Advantage in Worldly Relations. The fact that females are externally calmer
than males and internally more aggressive means that, by and large, they have
the sexual advantage over males and maintain it throughout life. For the male is trapped in a kind of vicious
circle in which his psychic calm is regularly warred upon by a less psychically
calm and altogether more mentally aggressive female at loggerheads with her
gender reality of soma preceding and predominating over psyche under male
hegemonic pressure in sensibility.
Consequently he will incline to revert to somatic aggression in order to
avenge himself in some degree on the female and become trapped in a situation
the converse of hers as he struggles with her external calmness at loggerheads
with his gender reality of psyche preceding and preponderating over soma under
female hegemonic pressure in sensuality.
Now obviously there are instances of direct retaliatory somatic
aggression, whether sexual or otherwise, to female psychic aggressiveness, but,
by and large, one can believe that arguments are not resolved in such brutal
fashion and that each gender withdraws into its own position to start afresh,
usually with a renewed commitment to coitus on the part of the male in
consequence of a display of female somatic calmness and togetherness. For sex, being sensual, more usually follows
from a male response to the female position of somatic calmness rather than in
consequence of anger with female psychic aggression. The male who ‘loses his cool’ with a female
in sensibility is in no position to enjoy sex or to properly satisfy his
woman’s sexual needs. He is more likely
simply to make a violent fool, if not criminal, of himself. But because females generally get the better
of males in life, it follows that wisdom as a male preserve is keenly aware of
this situation and knows that the only way to defeat it is to remain as
independent of females as possible, since no male who has regular relations
with females or even a certain female can possibly avoid having his psychic
calm undermined by a creature whose calmness is somatic and therefore contrary
to his. This is what justifies certain
enlightened males, like monks and philosophers and great artists, in living
independently of females in the interests of enhanced psychic calm, of that
calmness which will not be subject to the aggressiveness of females under male
hegemonic pressure in sensibility but be able to maintain itself at or near
peak levels of inner sanity, of self-realization and actualization in relation
to psychic freedom. But such psychic
freedom is only possible as a metaphysical postulate, and therefore in relation
to godliness and, most especially, heavenliness, which is the alpha and omega
of the metaphysical self.