Op. 42




Aphoristic Philosophy


Copyright © 2013 John O'Loughlin





1.    Part One: Evaluations

2.    Part Two: Revaluations





1.   People may be categorized as historically falling into one of four main subatomic categories, viz. proton particles, proton wavicles, electron particles, and electron wavicles.  The first category is widely prevalent in a pagan age, when man is aligned with the Kingdom.  The second category is widely prevalent in a Christian age, when man is aligned with the Church.  The third category is widely prevalent in a secular age, when man is aligned with the State.  And the fourth category is, or will be, widely prevalent in a transcendental age, when man is, or will be, aligned with the Centre.  Currently it is the third category that predominates; for whereas the State may, in most countries, have superseded both the Kingdom and the Church, it has yet to be superseded by the Centre.


2.   Proton-particle types are generally aristocrats and peasants, proton-wavicle types generally plutocrats and white-collar workers; electron-particle types are generally bureaucrats and blue-collar workers, electron-wavicle types generally meritocrats and folk.


3.   Proton particles reflect a subatomic absolutism, proton wavicles an atomic relativity biased towards protons; electron particles reflect an atomic relativity biased towards electrons, electron wavicles a supra-atomic absolutism.


4.   Whereas proton particles and electron wavicles are absolutely antithetical, being akin to alpha and omega, proton and electron particles, together with proton and electron wavicles, are antithetical equivalents, corresponding to two distinct stages of particle and wavicle evolution, while proton particles and wavicles, proton wavicles and electron particles, and electron particles and wavicles are relatively antithetical, because contiguous.


5.   Particles make for separatism and violence; wavicles for cohesion and peace.  Proton particles, being the most separate, are also the most violent.  Electron particles are not so much physically violent as ... mentally violent, full of verbal abuse towards and cynical estimation of others, particularly when of an alien class.  Proton wavicles tend to cohere on an emotional and a physical level.  Electron wavicles tend to cohere on a spiritual level.


6.   Proletariat and folk co-exist to the extent that the People may be divided into bad and good, particles and wavicles, violent and peaceful, Marxist and transcendentalist, physical and spiritual.


7.   The proletariat can and must be redeemed, but this can only come about through Centrism and the consequent elevation of the proletariat from electron particles to wavicles, commensurate with the supersession of the State by the Centre.  Hence Centrism, or, to give it its politico-religious name, Social Transcendentalism, must appeal to the People, not excepting the proletariat, through the democratic machinery of the Irish State, and endeavour to win as many of them to its cause as possible, in order that Social Transcendentalism may become the legitimate expression of the People's will.


8.   Thus Social Transcendentalism makes no appeal to die-hard Catholics, or people who may be equated with proton wavicles.  Still less does it appeal to proton-particle equivalents, such as aristocrats and tribalists.  It appeals solely to the electorate of the (republican) State, and it wishes to redeem these electron-particle equivalents through the electron wavicles of the Social Transcendental Centre, in order that civilization may be re-established on the highest wavicle terms of a transcendent aspiration, commensurate with the third 'Person' of the Trinity.


9.   Thus Social Transcendentalism must use the existing State as a springboard to its politico-religious objectives, including the supersession of the Church, both Catholic and Protestant, by the transcendent Centre, such a Centre becoming the focal-point of religious devotion.  By appealing to the electron-particle electorate over the heads, as it were, of the more conservative members of the church hierarchy, Social Transcendentalism intends to circumvent the authority of religious tradition and bring the People to the higher freedom of an electron-wavicle identification.


10.  Yet, despite this, Social Transcendentalism knows that the electorate it is appealing to are ever conscious of the authority of the Church and remain loyal, in varying degrees, to its teachings.  Paradoxically it welcomes this state-of-affairs as indicative of their innate wavicle bias, a bias still extant despite all republican appearances to the contrary, and one which justifies Social Transcendentalism in appealing to them in the name of higher wavicle values ... such as a deeply and genuinely electron-particle people, like the Americans, would reject, having failed to understand the values in question.


11.  Thus whilst electron particles are the appearance of the Irish electorate, proton wavicles are their essence, their soul, and this in spite of all republican gains to the contrary.  Given their innate wavicle bias, it is inconceivable that the true Irish people would be resigned to an indefinite republicanism, least of all to one that stemmed from a socialist take-over!  They cling to traditional wavicles for want of revolutionary guidance, and will continue to do so until such guidance is provided, which can only be when Social Transcendentalism is put across to them in the name of a wavicle upgrading, compatible with an evolutionary progression from the soul to the spirit, from the lower (proton) essence of a Catholic allegiance to the higher (electron) essence of a Centrist one.


12.  Hence we are faced with the curious paradox that, as electorate, the Irish people are both free of the Church and yet still, in a majority of cases, loyal to it, if on a comparatively superficial basis in this electron-particle age.  Thus they are free, in the electoral context, to opt for a higher 'church' not only in the interests of evolutionary progress, but also in order that they may become fully restored to a wavicle bias ... such as is consonant with their essential natures as true Irish people.  Naturally, certain vested interests higher up the traditional church may seek to dissuade them from making full use of their republican freedom in this electoral manner.  But such interests will not be on very firm ground in the face of evolutionary requirement and a doctrine that speaks directly in the name of the true interests of the majority Irish people!  It will be a test of the People's conscience that they should make up their own minds in this very important matter and thus confirm their suitability for a new wavicle alignment, consonant with the true religion (potentially) of Social Transcendental Centrism, as taught by he who corresponds to a Second Coming and inevitably appeals to his own to follow him.


13.  Therefore any view of the true Irish people which regards them in either an exclusively proton-wavicle light or an exclusively electron-particle light is fundamentally misguided.  Social Transcendentalism delves beneath the superficial appearance to the profound essence and appeals to the latter through the former, exploiting the democratic process for its own theocratic ends.  Only with the Centre will Ireland become truly itself, casting off the chrysalis of the Republic in order to fly towards the full-blown transcendental heights of a spiritual maturity.  Anyone who opposes the spiritual growth of the true Irish people is their enemy, whether he calls himself Liberal, Communist, Socialist, Protestant, or whatever.  Anyone of the true Irish people who ignores their wavicle bias in pursuance of materialist ends is a traitor to them, and deserves to be damned.  The day of judgemental reckoning is fast approaching, and no-one who is not for the spirit can expect to be saved!  Ireland must be purged of alien will and redeemed in the spiritual truth of Social Transcendentalism, before it becomes entitled to spread such truth farther afield, and effect or encourage a like-ethnic and class purification of those peoples considered worthy of supertheocratic upgrading.


14.  Thus through the will of the Second Coming, who more corresponds to the Jewish concept of a true (world) messiah than to any literal return of Christ, should part of the world be redeemed in the spirit of Social Transcendentalism, to morally confront that other part of the world falsely redeemed in the body of Transcendental Socialism or, as it is better known, Marxist Communism, preparatory to the eventual ideological unification of the world under the guidance of the utmost supertheocratic purism.


15.  It may be that Northern Ireland is a blessing in disguise ... as far as Eire is concerned.  For were the island of Ireland not partitioned, it is probable that the Republic would now be - and have long been - a member of NATO, with consequences too terrible to contemplate ... as far as the true Irish people are concerned!  Fortunately, however, the partition of Ireland has precluded any Irish government from signing away Eire's freedom, and, no less fortunately, the continued existence of Northern Ireland is a stumbling block to the Republic's long-term credibility, casting a serious doubt on its ability to solve a problem that most Irishmen agree to be of the utmost importance, if Ireland is ever to be re-united and truly free of external influence and encroachment.  The fact is that the Republic cannot solve this problem, for there is no democratic solution to it!  Only a supertheocratic solution, and this presupposes a Centrist transformation in the South such that will pave the way for subsequent progress vis-à-vis the North.  Thus the validity of the Republic as a long-term concern is thrown into considerable question, as it becomes increasingly obvious that it is but a means to a higher end ... from which vantage-point a lasting solution can eventually be put into effect.


16.  To the extent that the Republic takes action against Marxists and Communists, it is unwittingly serving our interests.  For Social Transcendentalism can have no truck with terrorism, least of all of a radically republican kind!  Anything that leads towards socialist purism is regarded by me as a betrayal of the theocratic essence of the true Irish people, a kind of traitorous allegiance to materialist criteria.  Efforts to overturn the existing state from a Communist point-of-view are equally doomed to failure, and one can only applaud the Irish authorities for their successes in combating subversive activities.  But I would think poorly of action by the State to prevent Social Transcendentalism from having its say in regard to the democratic supersession of republicanism by Centrism, which is alone capable of overcoming republicanism in the way most guaranteed to suit the interests of a majority of the Irish people - namely through supertheocratic upgrading and with the minimum of violence.


17.  It is inevitable that the chief opposition to Social Transcendentalism will come from the republican parties, both within and without the Dàil, since they are the ones most concerned with the protection of state materialism and republican criteria of government.  Fianna Fàil will almost certainly oppose the ideology wherever and whenever it can.  For, besides being fiercely republican, it is strongly nationalist, dedicated to the establishment of a united republican Ireland.  Others, more extreme, are dedicated, through violence if necessary, to the same end or, rather, to the establishment of a People's Republic throughout the entire island.  Yet neither republican extremists nor parliamentary moderates can hope to achieve their respective goals, which, in any case, are unattainable.


18.  Democratic centrality is the ruling principle of both Liberalism and Communism, the only difference being that whereas, in a liberal democracy, there are two ruling parties for two categories of electorate, broadly classifiable as bourgeois and proletarian, the proletariat alone are sovereign in a socialist democracy, and are thus governed by a single party.  Thus whereas Liberalism implies a Christian democracy ... reflecting an atomic relativity, Communism implies an anti-Christian democracy ... reflecting an electron absolutism.  Judged from the standpoint of the former, the latter is not democratic at all but ... anti-democratic or, what amounts to the same thing, totalitarian.  In signifying a balance between opposing interests, it is liberal democracy which is 'classical' and thus, by implication, genuine, whereas socialist democracy, in reflecting an absolutist imbalance, is 'romantic' and hence spurious.  Electron particles succeeding the proton-wavicle/electron-particle compromise of atomic Liberalism.  Anti-Christ succeeding Christ.


19.  Theocratic centrality is the ruling principle of both Conservatism and Centrism, the one atomic, and therefore relative; the other post-atomic and therefore absolute, which is to say, beyond all democratic compromise.  Whereas Conservatism equates with Christian theocracy, Centrism equates with the supertheocracy of the Second Coming, electron wavicles succeeding proton wavicles, Social Transcendentalism succeeding Roman Catholicism.  Paradoxically, while Conservatism is ideologically absolute but politically relative, capitalist but democratic, Centrism is politically absolute but ideologically relative, totalitarian but given to a mixed economy divisible between bureaucratic planning and meritocratic guidance.  Similarly, Fabianism (democratic socialism) is ideologically absolute but politically relative, whereas Communism is politically absolute but, if to a rather limited extent, ideologically relative, divisible between predominant bureaucratic planning and subordinate meritocratic guidance, the ratio in inverse proportion to the mixed-economy ideal of Centrism, which aims to give the meritocracy maximum freedom for purposes of religious expansion and spiritual elevation of the (folkish) masses.


