1.   The female can only remain free to exploit her chemical and/or metachemical not-self in sensuality so long as the male is resigned to being enthralled by what she does and/or gives.  Should he become disillusioned with his dependence in this respect he will gravitate more closely to self, to the sensibility of physics and/or metaphysics, wherein he is saved from the curse of freedom from self, which is enthralment.


2.   Freedom is a blessing and enthralment a curse, but that man who becomes disillusioned with enthralment and consciously gravitates, in salvation, to self-binding will seek the enslavement of females to his self via constrained not-self, which is damnation.


3.   The damned female, whether lower class (mass/phenomenal) or upper class (time/noumenal), will find enslavement of not-self to the bound self of her male, as of males in general, no less contrary to her nature than the cursed male, whether upper class (time/noumenal) or lower class (mass/phenomenal) will find enthralment of self by the free not-self of his female, as of females in general, contrary to his nature.


4.   For whereas females are primarily of the not-self and only secondarily of the self, on account of their objective dispositions in relation to a vacuum, males are primarily of the self and only secondarily of the not-self, on account of their subjective dispositions in relation to a plenum.  Therefore the male whose self is enthralled by female not-self, whether chemical or metachemical, is no less removed from his self-interest than the female whose not-self is enslaved by male self ... from her not-self interest.


5.   Self-interest for the male entails binding to self in sensibility; not-self interest for the female entails freedom of not-self in sensuality.  That which is advantageous to the one gender becomes disadvantageous to the other, and vice versa.


6.   Deliverance from enslavement of not-self to binding to freedom for not-self interest is what most suits females; deliverance from enthralment of self to freedom to binding in self-interest is what most suits males.  For females prefer being blessed, in heathenistic fashion, with freedom over males than being delivered, contrary to not-self interest, to enslavement under males, whereas males prefer being saved, in Christian fashion, to binding over females than being cursed, contrary to self-interest, by enthralment under females.


7.   Just as enslavement for females is a binding of not-self, the paradoxical placing of constraints upon freedom of not-self action, so enthralment for males is a paradoxical freedom from self, an escape from self through the dispersal, centrifugally, of binding.


8.   Since the subjectivity of their disposition ensures that self-interest is of more applicability to males than denial of self through the secondary freedom, the indirect freedom, of enthralment, the male who denies his self-interest in sensuality always risks being torn apart by the objective object of his enthralment.


9.   Since the objectivity of their disposition ensures that not-self interest is of more applicability to females than denial of not-self through the secondary binding, the indirect binding, of enslavement, the female who denies her not-self in sensibility always risks being eclipsed or upstaged by the subjective subject of her enslavement.


10.  Females are selfishly dominated by males in sensibility, becoming unto a 'second sex', whereas males are not-selfishly dominated by females in sensuality, whereupon they likewise become akin to a 'second sex'.


11.  Those who, as females, are dominated by binding in sensibility are damned, whereas those who, as males, are dominated by freedom in sensuality are cursed.


12.  Conversely, those who, as males, dominate through binding to self in sensibility are saved, whereas those who, as females, dominate through freedom of not-self in sensuality are blessed.


13.  Blessed with freedom (for not-self) and damned by enslavement (of not-self), females will tend to prefer the former to the latter, even though this means that the evil of barbarism takes precedence, in freedom, over the goodness of civilization with them, as of vice over virtue.


14.  Saved by binding (to self) and cursed with enthralment (of self), males will tend to prefer the former to the latter, thereby permitting the wisdom of culture to take precedence over the folly of philistinism, as of virtue over vice.


15.  For while freedom has intimate connections with barbarism (in relation to not-self) for females and with philistinism (in relation to self) for males, the former directly immoral and therefore criminal but the latter indirectly immoral and therefore sinful, binding has no less intimate connections with culture (in relation to self) for males and with civilization (in relation to not-self) for females, the former directly moral and therefore graceful but the latter indirectly moral and therefore punishing.


16.  The good female, whether phenomenally relative or noumenally absolute, woman or devil, will be more identifiable with civilization than with barbarism, and thus with punishment than with crime, while the wise male, whether phenomenally relative or noumenally absolute, man or god, will be more identifiable with culture than with philistinism, and thus with grace than with sin.


17.  Culture requires the support of civilization, as wisdom of goodness, and therefore the oppression of females in terms of the paradoxical placement of sensible constraints upon their not-self freedom-of-action, which is primary with them on account of their objective dispositions, as conditioned by a vacuum.


18.  A society which is dominated by females, through freedom, is one that is immorally removed from culture and civilization in barbarism and philistinism, and therefore more characterized by evil and folly than by wisdom and goodness, by crime and sin, in other words,  than by grace and punishment.


19.  Such a society, being sensually heathenistic, is not just at bottom evil and foolish, but predominantly evil and foolish, with an incapacity, bordering on aversion, for wisdom and goodness.


20.  A society dominated or characterized by barbarism, a free society, will make a god out of evil and a devil out of folly, the curse of the 'free', or enthralled, male, whose sinful disposition will be upstaged by the criminality of the blessed free.


21.  A society dominated or characterized by culture, a bound society, will make a god out of wisdom and a devil out of goodness, the damnation of the 'bound', or enslaved, female, whose punishing disposition will be upstaged by the grace of the saved bound.


22.  As a male, I would have to prefer the latter type of society, and will do what I can to help bring it to pass as a matter of moral necessity.  For the barbarous and philistine alternative is something to be delivered from, not something to esteem as an end-in-itself. 


23.  Let the true end of life be culture and civilization, and may Social Transcendentalism be the ideological focus for and means by which it can come to pass in relation to 'Kingdom Come', wherein wisdom and goodness will sit virtuously enthroned for all Eternity!


24.  For that is the promise of 'Kingdom Come', of a federation, initially, of the Gaels, and religious sovereignty is the means by which it can be brought democratically to pass come Judgement, or the decision as to whether to be saved and/or damned from freedom to binding, as from barbarism and philistinism, evil and folly, to civilization and culture, goodness and wisdom, when the opportunity eventually comes to pass, as it surely must if a morally sensible alternative to the sensual immorality of the present is to officially become a reality and not remain a dream-wish of the disillusioned few.



LONDON 2001 (Revised 2012)


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