1.   It could be said that supreme being, affiliated to God as the joyous condition of Heaven, proceeds from its least evolved manifestation in the metaphysically sensible aspect of the Cosmos, viz. the sphere of Saturn or some such gaseous planet with halo-like rings, to its less (relative to least) evolved manifestation in the sensibly metaphysical aspect of mundane nature, viz. the sphere of winged seed-pods on certain tall trees, and thence, with a subjective inner twist of male hegemony, from its more (relative to most) evolved manifestation in the metaphysically sensible aspect of mankind, viz. the sphere of transcendental meditation  and hence of meditators, to its most evolved manifestation in the coming sensibly metaphysical aspect of the Cyborg, when some synthetically artificial equivalent of transcendental meditation becomes the blissful vindication of Truth in relation to 'Kingdom Come', and thus to the per se manifestation of God.


2.   For God and Heaven are two sides of the same coin, the coin of selfhood in metaphysical sensibility, whether that selfhood be cosmic, mundane, human, or so sensibly post-human as to be properly cyborg, and it is my belief that God and Heaven evolve from their least true/joyful manifestations in the Cosmos to their most true/joyful manifestations in the Cyborg via their less (relative to least) true/joyful manifestations in nature and their more (relative to most) true/joyful manifestations in mankind.


3.   There is in all four elemental contexts of life, which broadly parallel fire-water-vegetation-air, much else besides the godly - namely that which pertains to the Devil, to woman, and to man, as well as, in subordination to each of these, to what pertains to Antigod, to antiman, and to antiwoman, as well, of course, as to the Antidevil.


4.   Thus there is Devil the Mother in metachemical sensuality in all four elemental contexts, from what could be called the least devolved manifestation of ugliness in the Cosmos to its most devolved manifestation in the Cyborg via its less (relative to least) and more (relative to most) devolved manifestations in nature and mankind, coupled to which there will, of course, be correlative manifestations of Hell in which hatred is the clear spiritual and/or emotional complement to the criminal ugliness, in primal doing, of Devil the Mother.


5.   But there is also the Antison of Antigod in metaphysical sensuality in all four elemental contexts, from what could be called the most counter-evolved or, rather (with somatic emphasis under a female hegemony), least devolved manifestation of illusion in the Cosmos to its most  devolved manifestation in the Cyborg via its less (relative to least) and more (relative to most) devolved manifestations in nature and mankind, coupled to which there will, of course, be correlative manifestations of Antiheaven in which woe is the unholy spiritual and/or emotional complement to the sinful illusoriness, in primal antidoing, of the Antison of Antigod.


6.   Yet there is also Woman the Mother in chemical sensuality in all four elemental contexts, from what could be called the least devolved manifestation of weakness in nature to its most devolved manifestation in mankind via its less (relative to least) and more (relative to most) devolved manifestations in the Cosmos and the Cyborg, coupled to which there will, of course, be correlative manifestations of purgatory in which humility is the clear spiritual and/or emotional complement to the criminal weakness, in primal giving, of Woman the Mother.


7.   And there is also the Antison of Antiman in physical sensuality in all four elemental contexts, from what could be called the most-counter evolved or, rather (with somatic emphasis under a female hegemony), least devolved manifestation of ignorance in nature to its most devolved manifestation in mankind via its more (relative to most) and less (relative to least) devolved manifestations in the Cyborg and the Cosmos, coupled to which there will, of course, be correlative manifestations of the anti-earth in which pain is the unholy spiritual and/or emotional complement to the sinful ignorance, in primal antigiving, of the Antison of Antiman.


8.   Then, too, there is also Man the Father in physical sensibility in all four elemental contexts, from what could be called the least evolved manifestation of knowledge in nature to its most evolved manifestation in mankind via its less (relative to least) and more (relative to most) evolved manifestations in the Cosmos and the Cyborg, coupled to which there will, of course, be correlative manifestations of the earth (in the religious sense) in which pleasure is the holy spiritual and/or emotional  complement to the graceful knowledge, in supreme taking, of Man the Father.


9.   But there is also the Antidaughter of Antiwoman in chemical sensibility in all four elemental contexts, from what could be called the most counter-devolved or, rather (with psychic emphasis under a male hegemony), least evolved manifestation of strength in nature to its most evolved manifestation in mankind via its less (relative to least) and more (relative to most) evolved manifestations in the Cosmos and the Cyborg, coupled to which there will, of course, be correlative manifestations of antipurgatory in which pride is the unclear spiritual and/or emotional complement to the punishing strength, in supreme antitaking, of the Antidaughter of Antiwoman.


10.  But there is also, as we have seen, God the Father in metaphysical sensibility in all four elemental contexts, from what could be called the least evolved manifestation of Truth in the Cosmos to its most evolved manifestation in the Cyborg via its less (relative to least) and more (relative to most) evolved manifestations in nature and mankind, coupled to which there will, of course, be correlative manifestations of Heaven in which joy is the holy spiritual and/or emotional complement to the graceful truth, in supreme being, of God the Father.