20.  Since the political is the appearance and the ideological the essence, it follows that Conservatism has a theocratic essence and a democratic appearance, Centrism a supertheocratic essence and an anti-democratic appearance, Fabianism an anti-theocratic essence and a democratic appearance, and Communism an anti-supertheocratic essence and an anti-democratic appearance.


21.  As a balance between free enterprise and state planning, proton wavicles and electron particles, Liberalism signifies a quintessentially Christian relativity, the essence of democracy, Christ balanced between church and state in an atomic compromise, the Church and the State flanked on either side by the Kingdom and the Centre, the Father and the Holy Ghost.  Whereas the Church by itself equals the Virgin and the State by itself equals the Anti-Christ.  Ideologically considered, the Conservative (Tory) Party stems from the Church but achieves a Christ-like atomicity through political compromise with the State.  In a democratic system, the State is not in direct opposition to the church/state compromise but to the Church, as between an Anti-Christ/Anti-Virgin antagonism, so that Liberalism and Fabianism are rather more contiguous than antithetical.


22.  It is not enough to know truth.  Only he is Messiah who has Supertruth, and thus points humanity towards the artificially-engineered life forms of the post-Human Millennium.


23.  If Social Transcendentalism is against the international proletariat, it is because it is for the supra-national folk.  Being anti-proletarian does not make it anti-People.  On the contrary, it has a higher concept of the People.


24.  Although primarily appealing to that broad stratum of the People which is potentially if not actually classless, Social Transcendentalism will, nonetheless, seek to convert as many of the proletariat to its cause as possible, seeing in flexibility the possibility of proletarian redemption.


25.  Ever opposed to republicanism, Social Transcendentalism will strive to extend its influence at democracy's expense, tackling first the liberal and then the socialist democracies, until both Christ and Anti-Christ are driven from the world and only the Second Coming remains.


26.  Those that are not for the true messiah are against him.  Those who seek to thwart his Divine Will must sooner or later pay the penalty at the hands of his followers.


27.  If Social Transcendentalism is not fascist, it is because it is more than fascist, the Centrist successor to Fascism - not politically relative but absolute.


28.  Both Communism and Centrism posit millennial salvations in the future; but whereas Communism posits an objective millennium centred on the proletariat, Centrism posits a subjective millennium stemming from the (classless) People and embracing post-human life forms.


29.  Just as one Protestant denomination spawned another, so one socialist party leads to another in a seemingly never-ending proliferation of schisms and factions.  But the irony is that none of them will get anywhere!


30.  A decadent age or society is necessarily centrifugal, with de-centralizing tendencies in constant proliferation.  The fight against decadence, whether from a traditional or a revolutionary point-of-view (though particularly the latter), is conducted on a centripetal basis, with centro-complexification as the motivating ideal.  It is only in the maximum centro-complexification that civilization attains to its classical zenith, with the highest civilization being the most centralized.


31.  Subordination of the parts to the whole - the divine principle (wavicle) of classical perfection.  Rebellion of the parts against the whole and increasing fragmentation - the diabolic principle (particle) of romantic decadence.


32.  Aristocracy and materialist submen of a feudal age; plutocracy and soulful submen/men of a capitalist age; bureaucracy and materialist men/Supermen of a socialist age; meritocracy and spiritual Supermen of a centrist age - the ideological evolution of man in the mass under minority rule and/or leadership.


33.  Submen - a proton absolutism; Supermen - an electron absolutism; men - balanced, in one way/degree or another, between protons and electrons in an atomic compromise.  Materialist submen are pagan, soulful submen ... Roman Catholic; soulful men are Protestant, materialist men ... democratic; materialist Supermen are Communist, spiritual Supermen ... transcendentalist.


34.  Particles and wavicles, yin and yang, bad and good, in a continuous struggle of world-historical unfolding, until the final overcoming of antinomies (men) in the electron-wavicle absolutism of the ultimate divinity, which begins with the establishment on earth of the Centrist 'Kingdom of Heaven' and ends, or rather culminates, in the transcendent spirit of the Omega Point (de Chardin) - the evolutionary climax of a supreme level of being.


35.  Like Puritanism, Socialism easily becomes a mask behind which philistine mediocrity hides its ugly face.  Indeed, a socialist society, like a puritan one, may well be largely composed of philistine types who justify their mediocrity through an ideological facade, which alone sanctifies it.


36.  A 'fall' from Culture to Civilization (Spengler) and a 'rise', via republican neo-barbarism, from Civilization to Second Culture.  Thus from the Church to the State, and from the State, via the Anti-State, to the Centre.


37.  The Church equals the Virgin; the Anti-Church equals the Anti-Virgin (Calvin); the State equals Christ; the Anti-State equals the Anti-Christ (Marx); the Pseudo-Centre equals the bogus Second Coming (Hitler); the Centre equals the Second Coming.


38.  The Holy Ghost - an approximate Christian equivalent to the Omega Point, but inadequate for Social Transcendentalism, which demands its own universal terminology.  Hence the Omega Point instead of the Holy Ghost.


39.  If, habitually, I use both traditional Christian and revolutionary Centrist terminology (though not usually at once!), it is because I see my role as transitional between the Second Coming and the True World Messiah, since I am obliged to speak to peoples of both Christian descent (Irish/Spanish Catholics, etc.) and non-Christian descent (Israelis, Asians, etc.), each of whom will have a bias one way or the other.


40.  A truly supertheocratic society will be above all bourgeois democratic traditions; it will not continue to tolerate obsolete or anachronistic phenomena.  Orchestras and concert halls, no less than collars and ties, relativistic suits and leather shoes, skirts and stockings, acoustic instruments and conductors, will be consigned to the rubbish heap of bourgeois history.


41.  Revolutionary change should be thorough but not everlasting; once the old order is out of the way the new one will come into its own and remain valid for a long time.  You do not quickly dispose of one-piece zipper suits!  They will last humanity through to the post-Human Millennium and thus to the 'final overcoming' of man in the first of two artificially-engineered life forms - the brain collectivizations of hypertripping Superbeings (formerly Supermen).


42.  Constant change is both vulgar and barbarous.  All higher civilization is determined to adhere to the ideal of passive permanence, fighting shy of active change.  And yet, even then, change does and must come by degrees.


43.  The higher poet is too antithetical to academic philosophy to have anything to do with it.  Alpha and omega of 'literary' evolution, the one bound to nature, the other free for the supernatural, scorning contact with the autocratic, not to mention (with regard to literature-proper), the democratic.


44.  The higher poet is a supertheocratic abstractionist who has freed words (electron equivalents) from proton and/or neutron dominion (emotions and meanings) in order that they may be elevated to the contemplation-inducing abstraction of an electron-wavicle impression.  Not a barbarous disorder of abstract-expressionist anarchy, but a civilized New Order of impressionistic purism.  The Superpoetry of a Superpoet!


45.  Poet and Superpoet - Christ and Second Coming, neutron wavicles and electron wavicles.  The poet - a Liberal phenomenon torn between essential appearances and apparent essences.  The anti-poet - a Socialist phenomenon given to apparent essences, whether in prose verse or, more radically, in prose poems.  The anti-Superpoet - a Communist phenomenon given to apparent essences in an anti-superpoetic abstract expressionism.  The Superpoet - a Centrist noumenon given to essential essences through the utmost impressionistic abstraction.


46.  Yeats - essentially a bourgeois poet; Eliot - basically a petty-bourgeois anti-poet.  Those radically prose-biased 'poets' who scorn stanza divisions - proletarian anti-poets.  Totally abstract 'poets', whose work nevertheless still induces reading, since arranged on a line-to-line basis - proletarian anti-Superpoets.  Totally abstract 'poets' whose work transcends line-to-line arrangements on the basis of a patterned order - classless Superpoets ... on the ideological level of Social Transcendentalism.


47.  Hence Conservative bourgeois rhyming/stanza poets; Liberal bourgeois rhyming poets; Fabian petty-bourgeois prose/stanza anti-poets; Marxist proletarian prose anti-poets; Communist proletarian abstract-expressionist anti-Superpoets; and Centrist classless abstract-impressionist Superpoets.  A further distinction could also be drawn between Liberal rhyming poets whose work assumes a non-stanza, albeit narrowly vertical, free-verse arrangement, and Social and/or Liberal Democratic poets whose work, while retaining the vertical arrangement of unbroken free verse, eschews rhyme.  Yet this should not be confused with Marxist prose poems which, whilst eschewing rhyme, make no pretence at being vertical but, on the contrary, reflect a horizontal prose style in keeping with their Anti-State decadence.


48.  Interesting how decadence and degeneration pertain to the Anti-Church/Anti-State ideologies of Protestantism and Socialism respectively.  First the Protestant revolt against the True Church which in due course leads to Puritanism, the overtly Anti-Virginal manifestation of Protestantism that puts itself beneath the pale of the Church in the quasi-secular independence of continuous ideological splintering and proliferation of denominations.  Then the Socialist revolt against the State which in due course leads to Communism (in its pure form), the overtly Anti-Christic manifestation of Socialism that puts itself beneath the pale of the State in the quasi-religious independence of continuous ideological splintering and proliferation of parties.  In each case, degeneration within the rebellious ideology culminating, after due splittings, in the factional squabblings and alternative fake panaceas of the numerous purist sects.  A 'fall' from the rebellious One to the revolutionary Many, while, ironically, the original institution rebelled against remains intact in its pristine unity - the Liberal State no less than the Catholic Church, both bodies renewed through Liberal Democracy and neo-Catholicism.


49.  To some extent parliamentary Conservatism was a rebellion, under the banner of Christ, against Puritan decadence ... not to say powerlessness, entailing an Anti-Virginal/pseudo-Christic compromise which, transposed from the symbolic to the literal, betokens a Calvin/Cromwell relativistic integrity commensurate with the Pseudo-State, a phenomenon soon to be challenged by Liberalism, as the genuine state gets properly under way through the parliamentary Liberal Party.


50.  Similarly Communism to some extent signifies a rebellion, under the banner of Marx, against Marxist factionalism and powerlessness, entailing a kind of Anti-Christic/pseudo-Messianic (Second Coming) compromise which, transposed from the symbolic to the literal, betokens a Marx/Lenin relativistic absolutism commensurate with the Pseudo-Centre, a phenomenon destined to be challenged by Social Transcendentalism, as genuine Centrism gets properly under way.


