201a.   The divine self of photon spirit vis-à-vis the diabolic not-self of proton soul.

    b.   The feminine self of electron will vis-à-vis the masculine not-self of neutron intellect.


202a.   Subjectivism of the self that, being divine, is at one with Heaven.

    b.   Subjectivity of the self that, being feminine, is at one with the world.


203a.   Objectivism of the not-self that, being diabolic, is at variance with Heaven, and therefore of Hell.

    b.   Objectivity of the not-self that, being masculine, is at variance with the world, and therefore of purgatory.


204a.   The world can pass beyond the feminine to the divine, and thus achieve noumenal salvation.

    b.   Yet purgatory cannot become divine, but either diabolic or feminine, depending on whether it is damned or achieves relative salvation in a worldly rebirth.


205a.   Thus salvation for the physical not-self lies in the physical self of worldly rebirth.

    b.   Whereas damnation for the physical not-self lies in the metaphysical not-self of diabolic death.


206a.   The metaphysical not-self cannot become the metaphysical self, any more than the Devil can become God.

    b.   All the metaphysical not-self can do, if positive, is devolve into the physical self of worldly rebirth and await the salvation to Eternal Life which follows from a mundane precondition.


207a.   The feminine/physical self of electron will is the death-in-life which can become the divine/metaphysical self of photon spirit, with Eternal Life.

    b.   The masculine/physical not-self of neutron intellect is the life-in-death which can become the diabolic/metaphysical not-self of proton soul, with Eternal Death.


208a.   Compared to feminine subjectivity, masculine objectivity is a living death.

    b.   Compared to divine subjectivism, diabolic objectivism is Eternal Death.


209a.   Death-in-life is phenomenally subjective, whereas life-in-death is phenomenally objective.

    b.   Eternal Life is noumenally subjective, whereas Eternal Death is noumenally objective.


210a.   Re-birth comes when the masculine lion lies down with the feminine lamb, becoming one-with-the-world.

    b.   Re-death, so to speak, comes when the masculine lion, in rejecting the world, is overtaken by the Devil, becoming indistinguishable from Hell.


211a.   Nonconformism either embraces humanism or slides towards fundamentalism, wherein it is damned.

    b.   For nonconformism cannot be saved from the fate that awaits it ... in the event of its rejecting the world.


212a.   The Second Coming can only save the world, and hence humanism, from itself to the heaven of airy transcendentalism.

    b.   The Devil can only damn purgatory, and hence nonconformism, from itself to the hell of fiery fundamentalism.


213a.   Heaven is a photon light of blessed being.

    b.   Hell is a proton heat of cursed feeling.


214a.   Purgatory is a neutron coldness of abstract knowing.

    b.   The world is an electron darkness of concrete doing.


215a.   Salvation is from concrete doing to blessed being, as from phenomenal subjectivity to noumenal subjectivism.

    b.   Damnation is from abstract knowing to cursed feeling, as from phenomenal objectivity to noumenal objectivism.


216a.   Strictly speaking, being, feeling, knowing, and doing are not religious but scientific or, rather, philosophic terms.

    b.   Likewise, spirit, soul, intellect, and will are less religious than philosophic terms.


217a.   Being stands to spirit as Heaven to the Holy Spirit.

    b.   Feeling stands to soul as Hell to the Father.


218a.   Knowing stands to intellect as Purgatory to the Son.

    b.   Doing stands to will as the World to the Mother.


219a.   No less than Heaven is the context in which the Holy Spirit manifests itself, so being is the context in which spirit becomes manifest.

    b.   No less than Hell is the context in which the Father manifests Himself, so feeling is the context in which soul becomes manifest.


220a.   No less than Purgatory is the context in which the Son manifests Himself, so knowing is the context in which intellect becomes manifest.

    b.   No less than the World is the context in which the Mother manifests Herself, so doing is the context in which will becomes manifest.


221a.   God created religion, but the Devil created science.

    b.   Man created politics, but woman created economics.


222a.   As foolish to believe that God created the world as ... that woman created God.

    b.   As foolish to believe that the Devil created purgatory as ... that man created the Devil.


223a.   Idealism stands to transcendentalism as being to Heaven.

    b.   Naturalism stands to fundamentalism as feeling to Hell.


224a.   Materialism stands to puritanism as knowing to purgatory.

    b.   Realism stands to humanism as doing to the world.


225a.   To speak of communist idealism, but of Taoist transcendentalism.

    b.   To speak of fascist naturalism, but of Islamic fundamentalism.


