1.   A simple distinction, in my view, between sensuality and sensibility, immorality and morality, whereby immorality, and hence wrongness, is premised upon sensuality, but morality, and hence rightness, upon sensibility.


2.   Rightness and wrongness can, however, be direct or indirect - wrongness being direct when female but indirect when male, whereas rightness is direct when male but indirect when female.


3.   When wrongness, or immorality, is direct (female) it is objective and free, when it is indirect (male) it is subjective and enslaved (unbound), and this whether in noumenal or phenomenal, absolute or relative, terms.


4.   When rightness, or morality, is direct (male), it is subjective and bound, when it is indirect (female) it is objective and constrained (unfree), and this whether in phenomenal or noumenal, relative or absolute, terms.


5.   Wrongness is a blessing for females and a curse for males, whereas rightness is a salvation for males (from the curse of indirect wrongness) and a damnation for females (from the blessing of direct wrongness).


6.   To be delivered, as a phenomenal male (a man), from the curse of massive mass (in the phallus) to the salvation of voluminous volume (in the brain), rising diagonally from mass to volume in mass-volume subjectivity, which is physical and, hence, vegetative.


7.   To be delivered, as a phenomenal female (a woman), in response to the above from the blessing of volumetric volume (in the tongue) to the damnation of massed mass (in the womb), falling diagonally from volume to mass in volume-mass objectivity, which is chemical and, hence, watery.


8.   To be delivered, as a noumenal male (a god), from the curse of sequential time (in the ears) to the salvation of spaced space (in the lungs), rising diagonally from time to space in time-space subjectivity, which is metaphysical and, hence, airy.


9.   To be delivered, as a noumenal female (a devil), in response to the above from the blessing of spatial space (in the eyes) to the damnation of repetitive time (in the heart), falling diagonally from space to time in space-time objectivity, which is metachemical and, hence, fiery.


10.  In either case, whether phenomenal or noumenal, relative or absolute, the female 'fall' follows from a male 'rise', and the male rises precisely because he wishes to progress from indirect wrongness to direct rightness, as from sensuality to sensibility, thereby escaping the curse of under-plane subservience - and subjection - to a female hegemony.