1.   EYES AND EARS.  The Superheathen light of the eyes contrasts with the Superheathen heat (fire) of the ears as the Clear Light of the Void (Spatial Space) with the Clear Fire of Time, or Hinduism with Judaism.  The eyes correlate with light, but they can be associated with heat when combined with eye shadow, as by women who are intent on using make-up for seductive purposes, when they assume a more Buddhist dimension.  For the fire of light is akin to Buddhism in its more colourful approach to the Clear Light ... and thus, by implication, to the eyes.  We pass from monochromatic photos to polychromatic photos when female eyes are heavily made-up, just as we pass from polychromatic films to monochromatic films when ears are made-up or, rather, adorned with light-suggesting earrings, and Jehovah would appear to have eclipsed Satan in the development of a more Judaic sensibility, one owing more to the light of fire than to the fire itself.  For the light of fire is no more akin to the light than ... the fire of light to the fire, else earrings and eye shadow would be equivalent phenomena, as would monochromatic films and polychromatic photos.  Judaism and Buddhism remain apart even here, no less than Satanism and Hinduism, the fire and the light, the ears and the eyes.


2.   FIRELIGHT VERSES LIGHTFIRE.  Judaism no more rises above firelight, the naturalistic light of the (monotheistic) Sun, than Buddhism sinks below lightfire, the idealistic fire, as we may call it, of the (polytheistic) Cosmos.  Judaism is rooted in the satanic fire of the Sun, no less than Buddhism's roots go back to the Hindu light of the Cosmos.  Yet this does not make Judaism evil and Buddhism good.  Judaism remains fundamentally submasculine and therefore subheavenly in its solar naturalism, which contrasts with the superfeminine and hence superhellish essence of stellar idealism.  For it is the light which is diabolical in its centrifugal outpouring from a spatial vacuum, not the fire, which consumes inwardly.


3.   POPULAR DELUSION.  We have lived too long with the delusion that light is good and fire evil, as though in deference to superfeminine primacy.  (Thus it happens that submasculine elements - as we may fittingly call them - 'suck up' to the superfeminine, to the sort of women whose eyes are garishly made-up, even to the extent of light-suggesting false eyelashes, and who will be garbed, if not in a sari, as befitting a bona fide Superfemale, then almost certainly in a dress - that Western equivalent, as it were, of the more primal mode of attire especially favoured by oriental females of a Hindu/Buddhist cast traditionally.)  Yet the notion that light is good and fire evil also derives from the fact that people prefer to regard lightfire as evil in relation to light and firelight as good in relation to fire, which does of course make a certain amount of superficial sense, even though lightfire, and thus Buddhism, is affiliated to light, just as firelight, and thus Judaism, has an affiliation with fire.  But, then, Judaism stems from the more primal traditions of Hinduism/Buddhism, and therefore it follows that firelight, and thus Jehovah, will stand above fire, and thus Satan, given the primacy of light in the older religions.


4.   ALTERNATIVE TRADITIONS.  One can no more separate Buddhism from Hinduism than ... Judaism from Satanism.  A polychromatic photo may or may not be more evil, i.e. fiery, than a monochromatic one, but it is still a photo, just as a film is still a film even when it is in monochrome rather than polychrome (colour).  Yet I do not, myself, see fire as evil and light as good, as I trust I have already made clear, and therefore I cannot regard a polychromatic photo as more evil than a monochromatic one or, alternatively, a monochromatic film as more good than a polychromatic one.  On the contrary, a polychromatic photo is less evil than a monochromatic one because quasi-submasculine rather than superfeminine, whilst a polychromatic film is more good than a monochromatic one because submasculine rather than quasi-superfeminine.  Buddhism is less evil than Hinduism, while Satanism is more good – I almost said better - than Judaism.  Buddhism is a man singing the Blues as opposed to a woman singing them, whereas Satanism is a trumpet-based male form of Jazz as opposed to a sax-based 'female' form of it.  A man singing the Blues is lightfire, whereas a woman playing Jazz is firelight.  Yet firelight is still preferable, morally and ideologically, to lightfire, just as Jazz is preferable, on similar counts, to the Blues.  Even a monochromatic film is preferable, judged by submasculine criteria, to a polychromatic photo.  Even Jehovah is preferable, on these terms, to the Clear Fire of Buddhism.  What Jehovah, and thus by implication monochromatic films and sax-based Jazz, is not preferable to ... is Satan, or polychromatic films and trumpet-based Jazz, since the submasculine is more genuinely subheavenly than the quasi-superfeminine, being of the fire rather than of the firelight.  Better a Subheaven than a quasi-Superhell!   But better a quasi-Superhell rooted in the fire (of the Sun) than a quasi-Subheaven rooted in the light (of the Cosmos)!  Better (female) Jazz than (male) Blues!