51.  The spirit, through dialectical materialism, of socialist intellectuality to be challenged, in due time, by the spirit, through Centrist freedom, of messianic spirituality - the pure spirit of the true religion of Social Transcendentalism - electron wavicles superseding particles in the post-atomic evolution of man (superman) towards divinity.


52.  No less than parliamentary democracy precedes People’s democracy, messianic theocracy precedes People’s theocracy, the worship of Christ preceding self-realization of the People, Christianity preceding Centrism.  The messianic equivalent of the Second Coming does not want to be worshipped like Christ, in the form of humanist idolatry, but followed and obeyed.  He may, one day, become politically sovereign over the People, but the latter should be religiously sovereign in their selves.  No less than political (democratic) sovereignty passes to the People, religious (theocratic) sovereignty must do likewise, else they will be enslaved to something external to themselves and cease evolving.  Yet if they are to acquire religious sovereignty, they must forfeit political sovereignty and thus, through popular consent, transfer political power to the Leader (or messianic equivalent) in order that he may rule on their behalf and thereby free (save) them for spiritual self-realization.


53.  Hence a supertheocracy, in which the People are religiously sovereign, is necessarily totalitarian, with political sovereignty in the hands of the Leader, who leads as embodied Holy Ghost.  Consequently the period of Social Transcendentalism's duration will witness the totalitarian dictatorship of the Leader in what may appear to be a messianic theocracy, while supertheocracy is being consolidated and developed.  Only on the purer, supra-theocratic plane of Centrism's evolution could this dictatorship wither ... as meritocratic guidance increasingly comes to the fore in an unequivocal manifestation of People’s theocracy conducted on the basis of hypermeditation.


54.  Sovereign in their deepest selves, the People are destined to become divine no less than the monarchs of autocratic antiquity symbolized the Father and were accordingly sovereign by so-called 'Divine Right'.  In contrast to a monarch, a Leader is not sovereign in an essential but in an apparent way, with regard to his political responsibilities, and so he cannot expect men to worship him on his own account, but only to obey him for what he signifies.  No matter how much they may publicly defer to the Leader, the People will know that his authority is apparent; for they are sovereign essentially, and what he does is done in the service of this spiritual sovereignty, which alone resides in the People but is not of them.


55.  Just as the God-Kings who were worshipped as God (the Father) preceded the secular kings, so the God-Leaders who are hero-worshipped as God (the Holy Ghost) precede the secular leaders, whether in Communism or Fascism.  Thus were Lenin and Stalin God-Leaders who paved the way, through dictatorship, for Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, et al. of the (at that time potentially if not actually) People’s democracy.  Similarly, Hitler was a God-Leader and so, in a certain sense, was Goebbels, who was nominated 'chancellor' by the Führer.  But Adenauer was simply a leader, and a bourgeois democratic one at that!  The God-Leaders - Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Mussolini, et al., tend to originate revolution on either a Communist or a Fascist basis.  They could well be regarded as crude approximations to the Second Coming.  For the true equivalent of the Second Coming, who alone will have the truth about evolution and the ultimate destiny of mankind, has yet to materialize, being destined to lead the ultimate revolution in neither Communism nor Fascism but Social Transcendental Centrism.


56.  Obviously the sovereignty of the true God-Leader is distinct from that of both false God-Leaders and human leaders, to the extent that he approximates more closely to the Holy Spirit and may consequently be said to symbolize its political embodiment.  The true God-Leader is both bureaucrat and meritocrat in one, politician and artist, and so, paradoxically, he is closer to the People than are either false God-Leaders like Lenin and Mao, or human leaders like Khrushchev and Deng Xiaoping, by dint of his artistic bent and penchant for cultural self-indulgence.  Probably Hitler, with his love of music and art, was the closest of them all to a true God-Leader, since National Socialism indicated a radically theocratic rather than radically democratic bias, conceiving of the People in the most spiritual, and hence artistic, terms of the 'volk', i.e. folk, as germane to Fascism.


57.  The closeness of the God-Leader to the People and the recognition of the God-Leader by the People in the raised arm salute of Fascism, acknowledging the right of the true God-Leader to 'save' them from democratic and/or autocratic tradition ... for supertheocratic self-realization.  Such a salute, albeit modified to suit the context, would be no less relevant to Centrism, and the true God-Leader would regard it as both a confirmation of his own and the People's theocratic sovereignty, the People having entrusted political sovereignty to him because they can trust him to use it in order to further, one way or another, their own theocratic sovereignty in the establishment and development, through Social Transcendentalism, of Centrism.  No messianic theocracy of man bowing to Christ in prayerful worship, but a People’s theocracy of man free to realize his own divinity through meditative self-contemplation.  Freed from Christ by the Second Coming.  Freed for ... the Holy Spirit, an aspiration and progression towards the culmination of evolution in the Omega Point, a journey destined to culminate in spiritual bliss.


58.  Distinguish carefully between particle and wavicle music, evil and good in music.  If the age of the Church reflected a proton-wavicle bias of sustained harmonies on acoustic instruments, particularly the organ, then the age of the State has witnessed a descent into neutron and/or electron-particle melodic notation on electric instruments, especially guitars and keyboards, while the Anti-State Marxist rebellion against this has spawned a proliferation of highly-rhythmic electric music, suggestive, in its particle absolutism, of neo-paganism.  And yet ... concurrently with this rhythmic degeneration we find the growth of electron-wavicle music, approximating to the Centre, in the form of synthesizer harmonic sustains accompanied by pitch-oriented notational sequences suggestive of a transmuted State, as though corresponding to the 'social' aspect of Social Transcendentalism.


59.  An attempt to ascribe a political equivalence to modern music, i.e. music of the State, Anti-State, and Centre: Liberal classical; Fabian classical rock (rock 'n' roll); Liberal Democratic rock classical; Marxist punk rock; Communist jazz-rock; Social Transcendentalist rock-jazz.  Additionally one could speak of Conservative opera; Fascist modern jazz; Centrist (hypertheocratic) pure jazz.


60.  If rock, of whichever manifestation, is pre-eminently a proletarian and, hence, Anti-State music, it is tempting to regard jazz, in all its modern permutations, as pre-eminently a classless and, hence, Centrist music.  And yet, the same surely holds true - and probably with more justification - of pop, which seems a quintessentially folksy medium of musical expression appealing to that broad stratum of the People who cannot, by any stretch of the ideological imagination, be regarded as politically militant, but who tend, on the contrary, towards an a-political stance.  Thus a distinction arises between rock-loving proletariat and pop-loving folk, as between electron particles and wavicles, with the latter preponderant over the former who, with due respect, would appear to correspond to the hard-line republican stratum of the People.  As an alternative to the aforementioned list of political ascriptions, we would therefore find: Fascist pop; Socialist pop-rock; Social Transcendentalist rock-pop; and Centrist pure pop (superpop), which would approximate to a synthesizer exclusivity of maximum electron-wavicle 'harmonic' sustains.  Rather than being conceived as a kind of uncivilized modern folk-music, pop would thus appear to be the civilized successor to folk music, electric instead of acoustic, the turned-on folk of an electron-wavicle disposition, becoming ever more partial to synthesizer sustain.


61.  Conceived thus, pop assumes a loosely supertheocratic status placing it above and beyond the pale of anti-democratic rock.  If pop-rock is predominantly rhythmic, then rock-pop, its Social Transcendentalist parallel, is predominantly harmonic.  Similarly, if jazz-rock is predominantly rhythmic, then rock-jazz is predominantly tonal.  Considered as separate class levels of the same ideology, pop-rock would be the music of the proletarian majority within a hard-line republican society, whereas jazz-rock would be the music of the bureaucratic elite.  Similarly, rock-pop would be the music of the folksy majority within a soft-line republican and/or Social Transcendentalist society, whereas rock-jazz would be the music of the meritocratic elite.  Of course, such divisions already exist within the late open-societies of the contemporary West, not to mention within the socialist societies of the contemporary East.  But it is probable that they will be refined upon and perfected in the future, and to a point where music considered incompatible with a given radical ideological bias is proscribed.


62.  Thus, to take a Social Transcendentalist integrity as the conditioning factor in decisions relating to the suitability of certain types of music and, conversely, the unsuitability of certain other types, it should transpire that while rock-pop for the masses and rock-jazz for the elite ... would be suitable, nothing below these levels would be, so that classical, rock, rock classical, punk, jazz-rock, and pop-rock, not to mention opera, jazz, and folk music, would have to be discouraged in accordance with the closed-society requirements of a supertheocratic bias.  No doubt, there would be borderline cases, including music permissible in Russia, like certain kinds of pop-rock and jazz-rock.  But, exceptions aside, the rule would hold good, since alien types of recorded music would be deleted or withdrawn from stock and only the higher music made available to the public, which, in any case, would be a People’s public partial to the type of music in question.


63.  An ideological distinction should be noted between records and cassettes.  For whereas records correspond to a socialist status on account of their particle grooves played horizontally in a materialist context, cassettes, being smaller and lighter while suggestive (in their tape essence) of a wavicle bias capable of vertical play, would seem to correspond to a Centrist status, as though symptomatic of a supertheocratic bias the ideological successor to fascistic tape-recorders.  Thus whereas records are relevant to an open or democratic society, they would be irrelevant to a Social Transcendentalist one, which, after all, would be above the democratic pale.  Consequently records, albums, discs, etc., would be withdrawn, though compact discs, which are activated through laser technology, would doubtless continue to be available, since suggestive of a more transcendental bias compatible with Social Transcendentalism, if only with regard to its 'social' aspect, as indicative of a transmuted Socialism.


64.  The genuine writer does not write for others, but from his self.  He is not concerned whether others like or approve of what he writes.  He just gets down and writes it.


65.  The masses of an inner-city area have a closed-society mentality attributable to the absolutist nature of their urban environment.  They are more inclined to regard a man who dresses in a bourgeois manner, with, say, knee-length mackintosh and baggy trousers, as a 'berk' ... than as someone whose criteria are different from their own, because appertaining to middle-class values.  In other words, they evaluate others from their own proletarian standpoint, and he who is not, for one reason or another, on their level, with short zipper-jacket, jeans, etc., is, willy-nilly, beneath it, and consequently a fool.  Strictly speaking, this is the correct, because subjective, attitude.  Things proceed from proton to electron levels, and if the provincial and/or suburban bourgeoisie cling to feminine appearances, in their closer proximity to nature, then the urban proletariat are distinctly masculine, with scant regard for 'skirts'.


