1.   FROM TIME TO SPACE.  To devolve from the Time of supernature to the Mass of nature, as from the superfeminine to the feminine, but to evolve from the Volume of culture to the Space of superculture, as from the masculine to the supermasculine.  Thus to devolve, relative to the overall brain, from the Time of backbrain doing (reading) to the Mass of right-midbrain giving (speaking), but to evolve from the Volume of left-midbrain taking (writing) to the Space of forebrain being (thinking).  Likewise, to devolve, relative to the total body, from the Time of the heart's passion to the Mass of the flesh's sensuality, but to evolve from the Volume of the brain's intellectuality to the Space of the lungs' spirituality.


2.   TIME/MASS VERSES VOLUME/SPACE.  Emotionality, or love, leads to sensuality, or sex, as surely as intellectuality, or cogitation, to spirituality, or contemplation.  We can no more evolve from Mass to Space than ... devolve from Volume to Time.  Time and Mass stand apart from Volume and Space like the State, both autocratic and democratic, from the Church, both theocratic and meritocratic.  There is a Time State (in monarchism), which is autocratic, and a Mass State (in republicanism), which is democratic; just as there is a Volume Church (in Christianity), which is theocratic, and a Space Church (in transcendentalism), which is meritocratic.  The Time State corresponds to supernature and the Mass State to nature, whereas the Volume Church corresponds to culture and the Space Church to superculture.  From cosmology to philosophy on the one hand, and from theology to theosophy on the other - this latter having still to arise in what would be the Superchurch, so to speak, of a Social Transcendentalist Centre, as germane, so I contend, to 'Kingdom Come', in which the Space of the lungs supersedes the Volume of the brain, and the Bible is accordingly consigned to the rubbish heap of religious history, in order that the way may be cleared for the contemplation/meditation of the truly Saved.


3.   ANTIQUATED TRADITIONS.  Strictly speaking, the Church is only posterior to the Kingdom, the autocratic State, since it is rooted in the Father and thus reflects the religious equivalent of autocratic tyranny, in which the People are effectively subjects of a ruling God, and are therefore less than truly free; indeed, are really enslaved to this 'Creator God' who pre-dates kings and royals generally.  Even Christ is depicted merely as an extension of the Father, Whose mission it was to bring humanity closer to 'His Father' and thus, by implication, to lock them into a cosmological order, an order over which the Creator presides.  Fortunately, there is a lot more to the Church than that!  But that is the root from which Christianity sprang, and such a root goes all the way back to Judaic tradition in the Old Testament.  In short, the Church is itself locked into the Bible to such an extent ... that it is at times synonymous with Judaic Superheathenism, with a cosmological religion or, more correctly, pseudo-religion whose 'Kingdom', more literal than metaphorical here, is assuredly 'Without' rather than 'Within'.  That is what makes the Church such an unattractive proposition for the majority of intelligent people in so-called Christian countries, whose self-respect is so blatantly undermined not only by Biblical primitivity, but by the whole tradition of Christian adherence to the Bible.  For what is the Bible but a history of the ancient Hebrews, and thus an account, in allegorical or other form, of certain people, events, teachings, etc., from - Greek and Roman exceptions notwithstanding - a largely Jewish point-of-view?  What relevance can the Bible possibly have to intelligent North Europeans living in a vastly different environment, climate, culture, and age from the Jews of 2000 or more years ago?  Isn't it patently obvious that such a Book will be more of a burden than a blessing, a detraction, in its antiquated irrelevance, from the dignity of modern freedom-loving men?  How can one possibly take seriously a Book treating of swords and spears, kings and princes, warriors and shepherds, robes and sandals, tabernacles and scrolls, oxen and ploughshares, chariots and bowmen, etc., etc. in this day and age?  And why should a North European people like, say, the Irish ... have to countenance a Book largely composed by and about Jews, when they could have their own religious culture and a range of more contemporary writings which would speak directly to them, encouraging them to abandon theology for theosophy?  Doesn't the existence of the Bible as the Book of Christendom's official religion detract from native culture and self-determination, making people overly deferential to traditions which have no bearing whatsoever on their own country?  Surely now is the time to do away with such a Book in the interests of a resurrection to better things, to writings such as these, which I would prefer people to read via compact floppies and/or discs so as to be rid of the crass materialism and 'squareness' of books once and for all!  Surely now is the time to make a clean break with the past, with Bibles and Fathers, churches and priests, crucifixes and statues, in order to achieve salvation in and through Social Transcendentalism, abandoning the Church for the Centre?  Surely now is the time of Judgement!


4.   PLATFORM OF LIBERATION.  If the Church is posterior to the Kingdom, or autocratic State, then the republican, or democratic, State is posterior to the Church, not as a new omega, no! (for the Church is still effectively omega in relation to the Kingdom, and this despite appearances and traditions to the contrary), but as a new alpha, a sort of liberal super-alpha which, embodying false progress, should permit of a super-omega, or Superchurch, if the People so decide.  For granted the opportunity to vote for religious sovereignty through he who proclaims himself in Messianic terms, the architect of Social Transcendentalism, the People could thereby achieve deliverance not only from the World (of their republican 'sins', or secular sovereignties), but from those fundamentalist aspects of the Church which smack of cosmological and natural determinism, the whole ethos of Creator-oriented subjection and self-abasement.  For until the People throw off the yoke of cosmological determinism, they will not enter into that freedom of the (Social Transcendentalist) Beyond, wherein one is one's own God in the blessed salvation of the Holy Spirit of Heaven.  The Republican State is the perfect platform, it seems to me, from which the People can democratically launch themselves into 'Kingdom Come' and the right, thereby, to spiritual self-determination - a right germane to religious sovereignty and guaranteed by the Centre for all Eternity.