1.   If one takes a universal view of humanity, it will be evident, sooner or later, that most people on this planet are not blue-eyed, still less green- or grey-eyed, but brown-eyed to one degree or another, and that brown eyes are therefore more characteristic of the human race in general than any other colour, including blue.


2.   I like to think of this racial distinction between a brown-eyed majority and a blue- and/or green-eyed minority as akin to an iceberg, the greater bulk of which remains submerged beneath the surface of the sea as its tip thrusts up into the sky.


3.   Humanity, it seems, is akin to an iceberg, in which the brown-eyed majority effectively live beneath the surface of life while the blue-eyed minority thrust up into the sky.  In other words, the brown-eyed are akin to the submerged bulk of the iceberg and the blue-eyed to the lofty tip of it which has climbed above the sea level towards the sky, as though from subconsciousness to consciousness.


4.   This is, of course, an oversimplification, but it strikes me as a credible metaphor for the division of humanity between a brown-eyed majority and a blue-eyed minority, the former of which more often than not - and especially in the case of dark-skinned peoples - tend to lead and to respect a lifestyle that is closer to the earth, more earthly and mundane, one could say, than loftily aloof from the earth in some sky-biased or 'ivory-tower' idealism or, better, transcendentalism which spurns the flesh the better to cultivate the spirit and/or soul.


5.   Again I am of course generalizing, which, as a sort of artist-philosopher, I feel I have every right to do; but not, I believe, without due consideration to the facts of life as reflected in the world around me, not least of all in relation to north London, which thereby justifies me in taking this line.


6.   So the airy blue-eyed are akin to the tip of a racial iceberg which, originating in Northern Europe, has climbed above the brown-eyed bulk of it as spread-out over most other regions of the globe.  Only in Northern Europe, initially, did man evolve to a blue-eyed disposition to any significant extent, while most other parts of the world continued to remain bogged down in an almost total dark-eyed uniformity.


7.   And these dark-eyed peoples are more characteristic, I shall contend, of the world in general, and typify, it seems to me, a mundane mean which fights shy, even if unconsciously, of airy transcendentalism, of too sky-biased an orientation, even of the preconditions of that in some crucifixional symbolism in which the flesh has been renounced.


8.   Mysticism, with them, is never or rarely pure and simple in relation to the sky, and hence air.  It is never or rarely - Far Eastern exceptions to the rule notwithstanding - divorced from the earth, and free from some kind of mundane significance, whether sexual, animal, vegetative, social, or whatever.


9.   It is not the traditional brown-eyed regions of the world which uphold the most exalted mysticism, such that fights shy of sexual or natural connotations, with or without the aid of the Cross, but rather the Christian West traditionally, and then more in relation to the blue-eyed regions of Northern Europe than to Europe as a whole.


10.  For while Nordics and other North Europeans may have divorced their mysticism, their spirituality, their religiosity, from the earth, the Latins and other South Europeans have, by and large, persisted in upholding some form of earth mysticism, not least of all sexually, which though distinct in its Marian connotations from the more deeply traditional earthiness of Africa and Asia nevertheless overlaps with - and necessarily blends-in to - those cultures which are more openly sexual and natural.


11.  Thus the dichotomy between the blue-eyed North and the brown-eyed South of Europe, while embracing two different Christian traditions, one of which overlaps with the heathenistic world, is only part of a perspective which extends a lot farther south and east traditionally, to embrace peoples of non-European and non-Christian descent, most of whom would be, or have been, more deeply mundane, and heathen, than their Latin or Hellenistic counterparts.


12.  Be that as it may, it seems racially demonstrable to me that the brown-eyed are neither as transcendental nor as idealistic as their blue-eyed counterparts, and that wherever a significant percentage of blue-eyed humanity are gathered together, as in Northern Europe traditionally, there and there alone exist all that is most morally elevated and spiritually progressive, all that is capable of scaling the airy heights of genuine mysticism.


13.  Elsewhere, the brown-eyed have their mundane, earthly way, or ways (if we distinguish blacks from coloureds of one persuasion or another), in heathenistic defiance of and/or opposition to a more elevated spiritual order, call it Christian or transcendental, or whatever.


14.  Frankly, I can't see things changing very much with them; but I can see the threat to either the existence or the possibility of a higher culture, a mystical and air-oriented culture, which such peoples pose to North Europeans, and blue-eyed North Europeans in particular, by living among them, especially if in such great numbers that they become a serious genetic threat to their very existence, and not simply an ethical or cultural irrelevance the very presence of which confirms a moral relativism which cannot but undermine moral confidence.


15.  For sooner or later interbreeding is likely to occur - as, in fact, is already happening - and the offspring of such mixed relationships are more likely to be brown-eyed than blue-eyed, thereby diminishing the racial pool of Nordic and/or Celtic humanity, and turning the society in which they live increasingly mundane and earth-centred.


16.  I, for one, would prefer that, in a hundred years' time, there were still blue-eyed people in the world, that they hadn't been bred out of existence through interbreeding with the brown-eyed majority, particularly persons of coloured origins, so that, contrary to my liking, the world of that time was even more earthly than today, with sexual and natural mysticism everywhere the prevailing ideology.


17.  I fear that in some countries, including England, this process (as it might be called) is already well under way, and is likely to gather momentum, both as the coloured peoples breed among themselves and subsequently interbreed with whites, in the foreseeable future.  For such countries little or nothing can be done, and they deserve the fate, in a manner of speaking, which they have imperialistically brought upon themselves.


18.  For other countries, like Ireland, such a process, for a variety of reasons, not least historically, is much less advanced, and therefore there is still hope that the process as it exists can be controlled and regulated in a manner which will not only safeguard their existing culture but, more importantly, enable a new and higher culture to develop in relation to what I have elsewhere called 'Kingdom Come'.  I include, besides Ireland, both Scotland and Wales within the scope of this alternative dispensation, though I am more confident about Scottish prospects than about Welsh ones, as things currently stand.