66.  If in their electron-particle identification the proletariat are masculine, if not crudely supermasculine, then the folk of an electron-wavicle identification must become hypermasculine, and thus given to the exclusive use of one-piece zipper suits ... such as are destined to supersede all jacket/trouser relativities, including that of the proletariat, which, in its leather/denim manifestation, more accords with an extreme democratic equivalence than with an extreme theocratic one.  As the antithesis to autocratic dresses, one-piece zipper suits will be symptomatic of the transcendental absolutism towards which human evolution, in the guise of the People, is slowly advancing, an absolutism which should be universal by the time Centrism enters its pure or hypertheocratic stage.  In the meantime a relativistic absolutism will suffice, provided it is in black and some synthetic material like PVC.  Thus a short black plastic-zipper with long black plastic pants ... symptomatic, I suspect, of a Social Transcendentalist integrity.  For, in all probability, the variety of colours and natural materials available these days will be transcended in favour of a synthetic standardization favouring black or, at the very least, dark colours in general.  It could transpire that while some people were entitled, by their status, to dress in black, others would be required to dress in brown or grey or blue, as the case may be, so that colour indicated one's class - people, police, bureaucracy, meritocracy, etc., much as industrial workers are associated with blue and clerical workers with white.


67.  A truly classless society would have to be one in which everybody was the same as everybody else, with no hierarchical or professional distinctions between people.  Impossible to realize on the human level, but destined to materialize, I am confident, in the post-Human Millennium, with particular reference to the ultimate corporeal life-form of hypermeditating new-brain collectivizations - namely, the Superbeings.  However, whilst, on the human level, one can get rid of class in the traditional sense of a division between exploiters and exploited, bourgeoisie and proletariat, there is no possibility of one's doing away with distinctions between leaders and led, police and masses, professionals and lay, etc., since society requires such distinctions if it is to function.  A society without police would quickly degenerate into crime and violence.  A society without leaders would become anarchic and chaotic.  A society without professionals - particularly doctors, teachers, spiritual guides, and lawyers - would succumb to disease, ignorance, paganism, and lawlessness.  Certain basic class divisions there have to be, and these must remain immutable, else all hell will erupt!  You cannot turn a fool into a doctor or a teacher.  Neither can you expect every man to be a soldier or a policeman, still less a leader.  Those who are not born to lead must follow.  Those who are of the masses must remain in the masses and thus be served by the exceptional.  For it is from the masses that the artificially-engineered life forms of the post-Human Millennium will emerge, and they in turn will lead to God (the Holy Spirit).  A gardener tends his flowers until they grow to full stature.  Just so, a leader tends his flock until it sprouts spiritual blossoms.  Gardener and plants are not interchangeable.  Neither are leader and led, police and people, professionals and lay!  Ideological hubris will reap its own chaotic reward.


68.  The reason why socialist anarchists oppose the concept and reality of leadership, particularly when it is in an unequivocally dictatorial mould, is that they are totally ignorant of theocratic or, rather, supertheocratic criteria, since living, if only in theory, on the lower plane of mass-participatory democracy, which is nothing short of democratic chaos, the 'fall' from the centre to the periphery, from parliament to mob rule.  Were they less ignorant of a supertheocratic prerogative, they would not slander it as 'dictatorial oppression' or 'tyrannical leaderism' or whatever comes into their evidently limited minds.  But as degenerate democrats they cannot be expected to appreciate the merits of a fascistic line, since seemingly totally bereft of a supertheocratic perspective.  All they can do is bleat in the wilderness of their own anarchy, like the lost sheep they are, and reap the same disdain from centrist Communists (fascist Reds) as the Puritans doubtless reaped from parliamentary Conservatives (democratic Blues).


69.  But never forget that while fascist Reds are one thing and Fascists quite another, Social Transcendentalists would be different again, being the logical extension beyond petty-bourgeois folkism to the proletarian classlessness of the Centre, more radical and absolutist in every respect.  Only with Centrism does the Second Coming properly materialize on a level approximating to the true messiah of transcendent salvation, the ultimate human salvation of ... true religion, beyond and above the Western pale and superior to anything the fundamentalist East has to offer.  Only that man will acknowledge me who has the interests of true religion at heart, who is not a slave to democratic tradition, but is free to further the salvation of the world in the name of the Second Coming and spiritual interests of the great electron masses of people, with particular reference to the folk, or would-be folk, of countries destined for supertheocratic revolution.  Let the Word go out to the world and let the 'Kingdom of Heaven' begin!  For where there is still freedom there is hope, and where there is hope, there is the possibility of salvation!





1.   Social definition of democracy: rule of the straight (natural) by the straight for the straight in the name of the straight.


2.   Social definition of Communism: rule of the bent (anti-natural) by the bent in the name of the bent.


3.   Social definition of Fascism and/or Centrism: rule of the straight and the bent by the freaks (supernatural) in the name of the Second Coming.


4.   Devolutionary nationalism is to the ethnic macrocosm, i.e. the nation, what extra-parliamentary democracy is to the ethnic microcosm, i.e. the People - a reflection of Marxist de-centralizing tendencies.  No less than the breakaway democracy falls from the parliamentary centre, so the breakaway nationalism falls from the inter-ethnic centre of the bourgeois nation.


5.   Examples of the above include Pakistan and Eire.  Would-be examples of the above include the Basque region of Spain and the Brittany region of France.


6.   Breakaway nations can be redeemed if the new nation leads to something superior than what the old or original national grouping signified.  But they can also be damned if the original nation is itself destined for ideological upgrading along lines superior to those envisaged or achieved by the splinter nation.


7.   The proletariat oppose the State but do not champion the Centre, knowing nothing of it.  Only the folk or, to be more accurate, the superfolk of an electron-wavicle bias can be expected to champion the latter.


8.   Folk and superfolk - Fascist and Centrist distinctions ... paralleling the proletarian and superproletarian distinctions between Marxism and Communism.


9.   The strike: a weapon in the hands of the proletariat in their struggle for economic betterment against the bourgeoisie; socialism against capitalism in syndicalist confrontation.  No less than National Socialism curbed and then outlawed striking in Hitler's Germany, so must Social Transcendentalism curb and outlaw it wherever electron wavicles are destined to supersede electron particles.  For such electron-particle behaviour as is implicit in striking would no longer be relevant in an electron-wavicle society where, according to Centrist principles, cohesion and harmony would be of paramount importance, as the meritocracy proceeded with its task of spiritually enlightening the People, in order that they might develop their supertheocratic sovereignty to the utmost possible degree.  Where, on the other hand, there is no such enlightenment and development of spirit, there can be only particle friction, as Anti-State collectives (bureaucratic unions) seek to enrich themselves at the expense of state individuals (plutocratic capitalists), socialist materialism the be-all-and-end-all of their militant behaviour.


10.  Fear of redundancy, of having to make do with less money (social security, compensation, etc.), is also an aspect of socialist materialism - the negative pole, as it were, to wage demands.  The 1984-5 Coal Miners' Strike in Britain was motivated by the threat of pit closures, the closure of certain collieries being considered necessary by the Coal Board on account of their allegedly uneconomic status.  Some miners stood to lose their jobs, and hence comparatively high pay, and so the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) called a strike which, because it dragged-on for over a year, was to prove disastrous for the national economy.  Terrible friction in, at that time, probably the world's most syndicalist-ridden state.  The miners were finally defeated by the Conservative Government, but the strike weapon itself was by no means defeated, since bourgeois nationalism breeds its own discontents and one strike begets another in a disgusting spiral of industrial unrest.  Not to become disgusted with syndicalism of this magnitude ... would be a mark of psychic backwardness, an acquiescence in socialist barbarism!


11.  As for coal and its production, the sooner the peoples of the world - and not just those of Britain - are enabled and permitted to live above the level of servile dependence on it, the better!  For it is an absurdly primitive mode of fuel, and those who have to drill it out of the bowels of the earth are scarcely to be envied!  In a truly radical closed society, steps would be taken to free man from dependence on this filthy subnatural stuff through the furtherance of artificial modes of fuel, with particular reference to nuclear power, and to the point where natural or subnatural fuels were no longer necessary.  Rather than striking to protect their jobs, miners should be the most vociferous in opposing them, in the interests of a better and cleaner future.  But, alas, deprivation from habit runs deep in too many of them, and it is sadly regrettable that they should feel inclined or allow themselves to be induced to take a reactionary stand in the face of prospective pit closures.  For, viewed objectively - and not through the subjective distorting lens of personal loss coupled to socialist pressure -, that is what their position in the 1984-5 Strike actually was.  Ideally, miners threatened with pit closures should either (a) offer to move to another colliery, or (b) resign themselves to taking another job (if available) or, failing this, progress to cultivating leisure.  Reality, however, decides otherwise.


12.  And yet the evolutionary squeeze is on - and must of necessity remain on - the working class to abandon work and become playful, i.e. given to the cultivation of the spirit.  For it is from the great masses of people that pure spirit is destined to emerge or, at any rate, be cultivated to an unprecedented extent.  The mass man is not a thinker, still less a book-reading/writing intellectual.  He is, in effect, a contemplative, given to listening to and/or watching electrically-generated modes of cultural entertainment.  He scorns mental activity, preferring to spend as much of his leisure-time as possible mentally passive.  Good, there is nothing wrong or immoral about this; it is the will of evolutionary progress that he should approximate more to the meditative than to the active.  Action runs against his true grain.


13.  However, all too often he finds himself tortured between the horns of a dilemma, the Scylla of capitalist oppression and the Charybdis of union expression, plutocratic and bureaucratic pressures bearing down on him to conform to some mode of action, whether work or strike.  There are, I know, people and people (I have already distinguished between proletariat and folk in this respect), but whilst a hard core of the People will be militantly socialist, they are scarcely typical of the majority, in whom the will to contemplation ever resides.  It is no use talking in terms of the liberation of the People from capitalist oppression, as though that alone would make them free.  It wouldn't!  They must also be liberated from union expression, since the two are part-and-parcel of the same open-society system in which the proletariat are torn between plutocratic and bureaucratic interests at the expense of their own true interests, which can only be spiritual.


14.  Only a Centrist system can fully liberate the People from materialist action and lead them further along the path of spiritual contemplation.  Only in electron wavicles will the People properly come into their rightful inheritance as candidates for the Beyond.  And to facilitate this process, unions must be scrapped and their place taken by a centralized union aligned with the supertheocratic ideology in the interests of industrial peace.  Where, under capitalism, there were many unions, under Centrism there should be just one, for that is the way of evolution.  Freed as much from rabble-rousing demagogues as from worker-crushing exploiters, the People will become truly free to realize their selves in the fullness of their spiritual sovereignty.


15.  In England, the novel has progressed from Lawrence to Durrell (no pun intended!) on the autocratic level, from Orwell to Koestler on the democratic level, and from Huxley to Burgess on the theocratic level.  Naturalistic poetry, anti-naturalistic politics, and supernaturalistic philosophy - three parallel strands of literary endeavour.  If I were to interpolate a Frenchman in between each of the aforementioned pairs, it would be Camus for the poetic, Malraux for the political, and Sartre for the philosophical.  I would like to think of myself as stemming from the Huxley-Sartre-Burgess strand; for my poetics and politics are, like my philosophy, rather metaphysical.


