301. Moral people always strive to fill-up a vacuum with a plenum, whether relatively or absolutely, depending on the kind of morality to which they relate.


302. The Devil can be no-less moral than God, though not in the same way or with effect to the same ends.


303. Man can be no-less moral than woman, though not in the same way or with effect to the same ends.


304. If morality is the omega-most pole of any given spectrum, then its alpha-most pole must be immoral.


305. Positions on any given spectrum that are neither alpha nor omega but somewhere in-between are amoral, whether negatively in the alpha-stemming case or positively in the omega-oriented one.


306. Association football is immoral and rugby union moral, whereas Gaelic football is negatively amoral and rugby league positively amoral.


307. Tennis is immoral and squash moral, whereas table tennis is negatively amoral and badminton positively amoral.


308. Kickboxing is immoral and armwrestling moral, whereas boxing is negatively amoral and wrestling positively amoral.


309. Rounders is immoral and netball moral, whereas baseball is negatively amoral and basketball positively amoral.


310. Militarism, fascism, and communism are the barbarous alternatives to and/or preconditions of royalism, liberalism, and socialism.


311. Militarism barbarously protects the interests of the upper class, fascism barbarously protects the interests of the middle class, and communism barbarously protects the interests of the lower class.


312. When upper-class, middle-class, and lower-class interests are being advanced in a civilized framework, we get royalism, liberalism, and socialism.


313. Fundamentalism barbarously protects the interests of the classless, whereas transcendentalism advances their interests within a civilized framework.


314. Fundamentalism stands to transcendentalism as militarism to royalism, fascism to liberalism, and communism to socialism.


315. Fundamentalism is rooted in the tribe and the idols of the tribe.


316. Transcendentalism is centred in God and the Heaven of God.


317. If women were to become Catholic priests, they would not be 'fathers' but 'mothers'.


318. Whereas 'fathers' are rooted in the Father, 'mothers' would be centred in the Mother, viz. the Virgin Mary.


319. The concept of female priest as 'mother' is relatively humanist, and hence bureaucratic, i.e. of the world.


320. The concept of male priest as 'father' is fundamentalist, and hence autocratic, i.e. of Hell.


321. Roman Catholicism is traditionally rooted in the autocratic and patriarchal power-base of the Father.


322. A Catholicism with 'mothers' would presumably reflect the triumph of the people over autocratic power and their deliverance from patriarchal control.


323. A Catholicism with 'mothers' would be humanistic and politically suited to a people who had achieved republican freedom.


324. Were Catholicism to become purely humanistic, female priests would be the bureaucratic rule and male ones the autocratic exception!


325. The Second Coming, knowing no father, would rather do divine business with 'mothers' than with 'fathers'.


326. It is unlikely that the institution of the confessional would long survive the ordination of female priests!


327. Confession is rooted in the Father, and entails subservience to autocratic control.


328. He who confesses is like a penitent son before a stern father, whose only hope of forgiveness lies with the intercession of his mother.


329. If the 'mother' were priest, then forgiveness would be virtually automatic and confession a mere formality.


330. It could be argued that confession of sins would be less credible vis-à-vis a female priest than vis-à-vis a male one, and that, this being the case, both sin and confession would quickly die a natural (heathen) death.


331. Ultimately, it is not commensurate with the dignity of free men to confess to sins before an autocratic father-figure.


332. When there are neither 'fathers' nor 'mothers', nor even 'sons' and 'daughters', but only brethren of the free spirit - then, and only then, will the 'Kingdom of Heaven' be at-hand!


333. The celebration of the Mass divides Christ's body (wafer) and blood (wine) between the Mother (laity) and the Father (priest), with worldly and hellish overtones respectively.


334. Blood is the diabolic omega and flesh the mundane omega - the one of Hell and the other of the world.


335. Those who are of the Father gorge themselves on blood (or its symbolic surrogate), whereas those who are of the Mother feast on the flesh (or its symbolic surrogate).


336. In the Mass, Christ's intellect is sundered by and transcended in the will and soul of His body and blood.


337. By receiving the wafer-symbolism of Christ's body, the faithful affirm their connection with and ongoing loyalty to the world.


338. The act of receiving the wafer both confirms and preserves the phenomenal subjectivity of the world.


339. Were there no phenomenal subjectivity, there could be no noumenal subjectivity beyond the world.


340. As a vehicle for the preservation of phenomenal subjectivity ... pending the Second Coming, the Mass more than justifies its retention.


