1.   The Will, according to elemental disposition, can be evil, good, foolish, or wise, on both relative (phenomenal) and absolute (noumenal) terms.  Chemical will can be evil (sensual) or good (sensible), metachemical will likewise.  Physical will can be foolish (sensual) or wise (sensible), metaphysical will likewise.


2.   The Spirit, according to elemental disposition, can be clear, unclear, unholy, or holy, on both relative (phenomenal) and absolute (noumenal) terms.  Chemical spirit can be clear (sensual) or unclear (sensible), metachemical spirit likewise.  Physical spirit can be unholy (sensual) or holy (sensible), metaphysical spirit likewise.


3.   The Ego, according to elemental disposition, can be barbarous, civilized, natural, or cultural, on both relative (phenomenal) and absolute (noumenal) terms.  Chemical ego can be barbarous (sensual) or civilized (sensible), metachemical ego likewise.  Physical ego can be natural (sensual) or cultural (sensible), metaphysical ego likewise.


4.   The Soul, according to elemental disposition, can be cruel, punishing, sinful, or graceful, on both relative (phenomenal) and absolute (noumenal) terms.  Chemical soul can be cruel (sensual) or punishing (sensible), metachemical soul likewise.  Physical soul can be sinful (sensual) or graceful (sensible), metaphysical soul likewise.