MAXIMUM TRUTH: If the essayistic aphorisms and aphoristic notes of 'The Omega Octet', my eight volumes of ‘supernotes’ (available on the Internet in a variety of permutations, including two quartets), are of indeterminate length, then what follows here, dating from 1993, is of an aphoristic purism which allows for little or no deviation from the basic form.  One could say that I had passed through the heavy darkness into the full light(ness) of Truth at this point, and the result is a vindication not only of the aforementioned octet, but of my entire philosophical quest to-date.  Comprised of 707 maxims which have been given 'a/b' subdivisions, MAXIMUM TRUTH succeeds in achieving, albeit on a still far from definitive basis, the sort of metaphysical comprehensiveness I had been struggling towards all along.  One could say that it signifies a refinement upon the essayistic aphorisms and aphoristic notes of 'The Omega Octet'; though the tendency to recycle ideas, by now a veritable principle of my work, persists here to even greater effect, insofar as it was this technique that made the attainment of what is in some respects a maximum degree of truth possible.


TRUTHFUL MAXIMS: Following on from the above, this text is written on a slightly more straightforward, though no less truth-intensive basis, and extends beyond most of the material contained in the former.  It is also comprised of 707 numbered maxims, without, however, the ‘a/b’ subdivisions of its predecessor.  The distinction, however, between the right-ragged margins of the alt-tabbed maxims of MAXIMUM TRUTH and the right-justified margins with ordinary wrap-around tabbing here is perfectly intentional, and should not be regarded as symptomatic of stylistic inconsistency.


Copyright © 2009 John O’Loughlin