1.   What could be architecturally grosser than the rectilinear skyscrapers which tower up in an unequivocal display of the utmost architectural superficiality, their translucent monolithic structures ample testimony to the heathenistic criteria typifying the worst aspects of modern life?


2.   Certainly it would be hard to escape the conclusion that architecture had 'gone to the dogs' with these superficially square towers whose material ugliness would appear commensurate with the worst of all possible architectural hells.


3.   It is as though the city has come to diabolical fruition with these rectilinear monoliths whose existence would be out of place in any but the most extensively and intensively urban environments.


4.   Extensive and intensive urbanization gave rise to these grossly superficial monoliths which confirm the transmutation of town into city, as of purgatory into hell.


5.   The worst that could happen architecturally ... has happened, namely these rectilinear monoliths, but so, too, paradoxically, has the best, albeit in comparatively short supply at present - I allude, of course, to such curvilinear monoliths as confirm an unequivocally subjective disposition.


6.   Whereas the town or traditional city was divisible between squares and domes, the modern city, or rather those areas of the city which are peculiarly modern, exemplifies a like distinction between rectilinear and curvilinear monoliths.


7.   Clearly not all monolithic structures are rectilinear and effectively metachemical; the majority in most cities may be, but curvilinear monoliths attest to a metaphysical alternative which possibly - though I wouldn't bank on it - offers hope for the future.


8.   After all, things are usually more one way than another because that's the way most people, or even a given people, happen to be, whether through choice or commercial necessity or financial greed, or whatever.


9.   Things could conceivably change for the better, i.e., towards a more metaphysical disposition, but not within societal contexts based on and esteeming freedom.


10.  For it is precisely in freedom-worshipping societies, or countries and peoples especially given, through a female bias, to the objectivity of free will over the subjectivity of natural determinism, to freedom as opposed to binding, that metachemical and chemical predilections are able to flourish, not least of all in terms of rectilinear styles, both 'high' and 'low', of architecture.


11.  Therefore it is inconceivable that physical and metaphysical orders of architecture could flourish to anything like a comparable extent in free societies, but only in ones more consciously dedicated, through sensibility, to the subjective bindings of natural determinism.


12.  I call such societies cultural and civilized, both in terms of enhanced self-respect in natural determinism for males (cultural) and of constrained not-self freedom in free will for females (civilized), and they contrast with the barbarism (unconstrained free will) and philistinism (self-disrespect) of free societies.


13.  For free will is primarily female and natural determinism primarily male, the one having intimate associations with metachemical and chemical orders of not-self, the other even more intimate connections with physical and metaphysical orders of self.


14.  Rectilinear monoliths are as unequivocally indicative of free will as curvilinear monoliths ... of natural determinism, the former exemplifying the objectivity of female freedom and the latter the subjectivity of male binding.


15.  At least, that would be the case in the event of an alpha/omega distinction between translucent rectilinear monoliths and opaque curvilinear monoliths.


16.  In the case of equivalent translucencies, however, we are dealing rather more with primary and secondary orders of freedom, as between the free objectivity of the female not-self and the free subjectivity of the male self, the former rectilinear and the latter curvilinear.


17.  Only in the case of opaque orders of curvilinear and rectilinear monoliths would it be possible to infer primary and secondary orders of binding, as between the bound subjectivity of the male self in the enhanced natural determinism of sensibility, and the bound objectivity of the female not-self in the constrained free will of sensibility.


18.  These 'inner' forms of monolithic architecture, corresponding to sensible metaphysics and metachemistry, would be as far removed from the 'outer' forms of monolithic architecture, with their translucent façades, indicative of the utmost superficiality, as culture and civilization from barbarism and philistinism.


19.  In fact where the translucent, or free, orders of monolithic architecture correspond to evil in the rectilinear case of primary freedom (of the female not-self) and to folly in the curvilinear case of secondary freedom (from the male self), the opaque, or bound, orders of monolithic architecture correspond, by contrast, to wisdom in the curvilinear case of primary binding (to the male self) and to goodness in the rectilinear case of secondary binding (of the female not-self), thereby standing as the exemplification of a moral alternative to architectural immorality.


20.  One cannot envisage such a moral alternative on any significant scale except in relation to a bound order of society which is as officially committed to culture and civilization as free ones, if unofficially, to barbarism and philistinism.  Yet even then ... sensibility does not typify life as much as sensuality.