11.  And, last but hardly least, there is also the Antidaughter of the Antidevil in metachemical sensibility in all four elemental contexts, from what could be called the most counter-devolved or, rather (with psychic emphasis under a male hegemony), least evolved manifestation of Beauty in the Cosmos to its most evolved manifestation in the Cyborg via its less (relative to least) and more (relative to most) evolved manifestations in nature and mankind, coupled to which there will, of course, be correlative manifestations of Antihell in which love is the unclear spiritual and/or emotional complement to the punishing beauty, in supreme antibeing, of the Antidaughter of the Antidevil.


12.  The corollary of Devil the Mother is the Daughter of the Devil, which is as primary bound psyche to primary free soma in metachemical sensuality, and the subordinate corollary of the Antison of Antigod is Antigod the Antifather, which is as secondary bound psyche to secondary free soma in metaphysical sensuality, the consequence of a diabolic female hegemony - in which soma precedes and predominates over psyche on the absolute terms of most particles/least wavicles - being the unholy upending of male gender reality in terms of a somatic emphasis in which the Antison of Antigod takes precedence over Antigod the Antifather which, as bound metaphysical psyche, can only foolishly acquiesce, from the standpoint of falsity, in the illusory sinfulness of free metaphysical soma on the paradoxical terms of a false approach to ugliness.


13.  Likewise the corollary of Woman the Mother is the Daughter of Woman, which is as primary bound psyche to primary free soma in chemical sensuality, and the subordinate corollary of the Antison of Antiman is Antiman the Antifather, which is as secondary bound psyche to secondary free soma in physical sensuality, the consequence of a feminine female hegemony - in which soma precedes and predominates over psyche on the relative terms of more (relative to most) particles/less (relative to least) wavicles - being the unholy upending of male gender reality in terms of a somatic emphasis in which the Antison of Antiman takes precedence over Antiman the Antifather which, as bound physical psyche, can only foolishly acquiesce, from the standpoint of ignorance, in the illusory sinfulness of free physical soma on the paradoxical terms of an ignorant approach to weakness.


14.  Contrariwise the corollary of Man the Father is the Son of Man, which is as primary bound soma to primary free psyche in physical sensibility, and the subordinate corollary of the Antidaughter of Antiwoman is Antiwoman the Antimother, which is as secondary bound soma to secondary free psyche in chemical sensibility, the consequence of a masculine male hegemony - in which psyche precedes and predominates over soma on the relative terms of more (relative to most) wavicles/less (relative to least) particles - being the unclear upending of female gender reality in terms of a psychic emphasis in which the Antidaughter of Antiwoman takes precedence over Antiwoman the Antimother which, as bound chemical soma, can only modestly acquiesce, from the standpoint of strength, in the punishing grace of free chemical psyche on the paradoxical terms of a strong approach to knowledge.


15.  Similarly, the corollary of God the Father is the Son of God, which is as primary bound soma to primary free psyche in metaphysical sensibility, and the subordinate corollary of the Antidaughter of the Antidevil is Antidevil the Antimother, which is as secondary bound soma to secondary free psyche in metachemical sensibility, the consequence of a divine male hegemony - in which psyche precedes and predominates over soma on the absolute terms of most wavicles/least particles - being the unclear upending of female gender reality in terms of a psychic emphasis in which the Antidaughter of the Antidevil takes precedence over Antidevil the Antimother which, as bound metachemical soma, can only modestly acquiesce, from the standpoint of beauty, in the punishing grace of free metachemical psyche on the paradoxical terms of a beautiful approach to truth.


16.  Just as the citing of the Son of God in the quasi-supreme doing of sensibly metaphysical soma, which is a corresponding order of wilful or, rather, instinctual not-self, precludes the possibility of there ever being God the Son, insofar as God can only pertain to the self intellectually (consciously) in terms of the supreme taking of sensibly metaphysical psyche, which is truth, so the citing of the Son of Man in the quasi-supreme doing of sensibly physical soma, which is a corresponding order of instinctual not-self, precludes the possibility of there ever being Man the Son, insofar as man can only pertain to the self intellectually (consciously) in terms of the supreme taking of sensibly physical psyche, which is knowledge.


17.  Therefore there is neither God the Son nor Man the Son, but simply the Son of God in the quasi-supreme doing of sensibly metaphysical soma and the Son of Man in the quasi-supreme doing of sensibly physical soma, the former subordinate, in metaphysically somatic binding, to the free metaphysical psyche of God the Father, the latter subordinate, in physically somatic binding, to the free physical psyche of Man the Father, both of which orders of father have reference, in the taking of their intellectuality relative to mankind, to the male brain stem.