226a.   To speak of parliamentary materialism, but of Protestant nonconformism.

    b.   To speak of republican realism, but of Catholic humanism.


227a.   To speak of being and spirit in connection with communist idealism, but of Heaven and the Holy Spirit in connection with Taoist transcendentalism.

    b.   To speak of feeling and soul in connection with fascist naturalism, but of Hell and the Father in connection with Islamic fundamentalism.


228a.   To speak of knowing and intellect in connection with parliamentary materialism, but of Purgatory and the Son in connection with Protestant nonconformism.

    b.   To speak of doing and will in connection with republican realism, but of the World and the Mother in connection with Catholic humanism.


229a.   Hence a kind of photon-particle/wavicle distinction between idealism and transcendentalism.

    b.   Hence a kind of proton-particle/wavicle distinction between naturalism and fundamentalism.


230a.   Hence a kind of neutron-particle/wavicle distinction between materialism and nonconformism.

    b.   Hence a kind of electron-particle/wavicle distinction between realism and humanism.


231a.   If, through idealism, heavenly philosophy embraces being and spirit, heavenly religion embraces Heaven and the Holy Spirit through transcendentalism.

    b.   If, through naturalism, hellish philosophy embraces feeling and soul, hellish religion embraces Hell and the Father through fundamentalism.


232a.   If, through materialism, purgatorial philosophy embraces knowing and intellect, purgatorial religion embraces Purgatory and the Son through nonconformism.

    b.   If, through realism, worldly philosophy embraces doing and will, worldly religion embraces the World and the Mother through humanism.


233a.   In contrast to the transcendentalism of heavenly religion and the idealism of heavenly philosophy, heavenly science embraces chemistry through photons.

    b.   In contrast to the fundamentalism of hellish religion and the naturalism of hellish philosophy, hellish science embraces physics through protons.


234a.   In contrast to the nonconformism of purgatorial religion and the materialism of purgatorial philosophy, purgatorial science embraces technology through neutrons.

    b.   In contrast to the humanism of worldly religion and the realism of worldly philosophy, worldly science embraces biology through electrons.


235a.   Heavenly science, philosophy, and religion are concerned with truth.

    b.   Hellish science, philosophy, and religion are concerned with strength.


236a.   Purgatorial science, philosophy, and religion are concerned with goodness.

    b.   Worldly science, philosophy, and religion are concerned with beauty.


237a.   Religion approaches truth, strength, goodness, and beauty from within - through subjective experience.

    b.   Science approaches truth, strength, goodness, and beauty from without - through objective experiment.


238a.   Philosophy approaches truth, strength, goodness, and beauty from the intermediate realm of a mind given to intellectual exposition.

    b.   Natural law, which stands to science, philosophy, and religion as 'Mother Nature' to a solar-lunar-stellar trinity, approaches truth, strength, goodness, and beauty from the mundane realm of a will given to evidential acquisition.


239a.   Science speaks less in terms of being, feeling, knowing, and doing than of ... space, time, volume, and mass.

    b.   Likewise, science speaks less in terms of spirit, soul, intellect, and will than of ... cosmos, sun, moon, and the earth.


240a.   Where photons are concerned, space is the context in which the stellar cosmos manifests itself.

    b.   Where protons are concerned, time is the context in which the solar sun manifests itself.


241a.   Where neutrons are concerned, volume is the context in which the lunar moon manifests itself.

    b.   Where electrons are concerned, mass is the context in which the planar (planetary) earth manifests itself.


242a.   Space stands to the cosmos as being to spirit, or Heaven to the Holy Spirit.

    b.   Time stands to the sun as feeling to soul, or Hell to the Father.


243a.   Volume stands to the moon as knowing to intellect, or Purgatory to the Son.

    b.   Mass stands to the earth as doing to will, or the World to the Mother.


244a.   Air is no-less a precondition of the inner light of spirit than fire is a precondition of the outer heat of soul.

    b.   For air stands to spirit as Heaven to the Holy Spirit, whereas fire stands to soul as Hell to the Father.


245a.   Heaven is the context of air in which the Holy Spirit of inner light is made manifest.

    b.   Hell is the context of fire in which the soul of outer heat is made manifest.


246a.   Heaven is no more the inner light of the Holy Spirit ... than Hell is the outer heat of the Father.

   b.   The Holy Spirit is no more the context of air ... than the Father is the context of fire.


247a.   The Holy Spirit is not commensurate with the Clear light of the Void, but only with the Clear Light.

    b.   The Clear Light of the Void is not commensurate with the Holy Spirit, but only with the Holy Spirit of Heaven.


