301a.   Avant-garde staccato vis-à-vis romantic legato.

    b.   Folk strumming vis-à-vis classical bowing.


302a.   The salvation of the classical world in the jazz heaven.

    b.   The damnation of the avant-garde purgatory in the pop hell.


303a.   From electron-wavicle harmony to photon-wavicle pitch.

    b.   From neutron-particle melody to proton-particle rhythm.


304a.   God is a joy of the inner light, the cosmos a woe of the outer light.

    b.   Heaven is a truth of the air, space an illusion of the sky.


305a.   The Devil is a pride of the inner heat, the sun a humility, if not humiliation, of the outer heat.

    b.   Hell is a strength of the fire, time a weakness of the flame.


306a.   Man is a love of the inner coldness, the moon a hatred of the outer coldness.

    b.   Purgatory is a goodness of the water, volume an evil of the frost.


307a.   Woman is a pleasure of the inner darkness, the earth a pain of the outer darkness.

    b.   The world is a beauty of the earth, mass an ugliness of the soil.


308a.   To shine inwardly in Heaven, but outwardly in space.

    b.   To burn inwardly in Hell, but outwardly in time.


309a.   To freeze inwardly in purgatory, but outwardly in volume.

    b.   To fade inwardly in the world, but outwardly in mass.


310a.   God shines in Heaven no less than joy in truth, the inner light in air, and spirit in transcendentalism.

    b.   The Devil burns in Hell no less than pride in strength, the inner heat in fire, and soul in fundamentalism.


311a.   Man freezes in purgatory no less than love in goodness, the inner coldness in water, and intellect in puritanism.

    b.   Woman fades in the world no less than pleasure in beauty, the inner darkness in earth, and will in humanism.


312a.   The cosmos shines in space no less than woe in illusion, the outer light in sky, and being in idealism.

    b.   The sun burns in time no less than humiliation in weakness, the outer heat in flame, and feeling in naturalism.


313a.   The moon freezes in volume no less than hate in evil, the outer coldness in frost, and knowing in materialism.

    b.   The earth fades in mass no less than ugliness in pain, the outer darkness in soil, and doing in realism.


314a.   The idealism of being as against the transcendentalism of God (the Holy Spirit).

    b.   The naturalism of feeling as against the fundamentalism of the Devil.


315a.   The materialism of knowing as against the nonconformism of man.

    b.   The realism of doing as against the humanism of woman.


316a.   The space of the cosmos as against the Heaven of the Holy Spirit.

    b.   The time of the sun as against the Hell of the Father.


317a.   The volume of the moon as against the Purgatory of the Son.

    b.   The mass of the earth as against the World of the Mother.


318a.   Being and God are as antithetical as the cosmos and the Holy Spirit, or idealism and transcendentalism.

    b.   Feeling and the Devil are as antithetical as time and the Father, or naturalism and fundamentalism.


319a.   Knowing and man are as antithetical as volume and the Son, or materialism and nonconformism.

    b.   Doing and woman are as antithetical as mass and the Mother, or realism and humanism.


320a.   Being is to scientific idealism what God is to religious transcendentalism - the essence of photons.

    b.   The cosmos has a photon-particle essence, God (the Holy Spirit) a photon-wavicle essence.


321a.   Feeling is to scientific naturalism what the Devil is to religious fundamentalism - the essence of protons.

    b.   The sun has a proton-particle essence, the Devil a proton-wavicle essence.


322a.   Knowing is to scientific materialism what man is to religious nonconformism - the essence of neutrons.

    b.   The moon has a neutron-particle essence, the son a neutron-wavicle essence.


323a.   Doing is to scientific realism what woman is to religious humanism - the essence of electrons.

    b.   The earth has an electron-particle essence, the Mother an electron-wavicle essence.


324a.   The light of the cosmos as against the spirit of God.

    b.   The heat of the sun as against the soul of the Devil.


325a.   The coldness of the moon as against the intellect of man.

    b.   The darkness of the earth as against the will of woman.