16.  I value a writer to the extent that his work is philosophical and therefore dedicated to probing beneath the veil of life for the metaphysical and/or moral implications and revelations which superficial reality customarily hides.  The pure artist - he who stays on the surface of life and endeavours to render as full and accurate a depiction of it as possible - is of little account to me, and I rate his work lowest in the hierarchy of literary merit!  For him, appearances are all-important, and one could claim that he conforms to a certain superficiality inherent in a socialist age or society, as though remaining faithful to electron-particle values, with a complete disregard for or ignorance of the possibility of a wavicle superstructure appertaining to transcendentalism.  Rather, this man attacks the old wavicle superstructure of the Church, which sat atop the Kingdom in a metaphysical cohesion with the physical.  Such a man is James Joyce, and in him pure artistry attains to a veritable apotheosis ... of an appearance absolutism.  Perhaps there is something in a devoutly Catholic tradition and personal background which leads to or implies a preoccupation with the surface traits of life?  Certainly one finds more metaphysics and concern for the moral essence of life in writers with a Protestant background, such as Huxley and even Sartre, not to mention Gide and Hesse.  It is from these philosophically-biased novelists that the deepest writings flow, and, to my mind, the more essence and the less appearance ... the greater the writer!


17.  No less than the pure artists approximate to the particle side of life, the impure artists or, rather, literary philosophers approximate to its wavicle side ... in a distinction, to cite a painterly analogue, between Abstract Expressionism and Abstract Impressionism.  Thus there exists a kind of socialist/fascist dichotomy here which runs right through twentieth-century life and will no doubt continue into the twenty-first century on higher, more extreme terms, as Socialism and Social Transcendentalism, or Centrism, stake-out their respective spheres of influence, each castigating the ideals of the other and prohibiting cultural relativity.


18.  I occasionally wonder whether a person's hair is not to some extent indicative of either a particle or a wavicle bias, depending whether it is wiry and vertical or smooth and horizontal.  Could it be, I wonder, that coarse-haired people have an innate predilection for the particle side of things and, by contrast, the smooth-haired an innate wavicle predilection?  It is not inconceivable.  After all, have not the more civilized regions of the world hitherto been populated by peoples of predominantly smooth-haired constitution - the Christian West no less than the Buddhist East?  And why has Africa, that predominantly coarse-haired region of the world, taken so long to achieve civilization, if in fact it now has?  Jungles?  But the Orientals achieved Buddhism in the midst of some of the densest, most pitiless jungles on earth!  Besides, much of Africa is grassland, where nature is relatively tame.  Zulu and Xhosa were not motivated by a jungle background to war on each other and on those tribes weaker than themselves.  Even in modern South Africa, there is inter-tribal suspicion and unrest, a factor which undoubtedly contributed to the survival of white supremacy, and this despite the white man's own divisions stemming from disparate national roots.


19.  Assuming there is something in my notion relating to hair texture, we would have a useful insight into the predilection of the Rastafarians - a black religious grouping of West Indian origin - for pleated, smoothed-out hair, as though such a transformation on the physical plane symbolized an inner transformation on the metaphysical one ... from the unregenerate natural state to a transmuted supernatural state commensurate with wavicle criteria, whether proton or electron, though I suspect the latter, since the Rastafarian movement is more than just a kind of black fundamentalism and, anyway, the age is conducive to the formation of electron integrities of one sort of another, which, willy-nilly, coat the bitter essence of an atomic or even a proton tradition in the sugar of an urbane appearance.  Could it be, then, that the Rastafarians are the most civilized blacks, whose culture, while falling short of Centrism, is nevertheless superior to traditional white culture in a subculture betwixt-and-between two ages?  It would hardly be fair to the great mass of fuzzy-haired blacks to regard them as barbarians, but I just wonder whether they are as civilized as the Rastafarians, and whether the cultural self-consciousness of these latter people - 'black freaks' as we may alternatively think of them - does not in some measure derive from long contact with and immersion in white culture on islands like Jamaica and Barbados, not to mention interbreeding with, for example, Irish people sent into exile by the British.


20.  I used to think that all Jews, whatever their country of origin, had a moral duty to return to Zion; but life is rarely as clear-cut and simple as one would sometimes like it to be, and the situation of diaspora Jewry is no exception!  Obviously, Israel cannot take all diaspora Jews into itself, because there are approximately twelve million such Jews and Israel is a rather small and, despite recent material gains, economically weak nation.  Then there are Jews whose roots in the Diaspora go down too deeply for them to be either capable of or inclined to abandon everything and set-out for a hazardous future in a completely strange land, with a language of its own, a different scale-of-values, and even a different pace of life.  These are often Jews who feel they can best serve Israel's interests by remaining where they are and donating money to help keep it afloat or, at the very least, prevent it from capsizing under the blows of its principal enemies.  Other Jews refuse to return to Israel on religious grounds, regarding the time as unripe.  For they believe that only when the Messiah comes is it right to do so, with the implication that his coming will necessarily transform Israel into something above and beyond the nation-state level, which is, after all, rather too middle-of-the-road and materialist for these ultra-orthodox extremists, who are resigned, in the meantime, to their tribal, i.e. Jewish, status, until such time as an ideological absolutism becomes possible and they can automatically spring, as it were, from the one extreme to the other, skipping that materialist compromise of the nation state (virtually synonymous with Christian idolatry) in the name of fidelity to the absolute - in this case a transcendental equivalent to Centrist allegiance, the antithesis to all Judaic fundamentalism - the omega of a wavicle allegiance rather than the alpha of a particle one.


21.  And yet, while many Jews will return to Israel at the appointed hour, it is fitting that those 'chosen countries' which already possess Jewish communities should retain them in order that the Jews there may take a lead in adopting and furthering Social Transcendentalism, since, eventually, all such countries ought to become regional components in a democratically-engineered federation of Social Transcendental Centres, and, frankly, it matters little whether Jews remain in Israel/go to Israel or remain in this second Diaspora/go to this second Diaspora, since it should become one large supra-national ideological entity.  A federation of Social Transcendental Centres would transcend Israel no less than other countries, and while Jewish purists may prefer Israel, there is no reason, in the future, why less idealistic Jews should not stay in or emigrate to these other countries or, as I would prefer to say, regional components of a Centrist federation.


22.  When there are neither Christians nor Muslims, Judaists, Hindus, Buddhists, Shintoists, etc., but only Social Transcendental Centrists, the world united in the true religion of a maximum self-realization of classless spiritual sovereignty!  What a glorious and truly wonderful day that will be!  How one longs for an end to diabolical friction and disunity, for the coming of an age of divine harmony and unity!


23.  Never confound alpha with omega, proton-proton reactions with electron-electron attractions, the Father with the Holy Ghost, after the manner of various rock stars.  For they are irreconcilable, being diametrically antithetical, like aristocrats and meritocrats.  Evolution passes from the subatomic absolutism of proton-proton reactions to an atomic relativity of material atoms, and from there to the electron-electron attractions of the supra-atomic absolute.  At the beginning ... stars; at the end ... spiritual globes, with a convergence and expansion of the various transcendences culminating in the ultimate spiritual globe of ... the Omega Point.


24.  And yet there is still much evil in the world, demons who cling to proton criteria.  But time is running out for them, and soon 'the good' will inherit the world and use it as a springboard to the Beyond.  All those worldly devils will be purged out of it, their ungodly vices and institutions along with them, and especially in this sense the world will come to an end, leaving only the higher 'otherworld' of an electron humanity.


25.  Yet while this is true of Social Transcendentalism, it is not quite true of Socialism.  For a certain attenuated worldliness will persist or develop wherever this lesser ideology spreads, a socialist worldliness of salvation erroneously conceived in the here-and-now of material equalitarianism, the Marxist Millennium a kind of world-wide socialist society founded on the ethics of a proletarian humanism.


26.  No, only Social Transcendentalism can truly overcome the world; for it will lift the People above the electron-particle level to the electron-wavicle level on which true religion (Spengler's 'Second Religiousness') becomes possible, as classless humanity are set on course for their ultimate salvation in the heavenly Beyond, a course presupposing the eventual supersession of man by two post-human life forms in the Centrist Millennium - namely hypertripping brain collectivizations, artificially supported and sustained, followed, in due millennial time, by hypermeditating new-brain collectivizations - each life form created and supervised by the technocratic personnel of the millennium in question, though the second one would eventually be set free of human supervision in the true classlessness of their spiritual absolutism, an absolutism of pure spirit that should culminate in transcendence and, hence, the attainment of superconscious mind to complete independence from the new brain.


27.  Catholic pre-man; Protestant/democratic man; socialist post-man.  pagan subman; transcendental Superman.  Beneath submen the apes; above Supermen the brain collectivizations (Superbeings).  Beneath apes the trees; above brain collectivizations the new-brain collectivizations (Supra-beings?).  Beneath trees the planets; above new-brain collectivizations the planetary spiritual globes (Ultra-beings?).  Beneath planets the suns; above planetary spiritual globes the galactic spiritual globes.  Beneath suns the (first-cause) alpha stars; above galactic spiritual globes the universal spiritual globe of ... the Omega Point.  What began as pure evil (proton-proton reactions) should end as pure good (electron-electron attractions), what began in the Many should end with the One.  I am of course alluding to evolution, that prospective abstraction we impose upon the concrete levels of cosmic phenomena.


28.  How often has the name of the Creator, that theological extrapolation from the central star of the Galaxy, been invoked by opposing sides in the bloody wars of Christians and Christian equivalents throughout the world!  And not altogether unreasonably, since, if the central star had a consciousness of what went on in the world, it would doubtless condone natural violence and war, knowing nothing but reactive frictions itself.  Yet they also fought in Christ's name.  Very good!  Christ was no Holy Ghost but an abraxas-like relativity of the 'Three-in-One', meaning man, and while man remains an atomic compromise there is a side of him that condones war and violence, provided it is conducted in a just cause - namely, the defence or expansion of man's atomic gains.  If the Father is an autocratic deity, then the Son is most assuredly a democratic deity, and he who wishes to retain or reclaim proton realities would have no business invoking the name of Christ.  Aristocrat and bourgeois - proton and neutron and/or atomic enemies.


29.  As for the Holy Ghost, that Christian intimation of pure spirit, there could be no question of violent wars being waged in its name!  For electron-electron attractions would have nothing to do with friction, and an equation of war with pure spirit would be a contradiction in terms.  A modern war may be fought in the name of the Second Coming, or True World Messiah, as indeed in the name of the Anti-Christ, or False World Messiah, but it would have to be conducted on terms germane to them, transcending the atomic level of man in the post-atomic and free-electron levels of post-man and Superman respectively, with the latter necessarily more transcendental than the former.  By which I mean that while nuclear missiles would be relevant to the post-humanist level of the Anti-Christ, only laser beams would prove truly applicable to the superhuman level of the Second Coming.  He who follows and identifies with the True World Messiah is beyond materialism.  He must ensure that he has the requisite means to defend the cause of the true religion of Social Transcendental Centrism in the face of its part-world opponent.  Only then will he be sure to triumph!