248a.   For Heaven/the Void is the context of air/space in which the Holy Spirit/Clear Light manifests itself.

    b.   Heaven/the Void is the truth/illusion in which the joy/woe of the Holy Spirit/Clear Light is made manifest.


249a.   Faith in the truth leads to the joy of blessed salvation.

    b.   For faith is acceptance of the correct means to a divine end.


250a.   Acceptance of air as the correct means to the divine end of a joyful transcendence ... is faith in the truth.

    b.   For the truth is heavenly, and heaven is the medium in which the joy of Holy Spirit comes to pass.


251a.   Where there is a Holy Spirit, there is also an Unholy Spirit, or Antispirit.

    b.   This Unholy Spirit is not the Devil but Jehovah, the primal spirit of the cosmos.


252a.   Wherever there is a Holy Soul, there is also an Unholy Soul, or Antisoul.

    b.   This Unholy Soul is not the Father but Satan, the primal soul of the sun.


253a.   Wherever there is a Holy Intellect, there is also an Unholy Intellect, or Anti-intellect.

    b.   This Unholy Intellect is not the Son but the Antichrist, the primal intellect of the moon.


254a.   Wherever there is a Holy Will, there is also an Unholy Will, or Antiwill

    b.   This Unholy Will is not the Mother but the Antimother, the primal will of the earth.


255a.   Hence where there is Taoism, there is Communism.

    b.   For Taoism stands to Communism as the Holy Spirit to the Unholy Spirit, or as photon-wavicle transcendentalism to photon-particle Idealism.


256a.   Hence where there is Mohammedanism, there is Fascism.

    b.   For Mohammedanism stands to Fascism as the Holy Soul to the Unholy Soul, or as proton-wavicle fundamentalism to proton-particle naturalism.


257a.   Hence where there is Protestantism, there is Parliamentarianism.

    b.   For Protestantism stands to Parliamentarianism as the Holy Intellect to the Unholy Intellect, or as neutron-wavicle nonconformism to neutron-particle materialism.


258a.   Hence where there is Catholicism, there is Republicanism.

    b.   For Catholicism stands to Republicanism as the Holy Will to the Unholy Will, or as electron-wavicle humanism to electron-particle realism.


259a.   The Holy Spirit is the essence of ultimate heaven (air), the Unholy Spirit ... the essence of primal heaven (space).

    b.   The Holy Soul is the essence of ultimate hell (fire), the Unholy Soul the essence of primal hell (time).


260a.   The Holy Intellect is the essence of ultimate purgatory (water), the Unholy Intellect the essence of primal purgatory (volume).

    b.   The Holy Will is the essence of the ultimate world (earth), the Unholy Will the essence of the primal world (mass).


261a.   The essence of Holy Spirit is inner light; the essence of Unholy Spirit is outer light.

    b.   The essence of Holy Soul is inner heat; the essence of Unholy Soul is outer heat.


262a.   The essence of Holy Intellect is inner coldness; the essence of Unholy Intellect is outer coldness.

    b.   The essence of Holy Will is inner darkness; the essence of Unholy Will is outer darkness.


263a.   To see within is holy, but to see without is unholy.

   b.   To feel within is holy, but to feel without is unholy.


264a.   To think within is holy, but to think without is unholy.

   b.   To act within is holy, but to act without is unholy.


265a.   Where the Holy God perceives within ... through meditation, the Unholy God perceives without ... through sight.

    b.   Where the Holy Devil feels within ... through emotion, the Unholy Devil feels without ... through sensation.


266a.   Where the holy man thinks within ... through prayer, the unholy man thinks without ... through speech.

    b.   Where the holy woman acts within ... through grace, the unholy woman acts without ... through style.


267a.   The Holy God apperceives joy through truth, whereas the Unholy God perceives woe through illusion.

    b.   The Holy Devil feels pride through strength, whereas the Unholy Devil feels humility, if not humiliation, through weakness.


268a.   The holy man thinks love through goodness, whereas the unholy man thinks hate through evil.

    b.   The holy woman acts pleasure through beauty, whereas the unholy woman acts pain through ugliness.


269a.   Joy through air as against woe through space.

    b.   Pride through fire as against humility through time.


270a.   Love through water as against hate through volume.

    b.   Pleasure through earth as against pain through mass.


271a.   Joy is the essence of Holy Spirit; air the essence of Heaven.

    b.   Woe is the essence of Unholy Spirit; space the essence of the cosmos.


272a.   Pride is the essence of Holy Soul; fire the essence of Hell.

    b.   Humility is the essence of Unholy Soul; time the essence of the sun.


