1.   HEATHEN ACCOMPLISHMENTS.  Writing, reading, and speaking are all Heathen accomplishments vis-à-vis praying, since they respectively correspond to subjective selflessness, to objective selflessness, and to objective selfishness, and can thus be affiliated with the Son, the Father, and the Mother.  The New Testament is less about reading and speaking than about writing, since it is an account of the Son and therefore both narrative and epistolary, the Epistles of St. Paul, etc., as characteristic of the New Testament as, say, the Psalms of David characterize the Old Testament or, at any rate, the more poetic and therefore readerly nature of the Old Testament, with its basis in Jehovah.  Yet neither Testament is really Christian, since Christianity begins and ends with prayer, and neither writing nor reading, still less speaking, are truly Christian accomplishments, which is why the association of writing with the Son, of reading with the Father, and of speaking with the Mother confirms rather than contradicts my contention relating to the Heathen nature of the accomplishments in question.


2.   HEATHEN ASSOCIATIONS.  Writing is also, and more usually, associated with fiction, especially novels, since the composition of a novel involves a great deal of writing, whereas reading lends itself no less logically to an association with poetry, since poets will normally read aloud their poems in public, being of the Father rather than of the Son, as it were, in their Heathen standing in the World or, more correctly, in relation to some purgatorial Netherworld which exists, in uneasy symbiosis, with both the purgatorial Overworld of fiction and the World itself, which, in this context, is rather more a realm of drama, and hence of public speech, than of poetry, and therefore something to be associated with the Mother, whose objective selfishness in this regard sets her clashingly apart from the objective selflessness of the Father.  Yet if dramatic speech is as manifestly of the World as ... poetic reading is of the purgatorial Netherworld and fiction writing ... of the purgatorial Overworld, it is no less Heathen and therefore contrary to a Christian, never mind Superchristian, bias and orientation.  What it, together with its purgatorial overlords, is not contrary to, however, is a Superheathen triad of triangular accomplishments ranging from reading to writing via speaking.


3.   SUPERHEATHEN ACCOMPLISHMENTS.  In consideration of such a Superheathen triad, we should bear in mind its noumenal as opposed to phenomenal status, as we seek to differentiate the noumenal forms of reading, speaking, and writing from their phenomenal counterparts, so that the notion of a more elevated order of poetry, drama, and fiction, relevant to the noumenal plane, is firmly established in the mind.  Such a Superheathen triad will have poetry, and thus reading, not in the objective selflessness of the Father but in the objective selflessness of the Clear Light, and will therefore be less purgatorially submasculine than idealistically superfeminine.  Hence its form of poetry will be far less cerebrally emotional than psychically optical, and we could regard it in a superpoetical light, the light, so to speak, of a Hindu or Buddhist primacy.  Likewise the drama, and hence speaking, of such a Superheathen triad will be in the objective selfishness of Satan rather than of the Mother, and will thus be less realistically feminine than naturalistically submasculine, with a tendency, in consequence, to be passionate rather than sensual, a 'high drama', so to speak, of approximately Judaic provenance.  Finally, the form of fiction, and hence writing, one would associate with the Superheathen triad will be less subjectively selfless than selfish, and thus something to be associated, if loosely, with Allah rather than the Son, a species of fundamentalist submasculinity that, unlike the purgatorial masculinity of its phenomenal counterpart, will be more emotional than intellectual, and emotional not merely in a cerebral and therefore purgatorial way, but in a soulful and hence heartfelt way.  Such selfish fiction, or writing, will tower over the selfless fiction/writing of the bourgeois or phenomenal writer to the extent that the Superheathen forms of poetry and drama tower over their phenomenal counterparts, and it would be scant exaggeration or recourse to literary licence, on my part, to claim that the latter were all but eclipsed by the former in the relentless march of Superheathen culture across the Heathen decadence of the late-twentieth century.


4.   SUPERHEATHEN ASSOCIATIONS.  If phenomenal fiction sits most happily in book format, then its noumenal parallel is most at home, these days, between the covers of a magazine/co-mag in due fundamentalist fashion.  For, as we have already seen, magazines are as relevant to the fundamentalism of Allah as ... books to the purgatorial Puritanism of the Son and, for that matter, purgatorial Presbyterianism of the Father.  By contrast, the medium most illustrative of the Superheathen mode of poetry is photography, and it can be categorically maintained that photographic reproductions are inherently poetic ... as they shed light on a wide variety of subjects from a broadly superfeminine and thus objective point-of-view.  Less 'poetic' than photography, but far more dramatic, are films, and, with their Judaic essence, films do for 'high drama' what theatres do for 'low drama', the Heathen form of drama which is rooted in the mundane flesh, while its Superheathen counterpart is centred in the flickering celluloid of filmic fire.