Space and Time.  Prior to me, philosophers would glibly parrot such phrases as space and time and space-time continuum as though they had a purchase on truth and the final insight into cosmic or other reality.  Little did they realize how restricted and misguided they were!  For not only are space and time incompatible, but what accords with space in the so-called space-time continuum is not time but antitime, which I have described in my writings as the sequential mode of ‘time’ which stands in a subordinate relationship to the spatial mode of space, which is space per se.  Hence the space-time continuum betrays a predilection, one might say an ethnic fatality, towards metachemistry and antimetaphysics at what would be the northwest point of the intercardinal axial compass.  It is the point, par excellence, of the noumenal modes of scientific empiricism, wherein we find a distinction between the noumenal objectivity of space, or spatial space, and the noumenal antisubjectivity of antitime, or sequential ‘time’.  It is, in fact, the root position of the cosmos, as of nature, mankind, and cyborgkind (to come right up to date), and hence of all that is to be associated not with God and the Devil (another misconception on a par with those who conjoin space and time) but, on the contrary, with Devil the Mother hyped as God and the Antison of Antigod ‘done down’ as the Devil, to take but the freely somatic aspects of both metachemistry and antimetaphysics, and therefore with what properly accords, in any life-stage, with evil and pseudo-folly.  Clearly, this space-time continuum of the philosophical empiricists leaves much to be desired, not least its noumenal antithesis in what could be called the time-space continuum of repetitive time and spaced ‘space’, or time per se and antispace, the former no less noumenally subjective than the latter is noumenally anti-objective and thus the antimetachemical corollary of a metaphysical hegemony.  Now such a corollary of a metaphysical hegemony centred in what properly appertains to God … the Father … as psychic ‘first mover’ in the metaphysical context at the northeast point of the intercardinal axial compass should be thought of in terms of the Antidevil and, more specifically in relation to free psyche of an antimetachemical order, of the Antidaughter of the Antidevil, the beautiful approach to Truth that complements the Truth … of God the Father in metaphysical free  psyche, just as the loving approach to Joy of the Unclear Soul of Antihell complements the Joy … of Heaven the Holy Soul … where the emotional concomitants of egoistic intellectuality, or consciousness, in both antimetachemistry and metaphysics are concerned.  Be that as it may, what can be called the time-space continuum is no less noumenally antithetical to anything the empiricists would equate with space-time as to be ‘beyond the pale’ of those who are rooted in metachemistry and antimetaphysics and incapable, in consequence, of stretching their criminal and pseudo-sinful minds into the realms of grace and pseudo-punishment, not to mention wisdom and pseudo-goodness, the bound-somatic complements of the metaphysical and antimetachemical modes of free psyche which stand antithetically apart, on noumenal terms, from anything pseudo-foolish and evil.  In fact, such fundamentally criminal and pseudo-sinful minds are so restricted that they have even failed, in the past, to do justice to volume and mass, whether on the basis of what could be called the volume-mass continuum of volumetric volume and massed ‘mass’, of volume per se and antimass, at the southwest point of the intercardinal axial compass, or, by phenomenal contrast, on the basis of what could be called the mass-volume continuum of massive mass and voluminous ‘volume’, of mass per se and antivolume, at the southeast point of the said compass, thereby restricting the scientific perspective to noumenal objectivity and noumenal antisubjectivity at the expense not merely of noumenal subjectivity and noumenal anti-objectivity (which, from a scientific point of view rooted in empiricism is to be expected anyway) but, to all intents and purposes, at the expense of phenomenal objectivity and phenomenal antisubjectivity in chemistry and antiphysics and of phenomenal subjectivity and phenomenal anti-objectivity in physics and antichemistry ‘down below’.  And yet mass-volume is very much a partner in the game which space-time plays with life, as with volume-mass to the detriment, if not exclusion, of time-space, as all that is metachemical and antimetaphysical preys upon the chemical and antiphysical with the financial support and encouragement of its physical and antichemical counterparts to the exclusion, where possible, of all that is metaphysical and antimetachemical, graceful and/or wise and pseudo-punishing and/or pseudo-good, thereby entrapping the chemical and antiphysical in a kind of triangular arrangement which places them at the mercy of predatory impositions stemming from space-time and mass-volume in what I have elsewhere described as a state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axis dominated by metachemical free soma.  Such a heathenistic arrangement is obviously to the advantage of the female-dominated predators, whether one regards them on an individual or on a collective, i.e. national, basis, and that is why, try as he might, a thinker who is not germane to their axial criteria but contrary to it will never be encouraged to air his views in public or receive the recognition that, objectively considered, his work might deserve.  And this is not because they know nothing of him or are incapable of understanding what he writes (though a cynic could argue with that), but because they operate on an ethnically predetermined basis that is not only responsible for establishing and maintaining their axial integrities in the first place but is actively instrumental in excluding from such integrities, whether noumenal or phenomenal, of space-time or mass-volume, all that would undermine or counter them from a standpoint centred in church-hegemonic/state-subordinate criteria, whether of a traditional or, indeed, a revolutionary order.  Hence their alleged openness to truth, or to whatever transcends the limitations of their system and ethnic bias, is a lie and a ruse which they exploit in the interests of self-preservation and seeming decency, never for a moment seriously entertaining the widening of the intellectual franchise, let us say, to include those who would expose their moral shortcomings and social machinations for what they are.  These people are fundamentally indecent and hell-bent on only one thing: the preservation of their exploitative freedoms against all objections, or possible objections, from without the axial integrities to which they subscribe.  Therefore anybody who wishes to free his people from such indecency, the secular fruit of schismatic heresy, must not rely on the likes of them but must go his own way and appeal to his people over the heads of those who would exploit them for immoral ends.  He is not of the recognized ‘scribes and pharisees’ of the exploiters and their educational systems but, rather, one crying against the wilderness of the desolation which they wreak upon the weak and ignorant to the detriment of all that is beautiful and true.  Fear not, the days of space-time are numbered!  The will or, rather, the ego of God is to further time-space, time and antispace, in the interests of the redemption of ego in soul, of truth in joy, and, for antimetachemistry, of the beautiful approach to truth in the loving approach to joy.  Such noumenal subjectivity and noumenal anti-objectivity cannot but draw that which is phenomenally anti-subjective and phenomenally objective towards itself and, one day, it will be great enough to draw both antiphysics and chemistry into itself, as antimass is transmuted towards time and volume towards antispace in the world-overcoming that will deliver the exploited from their exploiters and collapse the heretical axis down upon itself.  Then not only volume-mass, but space-time and, eventually, mass-volume will be on the rubbish heap of history, never to return to challenge the eternal supremacy and anti-infinite antiprimacy of time-space, of godly metaphysics and antidevilish antimetachemistry in the Celestial City and Anti-Vanity Fair of the ultimate Omega Point and Anti-Alpha Point of  (repetitive) time and (spaced) antispace, all things having passed from the beginning to the end, from the so-called space-time continuum to its time-space antithesis, wherein Truth and Beauty will remain forever entwined on the basis of the most virtuous circle of church-hegemonic/state-subordinate criteria.