30.  In the distinction between post-humanist and superhuman, there may well be a proton beam/electron beam dichotomy, since the former is more likely to accord with a particle equivalent, such as Socialism, than the latter, which should bear more relation to a wavicle bias, as in Centrism, where free-electron absolutism is the ideal.  Paradoxically, it is the laser that corresponds to the former and the particle beam to the latter, though I have little doubt that both types of beam will come into regular use in the future, whether from a Socialist or a Centrist point-of-view.  If, however, the electron beam is the higher and more radical weapon, then it could transpire that evolutionary progress will entail a gradual shift from the one to the other, as Centrism becomes more classically absolutist.


31.  Not oppressed by others or given to self-repression.  Not expressing self or having self suppressed by others.  Not depressed by others but impressed by self - such is the way to salvation.


32.  Werewolf horror is a metaphor for the age, a reflection, distorted by art, of the 'fall' of man from Christian culture to socialist barbarism.  It is as though modern man is beast-like in his neo-pagan materialism, a degeneration from the soul to the body.  Note, too, that what began in the comparatively moderate terms of Fabian Socialism has progressed, over the decades, to the more radical terms of an unequivocally hard-line socialist identification, a political decline paralleled, in art, by the ever-more radical degeneration of man to beast in a series of stages leading from, say, Jekyll and Hyde through to the Steppenwolf (Hesse) and on to Werewolf.  Are we not all, at times, in danger of losing our human identity to the callous beast of socialist barbarism?  Hence the appeal and relevance of such horror films as Werewolf.


33.  And yet, parallel to the left-wing horror, as it were, we find such ennobling and optimism-inducing films as The Bionic Man, Wonder Woman, and Superman, which could be described as right-wing heroic, since they portend psychic and physical possibilities that transcend man in a kind of quasi-divine miracle of superhuman achievement; this is especially so of Superman, which strikes me as an American myth par excellence, and one probably reflecting, in a paradoxical kind of way, the American notion of the Second Coming, necessarily bogus but still better than nothing!


34.  Taking the Spenglerian distinctions between 'Culture' and 'Civilization', it could be said that modern Western man lives in the age of the 'Second Civilization', the first corresponding to Graeco-Roman antiquity, to what might, with hindsight, be defined as the Kingdom rather than the State.  Just so, a distinction could be drawn between the 'First Culture' of the Catholic Church, and the future 'Second Culture' of the transcendental Centre, this latter destined to lead into a Centrist Millennium of post-human life forms.  Whereas a proton-particle equivalence is the distinguishing mark of Graeco-Roman civilization, the essence of the Christian culture is a proton-wavicle equivalence.  Similarly, whereas an electron-particle equivalence is the hallmark of Western civilization, the essence of the Centrist culture to come will be an electron-wavicle equivalence.  If we begin by mirroring the Father, we shall end by intimating of the Holy Spirit.  In between, the Christian and anti-Christian relativities.


35.  Jews have a regrettable habit, in large measure born of diaspora fidelity to Judaic precedent, of identifying God with the Creator, so that everything which stems from nature is deemed good, honourable, noble, etc., while that which goes against nature, whether in terms of its violation or transcendence, is considered inherently bad, dishonourable, ignoble, etc.  A fixation on the level of alpha, so that God is the natural and the Devil whatever is anti-natural.... Not good enough, in my opinion!  But a view shared by many Jews, including unorthodox ones like Norman Mailer.  Of course, there is some truth in the assertion that the anti-natural is bad, since the natural, at least on the human level, is positive and the anti-natural negative, the former of the Church or, rather, State, and the latter of the Anti-State and, hence, Socialism.  But to lump the anti-natural and the supernatural, the metallic and the plastic, together or fail to make a distinction between them ... constitutes a gross error that, willy-nilly, detracts from the credibility of supernatural striving!  For you do not approach the Omega Point (of the Holy Spirit) on the basis of fidelity to nature!  Neither, be it said, on the basis of fidelity to the anti-natural.  The important thing is to aspire towards the supernatural, and the first and lowest way of doing so is through the adoption of plastic synthetics, of what may be termed the materialistic supernatural which, in its physical transcendentalism, drives a wedge in between the anti-natural and the supernatural.  Yet at this juncture in time, before the availability of messianic deliverance, most Jews have little or no concept of the supernatural, preferring to cling, in their various ways, to the subnatural, viz. the Creator, which alone is identified with God.  Little wonder that the history of the Jews has been predominantly one of suffering!


36.  But they can of course be redeemed, as can other extremist peoples, provided the requisite path to salvation is laid before them and they are in a position to tread it, to achieve a Centrist identification that will redeem Israel in the spirit, as Israel has already redeemed millions of Jews in the flesh.  Those who have rejected Christ - and in a certain sense this includes Catholics, with their greater allegiance to the Virgin Mary - have had to suffer the consequences at the hands of his principal, or puritanical, followers.  If they have suffered, they have willed suffering rather than submit to alien, materialistic criteria more suited to bourgeois races.  Not only did they get what they deserved, they got what they wanted, as a people who clung - and continue to cling - to Creatorism, which, translated into scientific terms, implies a proton-proton reaction of absolute pain in pure soul.  How else to explain the fact that, even as recently as the Second World War, most Jews captured by the Nazis went to their deaths in the gas chamber with passive resignation to their terrible fate.  A Kafkaesque acceptance of their guilt?  Possibly, but not entirely!  Nor simply ignorance or fear of punishment, either.  Long accustomed to danger, the Jews were to some extent inured to suffering.  Are things really any different today?  Who but the Jews could live in the hell that has been Israel these past forty-odd years?  To say nothing of the barbarous conditions under which the early pioneers lived before the Israeli State was created?  No, the Jews are a tough people and able to withstand great suffering!  Yet an age is just around the corner when not stoical perseverance but beatific self-realization will be the prevailing tendency, and then, paradoxically, the Israelis, together with the Irish, Iranians, Greeks, and other long-suffering peoples, may well be in the vanguard of its development, setting an example for others to follow.  For then it will be an electron-electron attraction that rules the hour, and only a people long acquainted with extremism will be able to easily adjust to the new extreme.


37.  Never confound Socialism with Marxism.  Marxists are no closer to being Socialists than Puritans were to being Protestants.  Protestants had a Church, Puritans didn't.  Socialists (Fabians) have a State, Marxists don't.


38.  As much difference between Marxists and Communists as formerly existed between Puritans and Conservatives.  Unlike Puritans, Conservatives (Tories) have a Parliament.  Unlike Marxists, Communists have a Centre.


39.  What matter if, compared with the Liberals, traditional Tory Parliamentarianism is pseudo, i.e. conducted on an absolutist basis of capitalist economics.  Better the pseudo than the puritanical!  And what matter if, compared with future Centrists, contemporary Chinese Centrism is pseudo, i.e. conducted on an absolutist basis of socialist economics.  Better the pseudo than the Marxist!


40.  Just as the State spawned the Anti-State culminating in the Pseudo-Centre, so the Centre will spawn the Anti-Centre culminating in the Pseudo-Millennium - the hallucinogenic phase of the Centrist Millennium preceding the hypermeditative phase of its genuine climax.


41.  No less than the State (liberal relativity) and the Anti-State (socialist absolutism) are aligned on the left-hand, or particle, side of an electron bias, the Centre (tripping relativity) and the Anti-Centre (meditative absolutism) will be aligned on the right-hand, or wavicle, side of an electron bias.  Difference in degree does not alter similarity of kind.


42.  No matter what variations in economic relativity between bureaucratic planning and meritocratic guidance the various future components of the Centrist federation may adopt, they will be united against Socialism, just as, on a lower historical level, the various Christian countries were united, irrespective of their denomination, against Islam.  Obviously such economic variations as occur will in large measure derive from the relative economic and social situations of the respective component Centres.


43.  Conservatism and Socialism are alike devoted to changeless economic and social patterns, albeit on diametrically antithetical terms.


44.  Just as left-wing Puritanism gave rise, through Toryism, to right-wing Parliamentarianism, so left-wing Marxism has given rise, through Communism, to right-wing Centrism, a no-less pseudo form of Centrism than Toryism was a pseudo form of Parliamentarianism.  Compared with Socialism, Social Transcendentalism would be left-wing Centrism, with the inevitability of an extreme left-wing Centrism, no less genuine, issuing from it in due course.


45.  Naturalism and supernaturalism - twin poles of human civilization, corresponding to a particle/wavicle distinction.  Just as I spoke, in connection with Spengler, of a 'First Civilization' and of a 'Second Civilization', so one could alternatively speak of a lower naturalism and a higher naturalism, the one imperial and the other liberal, the former corresponding to an atomicity with a proton-particle bias, the latter to an atomicity with an electron-particle bias, each naturalism presupposing a relative compromise, with the subnatural or, rather, anti-natural more extremely biased towards particles (proton); in fact, to a near absolute degree, so that the pagan anti-natural is beneath and opposed to Graeco-Roman Civilization no less than the communist anti-natural is beneath and opposed to Western Civilization - the barbaric pitted against the civilized.  However, if the natural has its inferiors, it also has its superiors, or what could be termed the lower supernaturalism and the higher supernaturalism, the one corresponding to proton wavicles and the other to electron wavicles, an occult supernaturalism and a metaphysical supernaturalism, fundamentalist soul and transcendentalist spirit - the former antithetical to lower naturalism, the latter to higher naturalism.


46.  No less than lower naturalism has its subnatural or, more correctly, lower anti-natural materialist enemies, higher naturalism has its higher anti-natural materialist enemies, and, paradoxically, these pave the way, if indirectly, for the supernaturalism to follow, whether lower, as in the case of the Christian Culture of the Middle Ages, or higher, as in the case of the Centrist Culture still to come, when atomic relativity, seriously undermined by particle barbarism, is superseded by wavicle absolutism.


47.  Lower anti-natural materialism (proton particles) pitted against imperial naturalism, with a lower supernaturalism the eventual outcome.  Higher anti-natural materialism (electron particles) pitted against liberal naturalism, with a higher supernaturalism the eventual outcome.  Naturalism is a realistic compromise between particles and wavicles, supernaturalism an idealistic absolutism.


48.  Thus, whereas realism and idealism are relative antitheses, materialism and idealism are absolute antitheses, two extremes of evil and good which battle for ascendancy over nature, that realistic compromise of an atomic mean.  In the world, the natural is the norm, but devolutionary and evolutionary pressures will arise at strategic stages in history to undermine this norm, with the possibility of a supernatural successor.  The Devil enters the world in the guise of materialist barbarism and vigorously attacks it in its particle decadence, as though the decline from atomic balance had inexorably called forth the forces of further disintegration.  God enters the world in the Devil's wake and fills the void left behind with His supernatural idealism, whether in terms of the Catholic Church of the Middle Ages or (hopefully) the future Social Transcendental Centre, a distinction between Christ and the Second Coming, two levels of God, the former intellectual and the latter spiritual, the one stemming from the subnatural Father and the other aspiring towards the supernatural Holy Ghost - alpha and omega of divine evolution.


