201. Space has no essence, because nothingness is a vacuum.


202. Woe is the antibeing (essence) of light, but speed is its appearance.


203. Woe at the nothingness of space leads light to speed away from it, as with a horror vacui.


204. Joy is the being (essence) of spirit, but tranquillity is its appearance.


205. Joy in the lightness of air leads spirit to float upon it, as upon an airy cushion.


206. Space has no essence, and air no appearance.


207. Nothingness is, in some sense, the 'appearance' of space.


208. Heaven is that which, having only essence, is the most desirable end.


209. Space is that which, having only appearance, is the least desirable beginning.


210. Nothingness is so undesirable ... that it could only be a beginning, not an end.


211. Heaven is so desirable ... that it could only be an end, not a beginning.


212. Ordinarily we 'see' space in terms of the distance between objects.


213. The space between objects can be measured in terms of metric units, but it is only the measurements which have any reality, not the space itself!


214. Space may be apparent and Heaven essential, but light and spirit are both apparent and essential.


215. The essence of light, which is woe, is commensurate with the appearance of light, which is speed.


216. The essence of spirit, which is joy, is commensurate with the appearance of spirit, which is tranquillity.


217. The more nothingness in space, the greater the speed of light (186,000 miles per second) and the corresponding degree of woe.


218. The more lightness in air, the greater the tranquillity of spirit and the corresponding degree of joy.


219. Air slows light down and makes it transparent to eyes accustomed to seeing it through a filter.


220. Breathe deeply to achieve a calm spirit, eclipsing the light.


221. Move fast and the spirit is agitated and eclipsed by the light.


222. To become truly enlightened one must get rid of the light, becoming tranquil through the lightness of air.


223. Enlightenment has nothing to do with the light and everything to do with lightness.


224. Insight leads to enlightenment, as theory to practice.


225. Sight stems from moral blindness, just as surely as insight leads to enlightenment.


226. The fool gazes out at the world from his vacuum of moral ignorance, while the sage trains his attention upon the plenum of air which is his enlightenment.


227. Speed is a curse which follows from a vacuum, and vacuous is the age and/or society that puts a premium on speed!


228. The wise are blessed with that tranquillity which pervades the spirit when it is joyfully at one with the lightness of air.


229. To be borne aloft on a current of gravity-defying truth, leaving the cares of mundane life far behind - such is the salvation that awaits those who elect to become the Holy Spirit of Heaven.


230. Blessed are the meditators, for theirs is the 'Kingdom of Heaven'.


231. Blessed are those whose consciousness is one with the air, for they have become the Holy Spirit of Heaven.


232. Blessed are those who value truth above beauty, for they will achieve salvation from the world.


233. Blessed are the true philosophers, whose pursuit of wisdom leads to truth, and thus to a joyful calm.


234. Blessed are those whose lightness of being bears testimony to the truth.


235. Blessed are those who breathe deeply of an unpolluted air.


236. Blessed are the free spirits whose freedom is spiritual.


237. When consciousness is intellectual it is merely masculine.  But when consciousness is absorbed into the greater self which, being everywhere, is universal, it is divine - the Holy Spirit of Heaven.


238. When consciousness is vacuous it is neither intellectual nor spiritual, purgatorial nor heavenly, but cosmic - approximating to the Clear Light of the Void.


239. One can never become the Clear Light of the Void to the extent that one can become the Holy Spirit of Heaven, for even the most vacuous mind is surrounded by air.


240. The world is a place that, being enveloped by air, remains biased towards the Holy Spirit of Heaven, and thus towards the possibility of spiritual salvation.


241. Even eyes require air, and can only abide the light that has been rendered transparent through the air's translucency.


242. So long as there is air to breathe, man will remain the beneficiary of a 'moral-world-order', scorning the void.


243. All men are equal in their dependence on air, but differ in their attitudes toward it.


244. The fool breathes air unreflectingly, taking it for granted, whereas the wise man knows air for what it is, and accordingly treasures it above all else!


245. Even the worst men breathe air while they are alive, and are wrapped-up in its heavenly embrace.


246. Enlightenment is nothing more and nothing less than awareness of the heavenly significance of air.


247. That man who is truly enlightened ... has been lifted above the gravity of his phenomenal self by the Universal Self, whose essence is lightness.


248. No man can live without the universal self ... of the air, but few men consistently live with it.


249. Because Heaven is a plenum of air, there is a loose sense in which Hell is a vacuum of space.


250. A vacuum of space is less Hell, however, than Antiheaven, while the Cosmos is less the Devil than the Antigod.


251. That which is holy is inner, while that which is unholy is outer - the Antigod of Antiheaven, or Clear Light of the Void (Jehovah), being a case in point.


252. The Antidevil of Antihell, or Clear Heat of Time (Satan), is outer in relation to the Holy Soul of Hell (the Father).


