Overcoming the World.  With Social Theocrats like us, for whom the world-affirmation of a Nietzsche is anathema, the world is decidedly something that should be overcome, but not in the sense that one is thinking, at least initially, about the world in general, which is both alpha and omega, sensual and sensible. On the contrary, only about the kind of worldliness appertaining to the southwest point of our axial compass, the type that has been identified with alpha worldliness or, rather, pseudo-alpha-worldliness in pseudo-chemistry and pseudo-anti-omega-worldliness in pseudo-antiphysics, the ‘pseudo’ being the contemporary ‘lapsed Catholic’ manifestations of sensual worldliness that owe much to freely somatic libertarian impositions from the northwest point of the compass in question, which has been identified, in previous entries, with metachemistry and antimetaphysics.  Thus the kind of ‘worldliness’ that has to be overcome from a divine, not to mention (for females) antidiabolic, standpoint is precisely that which is not, on any account, an ideal in itself, whether falsely or otherwise, but a sensual limitation which is subject to the sorts of predatory exploitations characteristic of metachemistry and antimetaphysics, not least in their contemporary, or synthetically artificial, guise.  Being pseudo-chemical and pseudo-antiphysical is not the same as being chemical and antiphysical in traditional alpha-worldly and anti-omega-worldly vein, since beyond any kind of worldly per se in terms of a degree of post-worldliness which is nevertheless distinct from anything supra-worldly, whether on netherworldly or anti-otherworldly terms.  The pseudo-chemical and pseudo-antiphysical manifestations of post-worldliness may be straining, in respectively quasi-metachemical and quasi-antimetaphysical vein, towards the metachemical and antimetaphysical impositions stemming from the northwest point of the axial compass, but they are neither supra-worldly on those terms nor, more importantly, supra-worldly in respect of otherworldly and anti-netherworldly criteria which, in the event of its coming to pass, would save and counter-damn them, according to gender, from their pseudo-chemical or, rather (with church-hegemonic/state-subordinate criteria), pseudo-antiphysical and pseudo-chemical limitations to a more exalted metaphysics and antimetachemistry commensurate with the messianic overhauling of the northeast point of the axial compass in relation to ‘Kingdom Come’.  They are trapped in a kind of intermediate realm which is neither properly worldly, in traditional Catholic fashion, nor supra-worldly in terms of a new order of metaphysics and antimetachemistry, and therefore they remain the playthings of those who would prey upon them from metachemical and antimetaphysical heights, reducing them, for all their paradoxical straining at a pseudo-worldly leash, to a sort of idolatrous worship of whatever it is that the netherworldly and anti-otherworldly can synthetically create and commercially foist upon them.  Thus they have need of deliverance from this paradoxical situation, and in that sense they correspond to what, as pseudo-alpha-world and pseudo-anti-omega-world, should be overcome in the interests of elevation to such metaphysics and antimetachemistry as would stand in a noumenally antithetical relationship to their predatory exploiters and constitute their salvation (in the case of the pseudo-antiphysical) and counter-damnation (in the case of the pseudo-chemical) from the pseudo-anti-omega-world and pseudo-alpha-world to all that was genuinely otherworldly and anti-netherworldly in its sensibly supra-worldly removal from the world.  No, we do not make a point, in Nietzschean vein, of affirming the world, least of all in respect of that which is manifestly the victim of both its own sensual shortcomings and of the freely somatic liberties which reign down upon it from ‘above’, i.e. the northwest point of the axial compass, but conceive of the need of delivering such a manifestation of worldliness or, rather, pseudo-worldliness from itself in order that it may be delivered from those who would continue to exploit its limitations and grow famous and wealthy on its gullibility and moral helplessness.  In that respect we are categorically opposed to any ‘world affirmation’, particularly since it would more accord with the omega worldly or, increasingly in this day and age, pseudo-omega-worldly and pseudo-anti-alpha-worldly positions at the southeast point of the axial compass whose sensible disdain, both traditionally and contemporaneously, for anything phenomenally sensual across the axial divide keeps it in cahoots, more usually in respect of financing the somatic liberties of their axial counterparts, with all that is metachemically and antimetaphysically ranged against the possibility and, indeed, desirability of metaphysics and antimetachemistry from standpoints rooted to the northwest point of the axial compass.  Thus the reign of the world or, rather, of the sensible pseudo-worldly in this post-worldly and even alpha-supraworldly (netherworldly) and anti-omega-supraworldly (anti-otherworldly) age, is commensurate with the phenomenal reign of pseudo-man and pseudo-anti-woman in relation to the noumenal reign of devils and antigods (not to mention their ‘pseudo’ counterparts) at the expense not only of pseudo-women and pseudo-antimen across the phenomenal axial divide but, more shockingly, at the expense of genuine godliness and antidevilishness at the northeast point of the axial compass which is precisely the point that needs to resurrect itself and overhaul its traditional manifestations if those at the southwest point of the axis in question are to be more efficaciously saved and counter-damned from all that would hold them down and keep them enslaved to pseudo-anti-omega-worldly and pseudo-alpha-worldly criteria, sensual post-worldly limitation without exploitable and exploited end.  The pseudo-world that affirms itself, in relation to the (indirect) exploitation of those whose pseudo-worldly predicament across the axial divide is anything but desirable, is not our world but the world of those who have made peace with worldliness and, in so doing, signed a Faustian pact with the Devil and the Antigod (no matter how paradoxically and irrationally hyped as God and denigrated as the Devil) to exploit, in predatory fashion, the pseudo-alpha-worldly and pseudo-anti-omega-worldly for their mutual somatic benefit, the secular product, in large part, of schismatic heresy in axial terms.  We, who struggle on behalf of genuine godliness and (for females) antidevilishness, are not of this sensible world, and therefore our appeal is to its sensual victims whom we wish to deliver from the clutches of all who, in state-hegemonic/church-subordinate vein, would prey upon them, and deliver, more specifically, to the metaphysical and antimetachemical heights of the otherworldly and anti-netherworldly salvation and counter-damnation of God and the Antidevil at the overhauled northeast point of the axial compass.  And we firmly believe that this can be done and that it is commensurate with ‘world overcoming’ in the truest and religiously best sense, taking what is already pseudo-antimanly and pseudo-womanly and transforming it into the supra-human godliness and antidevilishness of what most accords with heavenly and antihellish criteria for all eternity and anti-infinity in the Celestial City and Anti-Vanity Fair of ‘Kingdom Come’ which, in the event of a majority mandate for religious sovereignty in certain countries entitled to counter one paradox – the paradox of quasi-state-hegemonic/quasi-church-subordinate criteria – with another – the paradox of an election in which religious sovereignty was very much on the table in the interests of a progressive restoration of church-hegemonic/state-subordinate criteria – would be commensurate with the messianic transformation of the northeast point of the axial compass in relation to metaphysics and antimetachemistry of a universally and anti-polyversally definitive order, beyond, in its synthetic artificiality,  both Western and Eastern shortfalls alike, and therefore truly reflective of the triumph of culture over counter-civility in global civilization.