18.  Just as the citing of the Holy Spirit of Heaven in the quasi-supreme giving of sensibly metaphysical soma, which is a corresponding order of spiritual not-self, precludes the possibility of there ever being Heaven the Holy Spirit, insofar as Heaven can only pertain to the self soulfully (subconsciously) in terms of the supreme being of sensibly metaphysical psyche, which is joy, so the citing of the Holy Spirit of Earth in the quasi-supreme giving of sensibly physical soma, which is a corresponding order of spiritual not-self, precludes the possibility of there ever being Earth the Holy Spirit, insofar as the earth can only pertain to the self soulfully (subconsciously) in terms of the supreme being of sensibly physical psyche, which is pleasure.


19.  Therefore there is neither Heaven the Holy Spirit nor Earth the Holy Spirit, but simply the Holy Spirit of Heaven in the quasi-supreme giving of sensibly metaphysical soma and the Holy Spirit of Earth in the quasi-supreme giving of sensibly physical soma, the former subordinate, in metaphysically somatic binding, to the free metaphysical psyche of Heaven the Holy Soul, the latter subordinate, in physically somatic binding, to the free physical psyche of Earth the Holy Soul, both of which orders of soul have reference, in the being of their emotionality relative to mankind, to the male spinal cord.


20.  Conversely, just as the citing of the Antison of Antigod in the primal   antidoing of sensually metaphysical soma, which is a corresponding order of wilful or, rather, instinctual not-self, precludes the possibility of there ever being Antigod the Antison, insofar as Antigod can only pertain to the self super-intellectually (superconsciously) in terms of the quasi-primal taking of sensually metaphysical psyche, which is illusion, so the citing of the Antison of Antiman in the primal antidoing of sensually physical soma, which is a corresponding order of instinctual not-self, precludes the possibility of there ever being Antiman the Antison, insofar as antiman can only pertain to the self super-intellectually (superconsciously) in terms of the quasi-primal taking of sensually physical psyche, which is ignorance.


21.  Therefore there is neither Antigod the Antison nor Antiman the Antison, but simply the Antison of Antigod in the primal antidoing of sensually metaphysical soma and the Antison of Antiman in the primal antidoing of sensually physical soma, the former insubordinate, in metaphysically somatic freedom, to the bound metaphysical psyche of Antigod the Antifather, the latter insubordinate, in physically somatic freedom, to the bound physical psyche of Antiman the Antifather, both of which orders of antifather have reference, in the antitaking of their anti-intellectuality relative to mankind, to the male brain stem.


22.  Just as the citing of the Unholy Spirit of Antiheaven in the primal antigiving of sensually metaphysical soma, which is a corresponding order of antispiritual not-self, precludes the possibility of there ever being Antiheaven the Unholy Spirit, insofar as Antiheaven can only pertain to the self unsoulfully (unconsciously) in terms of the quasi-primal antibeing of sensually metaphysical psyche, which is woe, so the citing of the Unholy Spirit of Anti-earth in the primal antigiving of sensually physical soma, which is a corresponding order of antispiritual not-self, precludes the possibility of there ever being Anti-earth the Unholy Spirit, insofar as anti-earth can only pertain to the self unsoulfully (unconsciously) in terms of the quasi-primal antibeing of sensually physical psyche, which is pain.


23.  Therefore there is neither Antiheaven the Unholy Spirit nor Anti-earth the Unholy Spirit, but simply the Unholy Spirit of Antiheaven in the primal antigiving of sensually metaphysical soma and the Unholy Spirit of Anti-earth in the primal antigiving of sensually physical soma, the former insubordinate, in metaphysically somatic freedom, to the bound metaphysical psyche of Antiheaven the Unholy Soul, the latter insubordinate, in physically somatic freedom, to the bound physical psyche of Anti-earth the Unholy Soul, both of which orders of unholy soul have reference, in the antibeing of their anti-emotionality relative to mankind, to the male spinal cord.


24.  Correlatively, just as the citing of Devil the Mother in the primal doing of sensually metachemical soma, which is a corresponding order of wilful or, rather, instinctual not-self, precludes the possibility of there ever being Devil the Daughter, insofar as the Devil can only pertain to the not-self instinctually (unnaturally) in terms of the primal doing of sensually metachemical soma, which is ugliness, so the citing of Woman the Mother in the primal doing of sensually chemical soma, which is a corresponding order of instinctual not-self, precludes the possibility of there ever being Woman the Daughter, insofar as woman can only pertain to the not-self instinctually (unnaturally) in terms of the primal doing of sensually chemical soma, which is weakness.


25.  Therefore there is neither Devil the Daughter nor Woman the Daughter, but simply the Daughter of the Devil in the quasi-primal taking of sensually metachemical psyche and the Daughter of Woman in the quasi-primal taking of sensually chemical psyche, the former subordinate, in metachemically psychic binding, to the free metachemical soma of Devil the Mother, the latter subordinate, in chemically psychic binding, to the free chemical soma of Woman the Mother, both of which orders of mother have reference, in the doing of their instinctuality relative to mankind, to the female not-self.