Re-examining the Intercardinal Axes


Revised and Reformatted Philosophical Weblogs


Copyright © 2012 John O’Loughlin





01. Positivity vis-à-vis Negativity in Sensuality and Sensibility

02. Gender Contrasts in Soma and Psyche

03. Female Advantage in Worldly Relations

04. Alpha and Omega of the Metaphysical Self

05. Nature and Philistinism

06. Understanding Culture and Civility

07. Man and God

08. Traditional and Contemporary Music

09. Understanding Homosexuality

10. Theory of Sartorial Polarity

11. Re-examining Philistinism and Culture in relation to Barbarity and Civility

12. Football’s Violent Traditions

13. Of Pediments and Domes

14. Concerning Educated Females

15. Free Will verses Free Soul

16. Redefining the Left and the Right

17. Worldly and Post-Worldly Distinctions

18. Genuine and Pseudo Axial Antitheses

19. Comprehensively Non-Humanistic

20. Overcoming the World

21. Revaluations and Transvaluations

22. Metaphysics and Antimetachemistry

23. God and Heaven

24. Secular Freedom vis-à-vis Religious Conformity

25. A Revaluation of Meritocracy and Plutocracy

26. A Brief Examination of Religious Freedom

27. Freedom From vis-à-vis Freedom For

28. Concerning Noumenal Subatomic Wavicles and Particles

29. Concerning the Respective Phenomenal Subatomic Positions

30. On Irish and British Distinctions

31. On the Relationship between Righteousness and Justice

32. Divine and Other Laws

33. Space and Time

34. God out of Man

35. No ‘Fall of Man’

36. The Nature of the Age

37. An Earlier Oversight Corrected

38. Man’s Yearning for Eternity

39. Free Cross and Bound Star

40. Overcoming the Gender War in the Interests of Universal Peace

41. A Metaphysical Rejection of Brass

42. Across the Socialist Divide

43. Beyond Nationalist Politics

44. The Moral Necessity of Gender Discrimination

45. Falls and Counter-Rises vis-à-vis Rises and Counter-Falls

46. No Simple Right and Wrong

47. Re-examining the Axial Compass in relation to Right and Wrong

48. Getting the Life-force into Perspective

49. Exploring the Role of Percussion in Music

50. The Struggle between Opposite types of Sanity

51. Exposing the Antichrist Hype

52. The Alternative Patterns of Salvation and Damnation

53. Understanding Class

54. A Reappraisal of Salvation and Counter-Damnation in relation to Damnation and Counter-Salvation

55. From Phenomenal Particle Collectivity to Noumenal Wavicle Individuality

56. Contrasting Objectivity with Antisubjectivity and Subjectivity with Anti-objectivity in Noumenal and Phenomenal Contexts

57. Envisioning the Supra-Christian Beyond

58. Understanding the Contrary Modes of Noumenal Saluting

59. Examining the Noumenal Antithesis between Space and Time together with the Phenomenal Antithesis between Volume and Mass

60. More on the Relationship between Culture and Civility in both Noumenal and Phenomenal Contexts

61. The Duties of Social Theocracy

62. A Critical Look at the Resurrection

63. An Examination of Faithfulness and Faithlessness

64. An Investigation of Death in relation to Life

65. Setting the Time/Antispace Record Straight

66. A Common Phrase Corrected

67. Another Look at Freedom

68. A Re-examination of Light and Darkness relative to Gender

69. The Tasks Lying Ahead for the Godly and the Antidevilish