326a.   Light, being stellar, can only be experienced objectively.

    b.   Spirit, being divine, can only be experienced subjectively.


327a.   Heat, being solar, can only be experienced objectively.

    b.   Soul, being diabolic, can only be experienced subjectively.


328a.   Coldness, being lunar, can only be experienced objectively.

    b.   Intellect, being masculine, can only be experienced subjectively.


329a.   Darkness, being planar, can only be experienced objectively.

    b.   Will, being feminine, can only be experienced subjectively.


330a.   A scientific/religious struggle between light and spirit, objective photons and subjective photons.

    b.   A scientific/religious struggle between heat and soul, objective protons and subjective protons.


331a.   A scientific/religious struggle between coldness and intellect, objective neutrons and subjective neutrons.

    b.   A scientific/religious struggle between darkness and will, objective electrons and subjective electrons.


332a.   The 'objective' of religion is to advance the wavicle at the expense of the particle.

    b.   The objective of science is to advance the particle at the expense of the wavicle.


333a.   Religion seeks to understand the elements subjectively, as spirit, soul, intellect, and will.

    b.   Science seeks to understand the elements objectively, as air, fire, water, and earth.


334a.   Religion takes over from where science leaves off, for religion is subjective and science ... objective.

    b.   Religion reaches its peak in the omega, science was at its peak in the alpha.


335a.   Religion that hasn't come into its subjective own is quasi-scientific.

    b.   Science that is no longer objectively true to itself is quasi-religious.


336a.   All primitive religion is quasi-scientific.

    b.   All advanced science is quasi-religious.


337a.   The former is more 'physical' than metaphysical.

    b.   The latter is more 'metaphysical' than physical.


338a.   Primitive religion, based on worship of a creator deity, is in the shadow of science, and hence the light.

    b.   Advanced science, focusing on investigations of minute particles and wavicles, is in the shadow of religion, and hence the spirit.


339a.   In the case of primitive religion, the subjective is bent towards and subordinated to the objective, viz. a 'physical' deity.

    b.   In the case of advanced science, the objective is bent towards and subordinated to the subjective, viz. a 'metaphysical' element.


340a.   It would be wrong to suppose, however, that primitive religion is morally inferior to advanced science.

    b.   Even when quasi-scientific, religion is still fundamentally subjective, just as science remains fundamentally objective when quasi-religious.


341a.   Genuine religion can only be born once genuine science dies.

    b.   Hence the birth of metaphysics depends upon the death of physics.


342a.   A society that is free from physics will have the eternity of metaphysical religion.

    b.   A society in the grip of physics will have no time for metaphysical religion.


343a.   Genuine religion, which is metaphysical, will have noumenal subjectivity at its core.

    b.   Genuine science, which is physical, will have noumenal objectivity at its core.


344a.   False religion, which is chemical/physical, will be compromised by noumenal objectivity, and thus have noumenal subjectivity at its periphery.

    b.   False science, which is 'metaphysical', will be compromised by noumenal subjectivity, and thus have noumenal objectivity at its periphery.


345a.   When religion is absolute it is noumenally subjective, and hence metaphysical.

    b.   When science is absolute it is noumenally objective, and hence physical.


346a.   When religion is relative (not false), it is phenomenally subjective, and hence aesthetic.

    b.   When science is relative (not false), it is phenomenally objective, and hence technological.


347a.   Hence where relative religion emphasizes self-realization through art for the Few (artists), it implies worship of art by the Many (public).

    b.   Hence where relative science implies self-denial through technology by the Few (technocrats), it implies the use of technology by the Many (clients).


348a.   Art is a phenomenal manifestation of relative religion that serves the self-realizing purposes of the Few.

    b.   Technology is a phenomenal manifestation of relative science that serves the practical purposes of the Many.


349a.   Art stands to technology as humanism to materialism.

b.            Religion stands to science as transcendentalism to naturalism.


350a.   As a phenomenal manifestation of relative religion, art can have no place in the noumenal subjectivity, through spirit, of absolute religion.

    b.   As a phenomenal manifestation of relative science, technology can have no place in the noumenal objectivity, through heat, of absolute science.