49.  As evolution progresses in the world towards a supernatural End, diabolical anti-natural materialism becomes less evil and divine supernatural idealism more good, as though to say the Devil grows weaker while God grows stronger, the Second Coming closer to the electron purism of the Holy Spirit than (was) Christ, the Anti-Christ further from the proton materialism of the Devil than (was) the Anti-Virgin; the final manifestations of evil and good in the world taking the forms of an Anti-Christ/Second-Coming dichotomy, as between Communism and Centrism, before the higher evil, as it were, is eventually vanquished and only the higher good remains, to grow progressively more divine.


50.  The natural may stem from the subnatural, but, from a theological point-of-view, it is inconceivable that the natural should stem from the anti-natural, since anti-naturalism is pitted against naturalism.  Thus we are obliged to view the sun as anti-natural and the large central star of the Galaxy as subnatural, the former corresponding, in theological terms, to the Devil, the latter ... to the Creator.  The world is thereby seen to have stemmed from the Creator in the sense of a natural extrapolation from a First Cause, and no less than the natural stems from the subnatural ... the supernatural stems from the natural, as though in a Father-Son-Holy Ghost continuity of evolutionary progress, with the anti-natural in effect stemming from the Devil, whether in terms of the Anti-Virgin or the Anti-Christ.


51.  Of course, considered factually, the sun and the central star of the Galaxy are both subnatural, and thus of a like-diabolical constitution of proton-proton reactions.  Devil and Father are theological extrapolations from these cosmic phenomena and, consequently, they may be said to exist in the mind rather than literally in space.  Atheism relating to the Father is a reflection of psychic evolution away from subconscious myth towards superconscious reality, so that a radically-evolved psyche, or one that isn't so much egocentric - and hence Christian - as superconscious to a near absolute degree, will be above reference to both the Father and Christ, and thus, in effect, atheist.  Naturally, both the sun and the Galaxy's central star continue to exist, but not the Devil and the Father!  The more evolved psyche aspires, whether directly or indirectly, towards the Holy Spirit.  There can be no question of its endorsing an open-society acceptance of subconscious theological abstractions!  Atheism is the mark of a closed-society mentality.  Those who do not share this absolutist integrity are simply psychically backward, not necessarily simple but, more usually, bourgeois provincials long accustomed to an open-society environment balanced between nature and civilization which inevitably conditions the dualistic integrity of their psyche.  Suppression of atheistic thought by such Christian relativists is no less an aspect of class war than the oppression of the worker under capitalism.


52.  Communist atheism denies God all along the line, whether in terms of the Father, the Son, or the Holy Ghost.  For Communism is built on the foundations of dialectical materialism and, as Lenin once said, there can be no God-building, only God-destroying!  By contrast, Centrism places the emphasis on God-building, to the extent that pure spirit must be furthered in the world, if humanity is to be redeemed in the spiritual freedom of the Divine, meaning the Holy Ghost or, in de Chardinesque terminology, the Omega Point.  Strictly speaking, the Omega Point doesn't exist in the Universe, since it will be the culmination of evolution and thus a unified spiritual perfection.  So there is a sense in which one can be atheistic even with regard to the Holy Ghost, while still supporting and even furthering the development of pure spirit in the world.  Planets more advanced than the earth may well have put spiritual globes into space the way we now put rockets and satellites there, but such globes would be no closer to that definitive unity of the ultimate spiritual globe ... than planets are to the central star of the Galaxy.  And I use the word 'closer' in more than just a physical sense!  They would have considerable evolutionary progress to make even in the heavenly Beyond ... as individual transcendences.  So whilst it can be maintained that the Omega Point doesn't yet exist, such an argument detracts nothing from the need and importance of bringing human life closer to a transcendent End.  It may even transpire that those spiritual globes already in space nearest to the earth exert an attractive influence on human life, pulling us in some degree closer to the heavenly Beyond.  Certainly there is a gravitational attraction at the roots of the Universe, and, unfortunately, it seems to affect some peoples more than others.  Conversely, it could be said that some peoples - no least of all Communists - would appear to be less affected by the spiritual attraction possibly existing at the upper end, as it were, of the Universe than others.


53.  Mind evolves out of matter, of this we need be in no doubt, as even Lenin would agree.  Yet whether it would have evolved out of matter if there hadn't been some omega-like attraction at large in the Universe - not so much God (the Holy Ghost) as 'quantities' of pure spirit on route, so to speak, to an indivisible culmination still to be achieved - is a debatable point.  Not being partial to sinking into the lowest-common-denominator of particle materialism, I incline to the view (as did the catholic Middle Ages) that mind was encouraged to emerge from matter by this teleological attraction, without which it is difficult to see how mind could have emerged at all.  Think of a typical Annunciation painting of the Middle Ages, with Mary, as naturalism, situated in-between the subnatural Father on the one hand and the supernatural Dove on the other, while the light (spirit) of Heaven issues, beam-like, to her head from the latter which, though symbolizing Holy Spirit, need not be the Holy Spirit ... so much as a 'fragment' of pure spirit, a spiritual globe and, hence, one of innumerable 'doves' at large in the heavenly Beyond at any given time, compliments of those planets more evolved than our own.  Is this not a perfect metaphor for the emergence of mind in the natural from the subnatural 'materialism' of the Father, Who, to extend the metaphor, connives at the intrusion of spirit into the future Mother of God (the Son) by the Dove?  No doubt the Devil, in his anti-natural materialism, would have strongly disapproved of this visitation of pure mind, as, seemingly, do his latter-day followers who, following Lenin's example, reduce mind to the lowest-common-denominator of dialectical materialism, their own minds not excepted!


54.  Interesting how a dying civilization resembles a collapsed star, sucking extraneous matter into itself until the pressure is so great that it implodes into a black hole of anti-matter ... from which a new star will emerge elsewhere in the Universe?  Or a new supernaturalism?  I don't pretend to know.  But one thing I am sure of is that human history reveals a similar tendency, with civilization declining into barbarism, sucking-in extraneous elements - immigrants, vagrants, exiles, migrants, prisoners-of-war, refugees, etc. - until the pressure increases to near-imploding point and it only remains for the barbarous hordes of its anti-natural enemies to be drawn in ... before its final destruction is complete, and what was once a civilization, shining proudly in the world, becomes a heap of burnt-out rubble from which, paradoxically, a future Culture will arise, Phoenix-like, from the scattered ashes at the propitious moment, a light at the end of the materialist tunnel, Redemption and Resurrection of the People in the supernaturalism of a wavicle purity.


55.  The earthly microcosm reflecting the cosmic macrocosm up until that point in time when the Divine takes over and, instead of behaving like stars, the microcosm increasingly comes to resemble the pure spirit of the divine transcendences, converging and attracting rather than, as before, diverging and reacting.  A progression towards unity, aided from above, in the face of traditional disunity stemming from below.  Devil and God (the Holy Ghost) in perpetual conflict while the Creator-equivalent central star of the Galaxy looks on, powerless to do anything except maintain the cosmic status quo, like a monarch vis-à-vis nobles and populace, reigning in subnaturalism over the latter through the former who, in whatever guise, are the anti-natural enemies of the natural, as are Marxist barbarians, albeit from a vastly different point-of-view.  Only the Supernatural can truly befriend the People by lifting them above naturalism to the spiritual heights of an electron idealism, atomic realism overcome as idealism and materialism are split asunder in the nuclear fission of a divine holocaust.  The supernaturalism to come!


56.  The natural masses, the anti-natural Marxists, and the supernatural Centrists - realism, materialism, and idealism.  Damnation of the People through socialist materialism, a reduction of their relativity to an anti-natural absolutism.  Salvation of the people through centrist idealism, their naturalism superseded by a supernatural absolutism, their spirit saved from socialist denial and rejection, saved for self-realization.


57.  Materialism reduces men and society to economics, whether from a decadent democratic or a revolutionary Marxist point-of-view, though particularly the latter.  In a decadent civilization, political realism withers into economic materialism under left-wing pressures, paving the way for Marxist barbarism.  Where, however, religious idealism is destined to triumph over both political realism and economic materialism alike, the realism in question will be inextricably bound to religious tradition, as in Eire, and it only remains for idealism, with the connivance and even encouragement of the Church, to exploit the political system ... for an unequivocally idealist mandate, sanctioned by the electorate, to emerge, with far-reaching consequences for the development of religion to unprecedented heights of spiritual beatitude!


58.  Whether cigarettes are lit with the aid of a naturalistic match, an anti-naturalistic metal lighter, or a supernaturalistic plastic lighter, the fact remains that fire is being struck for the purpose of obtaining a smoke.  What is so diabolical about smoking is not so much the tobacco - bad though that may be - as the recourse to fire in order to smoke it, with the consequence of a light burning down in the act of inhaling.  Implicit in cigarette smoking is an open-society acceptance of the Diabolic, a readiness to strike and brandish flame.


59.  Obviously, in a supernaturally closed society smoking would be impermissible, since no contact with flame or recourse to fire would be encouraged.  Neither matches nor cigarette-lighters would be available (though an exception might be made, for a time, of plastic lighters in certain instances, whether for herbal tobacco or hashish or some other purpose ... remains to be seen.)


60.  Cigarettes are an inherently left-wing phenomenon, tobacco shredded and cut into innumerable fragments suggestive of electron-particle materialism.  Pipe tobacco, on the other hand, is an inherently right-wing phenomenon, the tobacco shredded but packaged in elongated strands suggestive of a proton-wavicle idealism.  Cigars, being neither shredded nor cut, the tobacco leaf rolled into a tubular shape, suggest an atomic realism, neither particles nor wavicles, but a naturalistic combination of both!


61.  A bourgeois democratic society protects the consumption of its own dope - tobacco, alcohol, even snuff - but outlaws drugs either beneath or beyond its pale, so that all non-natural drugs, whether anti-natural or supernatural, hard or soft, are lumped together into a common crime.  It matters little to the naturalistic establishment whether opium or LSD is the drug in question, the important thing being to prosecute its use and prevent it being sold.  And yet, there is a vast moral difference between the use of opium at one end of the scale, the subnatural/anti-natural end, and recourse to LSD at the other, or supernatural, end.  The anti-natural drugs stupefy and degrade their users, reducing the naturalistic psyche to a proton-particle materialism of subconscious torpor.  By contrast, the supernatural drugs expand consciousness and redeem their users, elevating the naturalistic psyche to an electron-wavicle idealism of superconscious beatitude.  Not to distinguish between them is equivalent to confounding the Devil with God (the Holy Ghost), or vice versa.


