Preview NO MAN-OEUVRE eBook




On the Highway of Truth

by John O’Loughlin of Centretruths Digital Media


Links to which follow the introductory remarks below:–



Conceived on a purely aphoristic basis, No Man-oeuvre, with its pun on ‘manouevre’ (English spelling) and suggestion that there is more than man at work in the composition of what follows, lays down the case for godly rights in relation to the development of globalization to its universal summation, and contends, with the aid of comprehensive logical structures which stretch through the Elements (in general terms) from cosmic and natural to human and divine, that since godliness has still not attained to its per se manifestation, there is no reason to regard such godliness as has and does obtain as the end of the religious road but, rather, to understand how religion still has to develop beyond its traditional structures, if God is to supersede and, in a sense, supplant man as the logical outcome of historical development and, indeed, of evolution generally.  To that end, it has been part of the duty of this title to de-bunk conventional religion, both Western and especially Eastern, in order to demonstrate that all established religions leave something to be desired from the standpoint of true universality in relation to the final development of religion, of soulful totalitarianism, in genuinely global terms. – John O’Loughlin.




Aphs. 1–25

Aphs. 26–50

Aphs. 51–75

Aphs. 76–104


Copyright © 2012 John O’Loughlin



No Man-Oeuvre (PDF-derived paperback)

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Email: john-oloughlin@centretruths.com





John O’Loughlin was born in Salthill, Galway, the Republic of Ireland, of mixed Irish- and British-born parents in 1952. Following a parental split he was brought to England by his mother and grandmother (who had initially returned to Ireland with her daughter upon the death of her Aldershot-based husband) in the mid-50s and subsequently attended schools in Aldershot, Hants and, upon the death and repatriation of his ethnically-protective grandmother and an enforced change of denomination from Catholic to Protestant in consequence of having been put into care by his mother, Carshalton, Surrey. Shortly after leaving secondary school in pre-GCSE era 1970 with an assortment of CSEs (Certificate of Secondary Education) and GCEs (General Certificate of Education), including history and music, he moved to London and went on, via two short-lived jobs, to work at the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music in Bedford Square, where he eventually became responsible for booking ABRSM examination venues throughout Britain and Ireland. After a brief flirtation with further education at Redhill Technical College back in Surrey, where he had enrolled to do English and History A Levels, he returned to his former job in the West End but, due to a combination of factors, left the Associated Board in 1976 amd began to pursue a literary vocation which, despite a brief spell as a computer and office-skills tutor at Hornsey Management Agency (within the local YMCA) in the late '80s and early '90s, he has steadfastly continued with ever since.


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John O'Loughlin

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