Alpha and Omega of the Metaphysical Self.  It has been said that God or godliness is both alpha and omega and, to be sure, there is some truth in this, albeit not necessarily in the way that many people would think.  For this is not the beginning and end of things per se, a cosmic ‘first mover’ and whatever may be yet to come.  Rather, this alpha and omega should be seen, as hinted at in the entry above, in relation to the self, and the metaphysical self most especially.  For it is only in the metaphysical self, which is a male preserve, that godliness and, more importantly, heavenliness is possible, and it is in respect of the ego of the one and the soul of the other, of a transposition, as it were, from the one to the other that we should think of the alpha and omega not so much of godliness as of godliness and heavenliness, the formal beginning and contented end of the self in question.  Therefore ego into bound will and bound spirit of the metaphysical not-self, say lungs and breath, is the methodology, mankind-traditionally, by means of which the ego may achieve unity with the soul and in becoming one with it lose any sense of otherness, of relativity vis-à-vis the relevant not-self, for the nonce, thereby achieving the bliss that is the sublime reward of self-unity.  God is the metaphysical alpha that finds His redemption in the metaphysical omega of Heaven, ego in soul, form in contentment, the knowledge of truth in the pleasure of joy, of which there is nothing more pleasing to the self.  Hence do not conceive of this alpha and omega solely in relation to God, still less to anything outside metaphysics, which is always the northeast hegemonic point of the intercardinal axial compass, whether in cosmos, where it exists to a least evolved degree, in nature, where it exists to a less (compared to least) evolved degree, in mankind, where it exists to a more (compared to most) evolved degree, or, to anticipate the future, in cyborgkind, where it will exist to a most evolved and therefore effectively per se degree commensurate with ‘Kingdom Come’.  Verily the truth about religious alpha and omega is that it is both godly and heavenly, and that godly ego is the beginning of the metaphysical self which has one raison d’être and one raison d’être only: namely to get from ego to soul, godliness to heavenliness, through achieving, via whatever metaphysically not-self means are most appropriate to any given ‘life-stage’ of metaphysics, perfect self-harmony, a perfection, I teach, which is only going to be truly – because most – perfect in relation to the utilization of synthetically artificial procedures as germane neither to the West nor to the East, not to anything intermediate or anterior, but solely to global civilization as it comes into its sensibly cyborg own in the decades and centuries to come.