62.  The test of a drug is whether it expands consciousness upwards and thereby gets people 'high', or whether, on the contrary, it contracts consciousness downwards and thereby gets people 'stoned'.  One could equate drugs in the former category, particularly LSD, with a transcendentalist bias ... as against those, appertaining to the latter category, with a fundamentalist bias.  Idealism and materialism, with embattled realism holding-out to protect its naturalistic integrity from both extremes.  Doubtless the future emergence in Eire and elsewhere of a supernatural closed-society should lead to a marked increase in the use of mind-expanding drugs, since electron-wavicle idealism will then be the mean.


63.  Bread and wine of the Christian Mass - body and soul of Christ.  Catholic and Roman, Church and transmuted State.  'Acid' and 'coke' of the Centrist 'Mass' - flesh and spirit of the Second Coming, Social and Transcendental, transmuted State and Centre?  A 'transvaluation of values', particle bread and wavicle wine duly giving place to particle 'trip' and wavicle 'snort'?  The State redeemed through the Centre, the Centre awaiting redemption in the Anti-Centre of the more absolutist phase of Centrist evolution, a phase following the eventual overcoming of Socialism and the unification of the world in the utmost wavicle purism of a hypermeditating absolutism.  Paradoxically, while 'coke' (cocaine) has, if sniffed, a wavicle appearance on the air, it establishes, in the recipient, a particle essence.  Conversely, the particle appearance of a 'tab of acid' (LSD) detracts nothing from its wavicle-engendering essence once swallowed.  Particular and general, general and particular, in a continuous dialectical transmutation.  Romantic and classic.


64.  Centrist romanticism will inevitably prove uncongenial to socialist classicism, but Centrism is destined to triumph over Socialism in the formation of a new and final classicism.


65.  The main difference between Fascism and Centrism is that whereas the one signifies a crude and necessarily bogus approximation to the ideology of the Second Coming, the other is its true ideological embodiment.


66.  He who believes in the Second Coming and salutes that man as God is no atheist.  Atheism ends where God begins!


67.  If there weren't already spiritual globes in the heavenly Beyond from planets more advanced than our own, there would be no justification for Leaderism, for the setting-up of a microcosmic duplicate of macrocosmic divinity.  He who reduces life to materialism will oppose the rise of a Leader and regional leaders from an anarchic, mass-democratic point-of-view.  He will even oppose Socialism, with its democratic centrality.


68.  The Leader would correspond to the largest spiritual globe in the heavenly Beyond, his closest party followers to the smaller spiritual globes there, and the rank-and-file party members to the smallest spiritual globes.  All, without exception, are drawn by the charisma and teachings of the Leader to approximate to an ideological unity.


69.  And yet, even if he does embody Holy Spirit in relation to his followers, no man has the right to claim that the Omega Point exists.  The largest spiritual globe would still be in the process of formation and expansion, attracting, through its greater being, the smaller spiritual globes to itself, a globe among globes, closer to omega than the others by dint of its more evolved constitution and yet ... probably one of a number of such larger globes at large in the Universe at any given time, all of which were eventually destined for mutual convergence and expansion.


70.  In evolutionary terms, it could be said that the more God expands in the world the more the Devil contracts there, goodness going forward and becoming increasingly all-pervasive at the expense of evil, the supernatural at the expense of the anti-natural.


71.  Similarly, the higher one's concept of God, because the more advanced the stage of earthly evolution, the less time one has for lower concepts of God.  In fact, once one has attained to a degree of psychic evolution which induces a focusing of religious allegiance upon the Second Coming and/or Holy Ghost, there is no question of one's continuing to acknowledge either the Father or Christ.  At a certain point in one's psychic evolution it becomes evident that the more one identifies with the Holy Ghost, the less one can identify with the Father.  One can't burn the religious candle at both ends.  Either support the Holy Ghost at the expense of the Father, the supernatural at the expense of the subnatural, or settle, like a bourgeois, for an atomic compromise between the two extremes ... in Christ.  Yet, of course, this latter allegiance is only valid for a given period of evolutionary time, after which things become more absolutist.


72.  As you get closer to the omega, so the alpha ceases to have any relevance.  You break free of the Creator in order to draw nearer to the Ultimate Creation ... of pure spirit, and thus you effectively become an atheist with regard to the Father and/or the Son.


73.  The natural, the real, the Christian, is neither good nor evil but an ethical combination of both.  Good and evil battle it out in the world for hegemony over the natural, the good identical to a supernatural absolutism, and the evil, by contrast, to an anti-natural absolutism, idealism and materialism, the former stemming from the Creator (central star of the Galaxy) but embracing progressively higher or stronger stages of good in the world, the latter stemming from the Devil (sun), but embracing progressively lower or weaker stages of evil in the world until, eventually, the evil, become attenuated, and the good, grown purer, come together in a final battle that can only culminate in the unequivocal victory of good and the banishment, for all time, of evil from the world.  A wavicle absolutism on the highest, or electron, level!


74.  At present, the world is effectively prepared for the possibility of a nuclear war, which, so far as the aligned West is concerned, means the defence of realism, or atomic civilization, from socialist materialism, the defence, in other words, of ethical dualism (for where there is a choice between good and evil we are in the realm of the ethical) from socialist evil, the First World determined to defend its atomic naturalism from the electron anti-naturalism of the Second World, while the Third World must - and will - undergo its own transformation in the direction of the supernatural, a Centrist idealism forged in the name of the Second Coming ... with the ultimate goal of a united supertheocratic world and, hence, the triumph of good over evil, as the world is brought closer to the spiritual unity of the Omega Point.


75.  Communism is 'beyond good and evil' (Nietzsche) in the lower sense of a particle materialism.  Centrism is, or will be, 'beyond good and evil' in the higher sense of a wavicle idealism.  Devil and God in the world, with the ethical compromise of a Christian realism sandwiched in-between.  Whereas ethics permits of an objective distinction between the good, or selfless/kind, act and the evil, or selfish/cruel, act, the post-ethical subverts ethics to the subjective absolutism of what best serves the ideological interests of the Movement.  Viewed from the vantage-point of the Movement's post-ethical ground, even the most seemingly callous act can be 'good' if reflecting a selfless commitment to the ideology that results in its protection and/or furtherance.


76.  In this way, necessarily relative, the judgmental damnation of materialists and tribalists is perceived to be no less of a 'good', or necessary, moral act from a supertheocratic standpoint ... than the liquidation of realists and idealists is regarded as such from an anti-democratic point-of-view.  What matters is the furtherance of either good or evil in the world, depending on the ideology in question.  Paradoxically, National Socialism signified a crude, because Teutonic, manifestation of 'the good', a paradoxical emergence of supernaturalism which was to pit itself against Soviet anti-naturalism, identifiable as 'the evil'.


77.  Just as there is evil, or materialist, politics, so there is evil sex, by which I mean the reduction of sex, through homosexuality, to the lowest-common-denominator of a particle materialism, the anti-natural penetration of the rectum by the penis, an act devoid, as a rule, of emotional sanction through love, sheer materialism (the bowel associated with excrement, which is matter of the lowest, most soulless constitution - a fact endowing the rectum with special relevance to a materialist allegiance), with not even a physical equivalent of wavicle connotation, seeing that, unlike the vagina, the rectum is incapable of juicing and softening to facilitate particle penetration.  Man to man, particle to particle, in sexual Marxism, the sexual evil of the age, a denial of soul in materialist promiscuity.  If overt homosexuality is the nadir of sexual evil, there are various left-wing stages on route, corresponding to Fabian and Socialist political equivalents, the anal violation of women and alternating bisexuality being chiefly prominent - the one a denial of sexual realism within a naturalistic context, Socialism within democracy, and the other an alternation between materialism and realism in a kind of Social Democratic, socialist/capitalist compromise.  Either way, left-wing particle sex of an Anti-State constitution.


78.  By contrast to the anti-natural varieties of sex, supernatural sex is good sex, the elevation of sex from the realism of a coital relativity to the idealism of a contemplative absolutism ... carried out in conjunction, through the use of computers, with erotic stimuli of a vaginal bias, as though the female model is specifically offering herself to heterosexual penetration from the admirer's point-of-view, a sublimated coitus the supernatural result.  Less idealistic than this but, nevertheless, still supernatural is the heterosexual use of plastic inflatables, i.e. 'sex dolls', which suggest a transmuted state-equivalence commensurate with the 'social' aspect of a Social Transcendentalist ideological integrity.


79.  On the subject of transmuted socialism, the use of a motorcycle sidecar with motorbike confers, it seems to me, a Social Transcendentalist integrity, since motorbikes are idealistic modes of transportation long associated with a fascist bias, and a sidecar is a kind of transmuted sports car or other small car appended, as it were, to the motorbike.  If a socialistic car is, by definition, absolutist ... with but room for one person or, at most, two people seated side-by-side in a kind of 'homosexual' equality, then anything beyond this would be either a cross between a car and a motorbike, i.e. a one-passenger trike, or a kind of car appended to a motorbike, with room for either one or two passengers seated one behind the other in a kind of 'heterosexual' unequal arrangement.  By contrast to this Social Transcendentalist compromise, the trike would seem to indicate a communistic compromise, being a step closer to a motorbike while remaining fundamentally a car, if, on account of its driver absolutism, an anti-democratic one.


80.  Sports cars - for instance, the Triumph - are generally flat, low, bright, and open-topped, with but room for two people seated side-by-side, not really indicative of a driver/passenger dichotomy, as with a four-seater - two people in front and two behind in an 'heterosexual' relativity of active and passive.  Hence sports cars are inherently socialist, more ideologically extreme in conception than, say, the liberal mini.  As for Bubble cars, so-named because they resemble a bubble, it might be as well to risk a sort of fascist or even a communist equivalence here, though I have no desire to detract from the probable analogical status of the trike in regard to the latter option.


81.  Sport is the great particle leveller of the age, the attenuated evil of a socialist bias, people reduced to the physical materialism of competitive bodies.  Shorts, usually worn with athletic and football activities, suggest electron-particle identification, highlighting apartness.  By contrast to shorts, long trousers suggest a wavicle continuity extending right down the legs.  They inhibit violence (though jeans less so).  Shorts are a symbol of the Devil in the world, no less than the red flag of Communism.


82.  Against this, God (in the guise of the Second Coming), must raise his own Y-like emblem, symptomatic of the redeemed cross, on a white ground, and his closest followers will dress in all-black plastic zipper suits, symptomatic of an essential supernaturalism.


83.  And so the idealistic struggle against materialist evil will be waged until the Anti-Christ is vanquished and the world, brought to a divine unity, can progress from the Second Coming to the pure electron spirit of the Omega Point - all antinomies and antagonisms overcome in the name of maximum divinity.  Here end my revaluations.



LONDON 1985 (Revised 2012)


Evaluations and Revaluations 


