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Cyclic Philosophy


Copyright © 2012 John O'Loughlin





1. Introducing Will-Spirit-Ego-Soul

2. Doing-Giving-Taking-Being

3. Power-Glory-Form-Content(ment)

4. Some General Ideas

5. Right and Wrong Revisited

6. From Clearness to Holiness

7. Will-Spirit-Ego-Soul Revisited

8. The Sensibility of Holiness

9. The Sensibility of Unclearness

10. Alternative Sensualities

11. From Chaos to Paradise

12. Religious Categories

13. Values and Antivalues

14. The Nature of Judgement

15. The Struggle for Sensibility

16. Sensibility and Sanity

17. Forms of Competition and Co-operation

18. Free to Prey and Bound to Pray

19. Significant Racial Distinctions

20. Positive Racial Consciousness

21. Nordic and Celtic

22. Towards the Urban Centre

23. Urban/Suburban Patchwork

24. Self-negation through External Manipulation

25. Godless Impostor

26. Power and Glory vis-à-vis Form and Content(ment)

27. Immanence and Transcendence

28. Free to Enthral vis-à-vis Bound to Enslave
