which should culminate, after due evolutionary strivings, in the omega-most reach of 'Kingdom Come'.