351a.   When religion is false it panders to light as opposed to spirit.

    b.   When science is false it panders to soul as opposed to heat.


352a.   Hence the term 'Clear Light of the Void' is germane to a false, or quasi-scientific, approach to religion.

    b.   Hence a term like 'soul' is germane to a false, or quasi-religious, approach to science.


353a.   Light is objective, and hence external, whereas spirit is subjective, and hence internal.

    b.   Soul is subjective, and hence internal, whereas heat is objective, and hence external.


354a.   The term 'inner light' for spirit is as paradoxical as would be the term 'outer spirit' for light.

    b.   The term 'inner heat' for soul is as paradoxical as would be the term 'outer soul' for heat.


355a.   The genuine religious person will refrain from using scientific terms religiously.

    b.   The genuine scientific person will refrain from using religious terms scientifically.


356a.   Spirit is One with God, no less than soul is One with the Devil.

    b.   Light is one with the cosmos, no less than heat is one with the sun.


357a.   Similarly, will is one with woman, no less than intellect (mind) is one with man.

    b.   Darkness is one with the earth, no less than coldness is one with the moon.


358a.   Heaven is no more external to God than space is internal to Him.

    b.   Heaven is the inner air, and space the outer void.


359a.   Hell is no more external to the Devil than time is internal to Him.

    b.   Hell is the inner fire, and time the outer flame.


360a.   The world is no more external to woman than mass is internal to her.

    b.   The world is the inner earth (womb), and mass the outer substance (flesh).


361a.   Purgatory is no more external to man than volume is internal to him.

    b.   Purgatory is the inner water (mind), and volume the outer fluid (ink).


362a.   Light travels through the outer void ... of space, but spirit reposes in the inner air ... of heaven.

    b.   Heat travels through the outer flame ... of time, but soul reposes in the inner fire ... of hell.


363a.   Darkness courses through the outer substance ... of mass, but will reposes in the inner earth ... of the world.

    b.   Coldness courses through the outer fluid ... of volume, but intellect reposes in the inner water ... of purgatory.


364a.   To distinguish between human beings, who are idealist, and human gods, who are transcendentalist.

    b.   To distinguish between human feelings, who are naturalist, and human devils, who are fundamentalist.


365a.   To distinguish between human doings, who are realist, and human sinners, who are humanist.

    b.   To distinguish between human knowings, who are materialist, and human saints, who are nonconformist.


366a.   Hence an objective/subjective distinction between human beings (photon particles) and human gods (photon wavicles).

    b.   Hence an objective/subjective distinction between human feelings (proton particles) and human devils (proton wavicles).


367a.   Hence an objective/subjective distinction between human doings (electron particles) and human sinners (electron wavicles).

    b.   Hence an objective/subjective distinction between human knowings (neutron particles) and human saints (neutron wavicles).


368a.   Whereas a human being is bound to be Communist, a human god is free to be Taoist.

    b.   Whereas a human feeling is bound to be Fascist, a human devil is free to be Islamic.


369a.   Whereas a human doing is bound to be republican, a human sinner is free to be Catholic.

    b.   Whereas a human knowing is bound to be parliamentary, a human saint is free to be Protestant.


370a.   The beings and feelings of Communism and Fascism vis-à-vis the gods and devils of Taoism and Mohammedanism.

    b.   The doings and knowings of Republicanism and Parliamentarianism vis-à-vis the sinners and saints of Catholicism and Protestantism.


371a.   Sinners can become gods no less than saints ... devils.

    b.   Doings can become beings no less than knowings ... feelings.


372a.   The salvation of Catholic sinners into Taoist gods.

    b.   The damnation of Protestant saints into Islamic devils.


373a.   The evolution of republican doings into Marxist beings.

    b.   The devolution of liberal knowings into fascist feelings.


374a.   The cosmos begins in light and ends in space.

    b.   God begins in air and ends in spirit.


375a.   The sun begins in heat and ends in time.

    b.   The Devil begins in fire and ends in soul.