341. With the Second Coming, the Mass, together with confession, will cease to be viable and therefore acceptable.


342. Folly is an attribute of the Antidevil/Devil and wisdom an attribute of the Antigod/God.


343. When wisdom is negative, or spatial, it is an attribute of the Antigod.


344. When wisdom is positive, or spiritual, it is an attribute of God.


345. When folly is negative, or sequential, it is an attribute of the Antidevil.


346. When folly is positive, or emotional, it is an attribute of the Devil.


347. Spatial antiwisdom vis-à-vis spiritual wisdom.


348. Sequential antifolly vis-à-vis emotional folly.


349. Cleverness is an attribute of the antiman/man and stupidity an attribute of the antiwoman/woman.


350. When cleverness is negative, or volumetric, it is an attribute of the antiman.


351. When cleverness is positive, or intellectual, it is an attribute of man.


352. When stupidity is negative, or massed, it is an attribute of the antiwoman.


353. When stupidity is positive, or wilful, it is an attribute of woman.


354. Volumetric anticleverness vis-à-vis intellectual cleverness.


355. Massed antistupidity vis-à-vis wilful stupidity.


356. Both antiwisdom/wisdom and antifolly/folly are noumenal.


357. Both anticleverness/cleverness and antistupidity/stupidity are phenomenal.


358. The antiwisdom of Antiheaven contrasts with the wisdom of Heaven.


359. The antifolly of Antihell contrasts with the folly of Hell.


360. The anticleverness of Antipurgatory contrasts with the cleverness of Purgatory.


361. The antistupidity of the Antiworld contrasts with the stupidity of the World.


362. In a regressive salvation, the antistupid of the Antiworld are brought to the antiwisdom of Antiheaven.


363. In a progressive salvation, the stupid of the World are brought to the wisdom of Heaven.


364. In a regressive damnation, the anticlever of Antipurgatory are brought to the antifolly of Antihell.


365. In a progressive damnation, the clever of Purgatory are brought to the folly of Hell.


366. The anticlever/clever 'First' shall be the antifoolish/foolish Last.


367. The antistupid/stupid 'Last' shall be the antiwise/wise First.


368. From a nonconformist cleverness in the Holy Mind (intellect) of Purgatory ... to a fundamentalist folly in the Holy Soul (blood) of Hell.


369. From a humanist stupidity in the Holy Will (flesh) of the World ... to a transcendentalist wisdom in the Holy Spirit (consciousness) of Heaven.


370. From a parliamentary anticleverness in the Unholy Mind (water) of Antipurgatory ... to a fascist antifolly in the Unholy Soul (fire) of Antihell.


371. From a republican antistupidity in the Unholy Will (earth) of the Antiworld ... to a communist antiwisdom in the Unholy Spirit (light) of Antiheaven.


372. The Unholy diverge externally from a vacuum, whereas the Holy converge internally upon a plenum.


373. Better, positively, the joyful wisdom than the pleasurable stupidity!


374. The wisdom of joy in relation to truth.


375. The stupidity of pleasure in relation to beauty.


376. The Saved go from good to better, as from the World to Heaven.


377. The Damned go from bad to worse, as from Purgatory to Hell.


378. Saved from the phenomenal subjectivity of pleasure to the noumenal subjectivity of joy.


379. Damned from the phenomenal objectivity of love to the noumenal objectivity of pride.


380. Worse, positively, the proud folly than the loving cleverness!


381. The folly of pride in relation to strength.


382. The cleverness of love in relation to goodness.


383. Better, negatively, the woeful antiwisdom than the painful antistupidity!


384. The antiwisdom of woe in relation to illusion.


385. The antistupidity of pain in relation to ugliness.


386. Worse, negatively, the humiliating antifolly than the hateful anticleverness!


387. The antifolly of humility, if not humiliation, in relation to weakness.


388. The anticleverness of hate in relation to evil.


389. The Antisaved go from anti-good to anti-better, as from the Antiworld to Antiheaven.


390. The Antidamned go from anti-bad to anti-worse, as from Antipurgatory to Antihell.


391. Saved, negatively, from the phenomenal subjectivity of pain to the noumenal subjectivity of woe.


392. Damned, negatively, from the phenomenal objectivity of hate to the noumenal objectivity of humiliation.


393. The feminine stupid become divine wise.


394. The masculine clever become diabolic fools.


395. Those who are inherently foolish, and hence noumenally objective, are devils rather than the Damned.


396. Those who are inherently wise, and hence noumenally subjective, are gods rather than the Saved.


397. Devils torment the Damned, fundamentalizing nonconformists.


398. Gods redeem the Saved, transcendentalizing humanists.


399. Gods and devils are sometimes at work in the same society, but more often they pertain to different kinds of society.


400.     Space can be either alpha or omega - spatial or spaced.