1.   As one who likes to distinguish the Nordic from the Celtic on the basis of an alpha/omega dichotomy between rulership and leadership, objectivity and subjectivity on both pre- and post-worldly terms, I am convinced that so long as the one higher race continues to rule over large parts of the world, the other higher race will find it difficult if not impossible to lead it, since the interests of the one - as English rule of Ireland traditionally demonstrates - tends to exclude or marginalize those of the other, with 'us'-or-'them'-like consequences.


2.   I don't want to repeat here what I said in Magnus Dei about higher and lower races, supra-worldly and worldly races, except to say that I still adhere to the view, based on careful consideration of the facts, that Nordics and Celtics are the twin - and effectively antithetical - peaks of a racial iceberg on this planet the greater bulk of which lies submerged beneath both the green- and/or blue-eyed surface in various degrees of brown-eyed uniformity.


3.   So it is that the rule of the brown-eyed world by pale-blue and/or green-eyed Nordics has tended to marginalize or even preclude the lead of it by dark-blue and/or green-eyed Celtics.  Still, things are slowly but surely changing in favour of the latter - a much-to-be-preferred scenario which places 'Kingdom Come' in the vanguard of evolution while the last vestiges of 'Kingdom Gone', or traditional alpha-stemming kingdoms, are chipped away at by the worldly majority in the interests of their freedom from autocratic rule and correlative democratic freedom for the future possibility of binding to theocratic (or something to that effect) leadership.


4.   This is an ongoing process, a slow working-out of historical progress from alpha to omega via the world, and in racial terms it is by and large a white vis-à-vis black thing, albeit the white race is itself divisible between Nordic and Celtic on the aforementioned alpha/omega basis.


5.   So much so that I prefer to think plurally in terms of white races, since there would seem to be little common ground between the two, and a tendency, in consequence, for them to remain apart and mutually suspicious of, if not antipathetic towards, each other's interests, pretty much as if there were a gender dichotomy between them which precluded the one from seeing eye-to-eye, so to speak, with the other, since whereas the one race objectively looks out upon the world, the other race just as subjectively looks in upon the world or, rather, beyond it to that 'Kingdom' we have identified with God.


6.   Such a gender dichotomy, translated into racial terms, is not only intelligible in relation to pale blue and/or green eyes vis-à-vis dark blue and/or green eyes, or fair hair vis-à-vis dark hair, but is even more demonstrable, it seems to me, in relation to a distinction between hairless chests and hairy chests - the former more usually typifying Nordic males and the latter their Celtic counterparts.


7.   Thus a female/male distinction, effectively, between the Nordic race and the Celtic race, since those without hair on their chests are much less disposed to subjectivity than those for whom hairy chests are not only a mark of genuine maleness, but a confirmation of a more omega-oriented bias, even to the extent of transcendentalism.


8.   Now it seems to me that hair is often found in proximity to channels of or organs for air, whether as sound waves or breath, and that where this is lacking or is less evident, as in the case of hairless chests, so the capacity for and inclination towards such transcendentalist pursuits as transcendental meditation will be correspondingly lacking, with the probability, instead, of some kind of fiery bias, not least of all in relation to smoking.


9.   Thus those who are racially 'not up to' transcendental meditation are more likely, lacking metaphysical self-respect, to pollute their lungs with tobacco and such-like smoky substances on account of what transpires to being a metachemical bias for fire.  They are the alpha as opposed to the omega, objectively female rather than subjectively male, and just as likely to be racially Nordic instead of Celtic.


10.  But their number is up, metachemistry not being as influential as formerly, and one day the world will have so extensively subsumed them into itself ... that probably nothing but dope-smoking will remain, and what results will probably be more deferential to the lead of sensible metaphysics than would otherwise have been the case.


11.  One cannot exclude the Element of fire from life, but transmute it, in response to world-historical evolution, one assuredly can, and in its transmutation it will cease to be the enemy of air and more like an indirect friend.


12.  We are not yet, however, at that stage where the world is being led, as though by a Celtic piper, while still remaining by and large itself, but that day will come, and when it does, the lion will have lain down with the lamb and the lamb be the lamb of God in what I have elsewhere described as 'Kingdom Come'.