376a.   The world begins in darkness and ends in mass.

    b.   Woman begins in earth and ends in will.


377a.   The moon begins in coldness and ends in volume.

    b.   Man begins in water and ends in Intellect.


378a.   The cosmos is that which, ending in space, shines outwardly, whereas God is that which, beginning in air, shines inwardly.

    b.   The sun is that which, ending in time, burns outwardly, whereas the Devil is that which, beginning in fire, burns inwardly.


379a.   The world is that which, ending in mass, fades outwardly, whereas woman is that which, beginning in earth, fades inwardly.

    b.   The moon is that which, ending in volume, freezes outwardly, whereas man is that which, beginning in water, freezes inwardly.


380a.   Light is not the external manifestation of God, but that which, being stellar, stands in an antithetical relationship to spirit.

    b.   Heat is not the external manifestation of the Devil, but that which, being solar, stands in an antithetical relationship to soul.


381a.   Darkness is not the external manifestation of woman, but that which, being planar, stands in an antithetical relationship to will.

    b.   Coldness is not the external manifestation of man, but that which, being lunar, stands in an antithetical relationship to intellect.


382a.   Enlightenment begins where sight ends.

    b.   For enlightenment is the spark of the spirit, whereas sight is the light of the senses.


383a.   As illogical to pray or meditate with one's eyes open ... as to stare with them closed.

    b.   Religion closes the eyes and opens the spirit; science closes the spirit and opens the eyes.


384a.   One can no more see spirit than meditate light; spirit is as much beyond sight ... as light is beneath meditation.

    b.   Therefore one can no more delineate God than experience the cosmos.


385a.   Cosmic consciousness is consciousness that focuses, in astronomical vein, upon the cosmos.

    b.   Divine consciousness is consciousness that focuses, in meditative vein, upon the spirit.


386a.   The 'essence', or internal manifestation, of light is negative spirit, or electricity.

    b.   Electricity is a reactive particle.


387a.   The 'appearance', or external manifestation, of spirit is inner light, or air.

    b.   Air is an attractive wavicle.


388a.   As impossible to delineate air ... as to experience (with impunity) electricity.

    b.   Air can only be experienced ... through spirit, and electricity seen ... through light.


389a.   Spirit dies when air is cut off.

    b.   Light fades when electricity is cut off.


390a.   The essence of God (spirit) is more important than its appearance (air).

    b.   The appearance of Antigod (light) is more important than its essence (electricity).


391a.   God is the essence (spirit) that is unseen.

    b.   Antigod is the appearance (light) that is seen.


392a.   I breathe the appearance of God (air) in order to live in the spirit, which is pure consciousness.

    b.   I switch-on the essence of Antigod (electricity) in order to get light, which is the diffusion of pure anticonsciousness.


393a.   Light is the antithesis of spirit, and he who worships light cannot experience his spirit.

    b.   Salvation of the spirit is liberation from the light.


394a.   To live in and for the spirit is to turn one's back on the light, and hence sight.

    b.   For sight, as the sensual manifestation of Antigod, enslaves one to the light, which is Original Sin.


395a.   One breathes the 'inner light' of air in order to remain alive as a spiritual entity.

    b.   Air is the fuel that stokes the fire of the spirit to greater heights of pure consciousness.


396a.   Every living creature is One with God in the light of its breathing.

    b.   Those who are most of God breathe the most self-consciously, and have the purest consciousness in consequence.


397a.   The deeper the breathing the more enlightened the psyche.

    b.   For spirit becomes superconscious at that point where it is conscious of nothing but itself.


398a.   Better to be an 'airhead' than a 'light-head'.

    b.   Better spiritual self-consciousness than the eclipse of consciousness by the light, whether natural or artificial.


399a.   Spirit thrives on air ... yet is not air, but pure consciousness.

    b.   Just so, God lives in Heaven ... yet is not Heaven, but pure spirit.


400a.   There could no more be spirit without air ... than light without electricity.

    b.   There could no more be God without Heaven ... than cosmos without space.