253. The Antiman of Antipurgatory, or Clear Coldness of Volume (Antichrist), is outer in relation to the Holy Mind of Purgatory (Christ).


254. The Antiwoman of the Antiworld, or Clear Darkness of Mass (Antimother), is outer in relation to the Holy Will of the World (the Mother).


255. The stellar central star of the Galaxy corresponds to the Clear Light of the Void (space).


256. The solar sun corresponds to the Clear Heat of Time (fire).


257. The lunar moon corresponds to the Clear Coldness of Volume (water).


258. The planar (planetary) earth corresponds to the Clear Darkness of Mass (soil).


259. The Unholy Spirit of Antiheaven contrasts absolutely with the Holy Spirit of Heaven.


260. The Unholy Soul of Antihell contrasts absolutely with the Holy Soul of Hell.


261. The Unholy Mind of Antipurgatory contrasts absolutely with the Holy Mind of Purgatory.


262. The Unholy Will of the Antiworld contrasts absolutely with the Holy Will of the World.


263. Light is always 'unholy spirit' in relation to the consciousness of air.


264. Heat is always 'unholy soul' in relation to the feeling of the blood.


265. Coldness is always 'unholy mind' in relation to the knowledge of the brain.


266. Darkness is always 'unholy will' in relation to the action of the flesh.


267. To dance in the light of space or work in the darkness of mass.


268. To fight in the heat of time or play in the coldness of volume.


269. To float on the lightness of air or grunt in the heaviness of the flesh.


270. To fume on the brightness of the blood or dwell in the dullness of the brain.


271. As bad to have light in the air, or fire in the blood, or earth on the flesh, as to have water on the brain.


272. Kickboxing stands to boxing as association football to Gaelic football - the alpha-most side of a negative (particle-based) duality.


273. Armwrestling stands to wrestling as rugby union to rugby league - the omega-most side of a positive (wavicle-centred) duality.


274. From a kickboxing diabolic alpha to an armwrestling diabolic omega via boxing and wrestling.


275. From centrifugal weakness to centripetal strength via centripetal weakness and centrifugal strength.


276. From an association-football worldly alpha to a rugby-union worldly omega via Gaelic football and rugby league.


277. From centrifugal ugliness to centripetal beauty via centripetal ugliness and centrifugal beauty.


278. It could be said of football that its correspondence to the Antiworld is hard-line republican in the guise of association football, and soft-line republican in the guise of Gaelic football.


279. It could be said of rugby that its correspondence to the World is hard-line Catholic in the guise of rugby union, and soft-line Catholic in the guise of rugby league.


280. It could be said of boxing that its correspondence to Antihell is hard-line fascist in the guise of kickboxing, and soft-line fascist in the guise of punch boxing.


281. It could be said of wrestling that its correspondence to Hell is hard-line fundamentalist in the guise of armwrestling, and soft-line fundamentalist in the guise of body wrestling.


282. Rounders stands to baseball as court tennis to table tennis - the alpha-most side of a negative (particle-based) duality.


283. Netball stands to basketball as squash to badminton - the omega-most side of a positive (wavicle-centred) duality.


284. From a rounders divine alpha to a netball divine omega via baseball and basketball.


285. From centrifugal illusion to centripetal truth via centripetal illusion and centrifugal truth.


286. From a court-tennis purgatorial alpha to a squash purgatorial omega via table tennis and badminton.


287. From centrifugal evil to centripetal goodness via centripetal evil and centrifugal goodness.


288. It could be said of baseball that its correspondence to Antiheaven is hard-line communist in the guise of rounders, and soft-line communist in the guise of baseball.


289. It could be said of basketball that its correspondence to Heaven is hard-line transcendentalist in the guise of netball, and soft-line transcendentalist in the guise of basketball.


290. It could be said of tennis that its correspondence to Antipurgatory is hard-line parliamentary in the guise of court tennis, and soft-line parliamentary in the guise of table tennis.


291. It could be said of badminton that its correspondence to Purgatory is hard-line Protestant in the guise of squash, and soft-line Protestant in the guise of badminton.


292. Sin is to cultural societies what crime is to civilized ones - the reverse side of a coin whose obverse is positive.


293. The greatest threat to civilization is the crime of barbarism.


294. The greatest threat to culture is the sin of nature.


295. Ultimately, culture is as superior to civilization as God to man or spirit to intellect.


296. Traditionally, civilization oppresses nature whereas culture represses it.


297. Broadly, civilization is nonconformist and barbarism fundamentalist, whereas culture is transcendentalist and nature humanist.


298. Protestant societies have more crime than sin to contend with, whereas Catholic societies have to deal with more sin than crime.


299. Naturalism is the barbarous enemy of materialism.


300. Realism is the natural enemy of idealism.