1.   It is said that the eyes are the windows of the soul, and certainly it is true that moods and emotions, not to mention certain thoughts, are often apparent to others from a casual observance of one's eyes at the time.


2.   But such moods and emotions are more usually sensual, not sensible, for the more one develops the soul internally, in relation to sensibility, the less is it likely to show up externally, in relation to the eyes.  In fact, the highest and deepest emotions are best experienced with the eyes shut, since the one extreme tends to exclude the other, and sight would only be a distraction from the inner emotions of sensible soul.


3.   Thus the more essential experiences like emotions become, the less apparent they will be, and the harder to detect from an external standpoint in consequence.  The eyes may be the windows of superficial soul, but they are more of an obstacle than a conduit to profound soul!


4.   Nevertheless, I have written, at the risk of being taken in some quarters for a devil's apologist, of the eyes in relation to colour (see the above cycle), and of that in relation to race, since there does seem to be a connection, universally demonstrable, between the two.


5.   In fact, it would seem that eye colour is not merely arbitrary but so deeply connected to race, to racial types, that it would be difficult to the point of impossible to imagine no connection between the two, and foolish, moreover, to go about the world with a racial blind spot, so to speak, as to distinctions of eye colour.  For eye colour, like the colour of skin and hair, tells one something, though not everything, about other people, and enables one to formulate opinions and judgements in relation to them.


6.   Morally blind is that man who cannot formulate opinions or judgements in relation to other people on this basis, whether through racial ignorance or political expedience or religious sanctimoniousness or moral cowardice, or whatever.


7.   Yet having well thought-out opinions and basing one's life on them is one thing; turning against others because they are different and then racially and/or physically abusing them quite another, and while the former is a mark of wisdom, the latter is the height not merely of folly but of evil, and can never be condoned!


8.   Whatever colour your eyes or, for that matter, your skin and hair  may happen to be, others have as much natural right to exist as you do, even if they are higher or lower, as the case may be, since that which lives deserves to live, provided it is not a threat either to itself or to others.


9.   In reality, of course, there are greater and lesser degrees of a right to exist, degrees subject to values which transcend nature, like income, environment, profession, class, but these are subject to different criteria than those applying to natural rights, and do not revolve around colour, neither of eyes, skin, nor hair.


10.  However, since nature is all the time being challenged and modified, as well as shamelessly exploited, by men, there is no guarantee that natural rights applying today will still be applicable tomorrow, whether the 'tomorrow' happens to be a hundred or a thousand years' time.


11.  There is no guarantee, in short, that mankind will be the same in a hundred or a thousand years' time as it is today, in the early twenty-first century, and therefore we cannot safely assume that differences of colour will continue to exist in a variety of contexts, as they have in the past.


12.  But if we are determined to develop a higher culture in countries where, due to both traditional and contemporary factors, such a development would seem feasible, then we have got to safeguard the criteria upon which such a development can be made, including those appertaining to a logically-based racial consciousness which is aware of itself and certain of its capacities to achieve more.


13.  A federation, involving Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, of Social Transcendental Centres characterized by religious sovereignty and the reign of a Messianic 'God-King' (the effective Second Coming of Christian eschatology), such as I have provisionally identified with 'Kingdom Come', would have to be consciously Gaelic and aware of its capacities to develop ever more transcendentally on the basis of true spirituality.


14.  If this is something that the Gael is not capable of, then it is debatable whether Gaelic would have a cultural right to exist.  But if, because of a blue-eyed disposition in the race generally, the Gael is capable of such a transformation and enhancement of spirituality, then he should be given every encouragement to develop it and to lead the way into 'Kingdom Come' for others to follow, in due course.  For only higher races can take a lead in developing Social Transcendentalism, whatever the future may hold for humanity in general.


15.  Not, then, to squander one's racial inheritance, but to capitalize on it; such is my concept of positive racism.  For it is not directed against others of a different race or racial disposition, but is integral to oneself and to how one behaves in consequence of positive racial consciousness.