273a.   Love is the essence of Holy Intellect; water the essence of purgatory.

    b.   Hate is the essence of Unholy Intellect; volume the essence of the moon.


274a.   Pleasure is the essence of Holy Will; earth the essence of the world.

    b.   Pain is the essence of Unholy Will; mass the essence of the earth.


275a.   Space being the essence of the cosmos, the cosmos is the appearance of space.

    b.   Time being the essence of the sun, the sun is the appearance of time.


276a.   Volume being the essence of the moon, the moon is the appearance of volume.

    b.   Mass being the essence of the earth, the earth is the appearance of mass.


277a.   Air being the essence of Heaven, Heaven is the appearance of air.

    b.   Fire being the essence of Hell, Hell is the appearance of fire.


278a.   Water being the essence of purgatory, purgatory is the appearance of water.

    b.   Earth being the essence of the world, the world is the appearance of earth.


279a.   The essence of air being lightness, the appearance of air is light.

    b.   The essence of fire being hotness, the appearance of fire is brightness.


280a.   The essence of water being coldness, the appearance of water is dullness.

    b.   The essence of earth being heaviness, the appearance of earth is darkness.


281a.   Joy being the essence of God, the appearance of God is truth.

    b.   Pride being the essence of the Devil, the appearance of the Devil is strength.


282a.   Love being the essence of man, the appearance of man is goodness.

    b.   Pleasure being the essence of woman, the appearance of woman is beauty.


283a.   Conversely, woe being the essence of Antigod, the appearance of Antigod is illusion.

    b.   Humility being the essence of the Antidevil, the appearance of the Antidevil is weakness.


284a.   Hate being the essence of antiman, the appearance of antiman is evil.

    b.   Pain being the essence of antiwoman, the appearance of antiwoman is ugliness.


285a.   Jazz music stands to rock music as transcendentalism to fundamentalism.

    b.   Hence transcendentalist jazz vis-à-vis fundamentalist rock.


286a.   Classical music stands to romantic music as humanism to puritanism.

    b.   Hence humanist classical vis-à-vis puritan romantic.


287a.   Jazz is the music of air, and hence of wind.

    b.   Rock is the music of fire, and hence of drums.


288a.   Romantic is the music of water, and hence of keyboards.

    b.   Classical is the music of earth, and hence of strings.


289a.   The electronic avant-garde is an extreme branch of the romantic, and hence of musical nonconformism.

    b.   The electronic avant-garde stands to electric pop as Nazism to Fascism, or boiling water to fire.


290a.   Where jazz is the music of God, blues is a music of the Antigod.

    b.   Where rock is the music of the Devil, pop is a music of the Antidevil.


291a.   Where romantic is the music of man, the avant-garde is a music of the antiman (both relatively and absolutely).

    b.   Where classical is the music of woman, folk is a music of the antiwoman (both relatively and absolutely).


292a.   Hence blues stands to jazz as woe to joy, or space to heaven.

   b.   Hence pop stands to rock as humility to pride, or time to hell.


293a.   Hence the avant-garde stands to romantic as hate to love, or volume to purgatory.

    b.   Hence folk stands to classical as pain to pleasure, or mass to the world.


294a.   Therefore to distinguish between the unholy spirit of blues, as of Communism, and the holy spirit of jazz, as of Taoism.

    b.   Therefore to distinguish between the unholy soul of pop, as of Fascism, and the holy soul of rock, as of Mohammedanism.


295a.   Therefore to distinguish between the unholy intellect of the avant-garde, as of parliamentarianism, and the holy intellect of romantic, as of Protestantism.

    b.   Therefore to distinguish between the unholy will of folk, as of republicanism, and the holy will of classical, as of Catholicism.


296a.   The pitch of jazz as against the rhythm of rock.

    b.   The harmony of classical as against the melody of romantic.


297a.   The antipitch of blues as against the antirhythm of pop.

    b.   The antiharmony of folk as against the antimelody of the avant-garde.


298a.   The photon-particle antipitch of blues vis-à-vis the photon-wavicle pitch of jazz.

    b.   The proton-particle antirhythm of pop vis-à-vis the proton-wavicle rhythm of rock.


299a.   The neutron-particle antimelody of the avant-garde vis-à-vis the neutron-wavicle melody of romantic.

    b.   The electron-particle antiharmony of folk vis-à-vis the electron-wavicle harmony of classical.


300a.   Blues wailing vis-à-vis jazz blowing.

    b.   Pop singing vis-à-vis rock drumming.