1.   Anyone familiar with my writings over the past two or three years will know that I conceive of 'Kingdom Come' - at least in relation to these islands - both in terms of a Gaelic federation of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales ... that, embracing Social Transcendentalism, had been democratically entered-in to by any or all of the peoples concerned (and in relation, paradoxically, to a majority mandate for what has been called religious sovereignty, or the right to religious self-determination on a basis led, though not exclusively characterized, by transcendental meditation), and, in addition to this, of a triadic Beyond which would be the actual context, institutionally and culturally, in which the actualization of such sovereignty literally took place.


2.   Thus 'Kingdom Come' is no mere phrase or pious hope but something that, with me, acquires both political definition in terms of a federation of Social Transcendental Centres - 'the Centre' being the term for that which transcends both conventional state/church relativity in relation to the world by associating state responsibility, as 'administrative aside', with the triadic Beyond of the Centre proper - and religious direction in terms of a three-tier praxis of spiritual, intellectual, and emotional (or soulful) development, all within the ideological scope of Social Transcendentalism, the motive force for the 'Kingdom' in question.


3.   I have gone into both Social Transcendentalism and 'Kingdom Come' as both a Gaelic federation and a triadic Beyond in sufficient detail in previous texts, so will not further elaborate on all that here ... except to say that such a 'Kingdom' is also designed to provide a solution to the division of Ireland by allowing for the possibility of Irish unity between Catholics and Protestants as Social Transcendentalists within the supra-national framework of a federation of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, etc., should a majority mandate be forthcoming at some future time - identified by me with 'Judgement' - for religious sovereignty and deliverance, in consequence, from 'sins and/or punishments of the world', including, not least, political sovereignty and its judicial and economic concomitants.


4.   Thus Irish unity within the framework of a Gaelic federation - such is the basis of Social Transcendentalism's solution not only to the problem of Northern Ireland vis-à-vis Eire, but to the hideous schism which Christianity created for itself between Catholicism and Protestantism, to its own ideological detriment and ongoing worldly shame.


5.   For Christianity is manifestly a failure, a tragic error and gross shortfall from religious truth, as is the existence of Northern Ireland as a six-county Ulster statelet within the island of Ireland as a whole, and the tragic divisions, both political and cultural, which have resulted from it derive, in no small part, from a combination of religious and ethnic disparities having their origin in an indigenous vis-à-vis imperial antagonism.


6.   For British imperialism was - and in some degree continues to be - responsible for the division of Ireland, both politically and historically, and what has been done cannot, in any literal sense, be undone.  It can only be exploited, which is to say, modified in the interests of all Irishmen, whatever their ethnic traditions, and for that to happen there must be a will on the part of both sides of the Irish divide to compromise with Social Transcendentalism and enter into Irish unity on the basis of a Gaelic federation of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, etc., so that both nationalists and unionists get what they want only on this basis - a basis not only permitting compromise where none has existed or could exist before, but manifestly requiring it ... for progress to happen.


7.   For progress must be for Gaels, for the majority populations not only of Ireland, north and south, but of Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, etc. in general, so that what was done at their expense by the English - a Nordic race by and large - can be if not literally undone then, at any rate, turned around and used to the advantage of Celtic humanity in each of the aforementioned countries.


8.   Therefore the Scots and the Welsh should be just as entitled to the benefits of religious sovereignty within a Gaelic federation identified by me with 'Kingdom Come' as their Irish counterparts, whose solution to their divided predicament hinges, it seems to me, on the willingness of both Scotland and Wales, though especially Scotland, to enter democratically into partnership with the Irish in the formation of just such a federation, a federation, in effect, of Social Transcendental Centres, without which no Irish unity, much less end to 'sins and/or punishments of the world', can reasonably be envisaged!


9.   So British involvement in Ireland historically should justify Irish involvement in or with Britain, since history is a two-way thing, and the basis for a new political and religious arrangement already exists by dint of the imperialistic fruit - namely Ulster loyalism - of British involvement with Ireland.


10.  Ulster loyalists are not going to cease being loyal to Britain, but they, or a majority of them, can choose, I believe, to be loyal to Britain in a different way - namely with regard to a Gaelic federation of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales that would amount to a new union with those parts of Britain from which most of their ancestors hailed, and thus contribute, democratically, to the dissolution of the United Kingdom and the solution to Irish division within an ideological structure that would be quite independent of English control.


11.  For England is something that Celtic Scotland and Wales should want, logically, to become independent of, not just in terms of devolution from the parliament at Westminster, but, more significantly, of evolution towards a federation with Ireland and an end, in consequence, to the division and rule of Celts by their Nordic antithesis - always more alpha than omega, more objective than subjective, more female than male, more scientific than religious and, frankly, more barbarous than cultural!


12.  Rest assured, 'Kingdom Come' can only come to pass on the basis of an omega-oriented cultural predilection such that finds its apotheosis in religious sovereignty, and it is because the Celts of these islands typify such a predilection that it would be for them to decide, come 'Judgement', or that most paradoxical of elections that would not be just another election but the means to the end of all democracy in the interests of what lies beyond it, whether to abandon the world for 'Kingdom Come' and enter into unity with one another under the ideological framework of Social Transcendentalism, and its promise of a triadic Beyond duly served from the bedrock of an administrative aside, or to remain stuck with the worldly status quo, to the lasting detriment of their souls.