1.   On the subject of the triadic Beyond, it should be evident that its division within Social Transcendentalism into nonconformist, humanist, and transcendentalist tiers, each of which would be subdivisible on a like-basis, leads to the conclusion that, in Elemental terms, water and vegetation (earth) receive a divine lead by air.


2.   Whether this could ever be strictly commensurate with dark green- and brown-eyed people being led by people with dark-blue eyes ... must remain a moot point; for even if a correlation were to exist between green eyes and water (sea), brown eyes and earth (vegetation), and blue eyes and air (sky), it would be difficult, if not impossible, to convince people of disparate denominational backgrounds though identical eye coloration that they were equally deserving of any given tier, irrespective of gender or ethnic suitability, whether literally or effectively.


3.   Certainly eye-colour theories may have some part to play in the hierarchical composition of the triadic Beyond, but since it has been initially conceived in relation to a Celtic racial mean, one cannot pretend that any great racial significance would attach to colour variations in respect of eyes.


4.   Since the hierarchical composition of the triadic Beyond would have largely been derived from the salvation of Catholics (from sensual time to sensible space) to the top tier; the salvation of Anglicans (from sensual mass to sensible volume) to the middle tier; and the damnation of Puritans/Dissenters (from sensual volume to sensible mass) to the bottom tier, there is no way in which blue-eyed people would uniformly qualify for the top tier, brown-eyed people for the middle tier, or green-eyed people for the bottom tier, nor could one reasonably suppose that in the threefold subdivision of each tier such distinctions should universally apply within any given denominational entitlement, since gender differentiation would be an important element on all tiers, and it cannot reasonably be supposed that gender conveniently respects differences of eye coloration along the aforementioned Elemental lines, with males either blue- or brown-eyed (air and earth), and females invariably green- eyed (water).


5.   Thus an eye-based subdivision of each tier between green-, brown- and blue-eyed persons would not necessarily accord with the division of males from females, even supposing that each tier was still composed of Social Transcendentalists of denominational backgrounds which accorded with each of the Elements - persons of Puritan and/or Dissenter descent on the bottom tier, Anglican descent on the middle tier, and Catholic descent on the top tier.


6.   No, the important thing is that females be divided from males, and males themselves be divisible between those of an intellectual persuasion and those, by contrast, of a soulfully emotional persuasion - the former entitled to the middle subsection of, according to denominational background, their particular tier, and the latter to its top subsection.


7.   But here we do enter into the possibility of a physical factor being, if not the sole, then certainly one of the most credible criteria for enabling such a distinction to be drawn - namely, the presence or absence, within a broad racial mean, of hair on chests.


8.   Now only those males whose chests were hairy should be encouraged to attend the top subsection of any given tier, since the connection between air (or breath) and hair(s) should permit us to infer a correlation with transcendentalism, whether in relation to transcendental meditation (top tier), yoga (middle tier), or aerobics (bottom tier).


9.   Thus the division of males on all tiers should be assisted though not exclusively determined by the nature of their chests, with those with most hair having a natural right, one could say, to transcendentalism, whether in its per se manifestation (meditation) or either of its 'bovaryized' manifestations (yoga and aerobics), the former applying to males of Catholic descent, and the latter to their Protestant (both Anglican and Puritan) counterparts.


10.  Were all Celts equally disposed to hairy chests, such a distinction as that drawn above could not, of course, be made; but they are no more all hairy-chested than blue-eyed, even though a fair proportion of them, whether of Catholic or Protestant background, will be.


11.  Many will have few if any hairs on their chests, and therefore they should be allocated to the middle subsection of any given tier, where they will be closer to females, who, comparatively speaking, do not have hairs on their chests/breasts, on the bottom subsections thereof.  For intellectuality must come in between emotionality up above and spirituality down below, like form in between contentment and glory, or vegetation in between air and water, or humanism in between transcendentalism and nonconformism.


12.  Only thus will justice be done to the triadic Beyond, which, divided between air, vegetation, and water, should be led by transcendentalism, represented by humanism, and governed by nonconformism, whether or not the transcendentalists are invariably blue-eyed, the humanists brown-eyed, or the nonconformists green-eyed.


13.  And what literally female nonconformist Social Transcendentalists will not be conforming to is the self-enhancement, in subjectivity, of males, both intellectually, in humanist Social Transcendentalism, and emotionally, in transcendentalist Social Transcendentalism, at any given tier level of the triadic Beyond (including the male subsections of the bottom one).


14.  The reason for this is that females (and even males of Puritan and/or Dissenter background) are not - and never could be - of the Saved but only, according to gender, of the Damned, and therefore sensible in relation to constraints (excepting the above-mentioned categories of male) upon not-self freedom of action making for a secondary order of binding germane to civilization as a female mean and support for culture, that male preserve in which binding to self, the primary factor with males (even those of Puritan and/or Dissenter background), is sensibly enhanced either intellectually (in humanism) or emotionally (in transcendentalism), and both form and contentment, ego and soul, are enabled to rise above the constrained glory of sensible spirit.


15.  Such is the hierarchical composition of the triadic Beyond, as men and gods rise above women, like knowledge and truth above strength - the whole served from the most sensible fundamentalism of a religiously-oriented beautiful aside, the aside, namely, of the administrative aspects of 'Kingdom Come', as germane to the 'God-Kingship', corresponding, in all probability, to an executive presidency - of he who would 'rule' both the subjective and the objective, males and females, of the triadic Beyond from a standpoint, in love, and in relation to a hierarchy in which joy leads, pleasure represents, and pride governs, according to that logic which derives from the Elements and to which everything returns in the unfolding of Eternity.