God out of Man.  The other night I heard something about man being made in the image of God on the TV (some dreadful film I happened to be watching) and for a while I went along with the notion, automatically translating it into my philosophy whereby psyche preceding soma equals Father preceding Son in both metaphysics and physics, so that the same procedure applies to each of the sensibly male elemental contexts.  But then my philosophy started to kick-in and I queried to myself the concept of God preceding man, or metaphysics preceding physics, since in elemental terms it tends to be vegetation that precedes air, or oxygen, and therefore physics that precedes metaphysics.  But this whole business of man being made in God’s image is so false and contradictory that it warrants some critical attention!  After all, the result is some kind of humanistic stasis either way, whether you accept the idea of man being made in God’s image or, on the contrary, whether, as an atheistic humanist, you turn away from Devil the Mother hyped as God under the false impression that you have rejected God and are now left with nothing but man, who would be his successor.  But of course Devil the Mother hyped as God (the Father) is precisely what precedes everything else, pretty much as fire preceding water (not to mention vegetation and air), or metachemistry preceding chemistry, so that far from man being made in God’s image it is actually woman who is made in the Devil’s image, treating the Devil as synonymous with Devil the Mother hyped as God as cosmic ‘first mover’.  So there we have it!  Man, as male, is not made in God’s image.  It is woman, as female, who is made in the Devil’s image, and precisely as soma preceding and predominating over psyche, albeit to a lesser, that is, phenomenal degree of something like 2½:1½ as opposed to 3:1, which is nothing less than chemical relativity vis-à-vis metachemical absolutism, the actual noumenal elemental position commensurate with Devil the Mother.  Thus things on the tails side of the elemental coin are rather more germane to somatic freedom and psychic binding than ever they are to psychic freedom and somatic binding, and therefore we can reasonably argue that woman made in the Devil’s image (not Satan or anything of the equivalent ‘fall guy for slag’ kind) is anything but synonymous with the notion of man being made in God’s image, even though ‘man’ can and has been used loosely in the sense of ‘mankind’, and God falsely equated with what I have called Devil the Mother as metachemical ‘first mover’ in the cosmic or natural scheme of things.  But man, considered strictly in male terms, is a sort of by-product of woman, an adjunct to woman, just as vegetation (or earth) is an adjunct to water, which required a fiery precondition (metachemical), and out of vegetation, as we have seen, comes air or, at any rate, components of the atmosphere that are essential to life on earth.  Therefore it would be nearer the mark, once having dealt with woman being made in Devil the Mother’s image, to maintain that God is made in man’s image, and to be sure the resurrected Saviour was – and remains – a paradigm of such a concept to the extent that he was first man who ‘rose from the dead’ and ‘ascended into heaven’.  Thus one could regard the concept of a resurrected Saviour ‘On High’ as a crude manifestation of the emergence of God out of man, even though, because of Old Testament factors going all the way back to an unequivocal Devil the Mother hyped as God, such an emergence was bound, in mankind, to be imperfect and short of the required mark for true godliness, the so-called Father of noumenal sensuality in metachemistry holding anything germane to the northeast point of the intercardinal axial compass back from the possibility of full maturity by dint of its very existence or recognition as appertaining to the northwest point of such a compass.  Has it not been said that Christ, in rising from the dead, sat on the right-hand side of this so-called Father?  But that is hardly commensurate with being under Him as soma succeeding psyche as male actuality whether in metaphysics or, down below, in physics!  Such a resurrected Saviour, corresponding in crucifixion to bound soma, is hardly commensurate with free psyche of a metaphysical order, which, in Christianity, simply does not exist.  Even metaphysical bound soma, which should be identified with the concept of ‘sacred lungs’, gets dovetailed into the antimetachemical context, necessarily female, of ‘sacred heart’ and therefore is further done down from metaphysics to antimetachemistry in the interests of the subsuming of such antimetachemistry into a mankind, of Catholic, perpendicular triangularity in which some personification or emblematic representation of eyes over ears, of metachemistry over antimetaphysics, takes sensual precedence over such truncated sensibility, and can be exchanged, with an ecclesiastical sleight-of-hand, for those unequivocal manifestations of perpendicular triangularity which, in Old Testament vein, accord with either nature or the Cosmos, being less a matter of heart-eyes-ears than of berries-blossom-fruit on trees or of Venusian-Stellar-Solar bodies in cosmic precedence of anything natural, never mind human or, to bring us up to date, cyborgistic.  Be that as it may, perpendicular triangularity is the enemy of anything metaphysical and capable of dominating antimetachemistry to the exclusion of metachemistry and antimetaphysics. And yet metaphysics is the sole context in which godliness exists, and not simply as bound soma, in Christ-like vein, but as free psyche, as psyche preceding and preponderating over soma as, metaphorically speaking, Father over Son, so that before you can have the cart of bound soma you must have the horse, so to speak, of free psyche, and precisely as a metaphysical principle that would utilize the ‘sacred lungs’ to a transcendent end.  Christianity, of course, by which I mean Roman Catholicism, falls woefully short of doing justice to what properly appertains to the Divine, and even Buddhism, capable of utilizing the lungs in terms of transcendental meditation, is still a mankind shortfall from genuine godliness and thus the globally universal transcendence of both West and East alike, a transcendence which, in sensual and hence heathenistically secular terms, is already well under way and therefore beyond religious traditions of a Catholic or Buddhist order.  But it has not, of course, reached its sensible goal, and until it does there can be no widespread emergence of God out of man, since the contemporary mode of Devil the Mother hyped as God will persist and constrain life to perpendicular triangularity as before, albeit on synthetically artificial as opposed to non-synthetically artificial or even pre-artificial terms.  But even the eventual emergence of God out of man, using man in male and, specifically, anti-masculine terms as germane to the southwest point of the intercardinal axial compass, will only be the provisional and inceptive manifestation of the process that results from the transcendence of earth, or vegetation, by air, since more applicable to the leaders of and strugglers for contemporary metaphysics than to the masses in general.  God made in the image of man can only be provisional.  Ultimately, God will become more His own product and creation on an increasingly communal basis that will transcend the notion of images altogether, thereby being properly germane to what God, in any ultimate context, should be.  And what applies to godliness in metaphysics will also apply, albeit on a necessarily separate basis, to antidevilishness in antimetachemistry, where the counter-damned females are concerned.  Their counter-damnation from chemistry to antimetachemistry or, more correctly, from pseudo-chemistry to antimetachemistry up what I have in the past called the church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axis will be in consequence of the salvation of males from pseudo-antiphysics to metaphysics, as the Americanized southwest point of the intercardinal axial compass, now effectively quasi-state-hegemonic, is made subject to the control of its overhauled northeast point in the interests of the deliverance of both the pseudo-antiphysical and pseudo-chemical alike from their pseudo-worldly plight to both the otherworldly and anti-netherworldly realms of the metaphysical and the antimetachemical, the Blessed Saved and the Counter-Cursed Counter-Damned for all Eternity and Anti-Infinity.  Verily, God (and His female companion the Antidevil) is what comes to pass last in the overall compass of competing and rival factors.  The lie of man being made in God’s image has been adequately exposed and dismissed for what it’s worth.  The descent of woman from the Devil is one thing; the ascent of God from man … quite another, and we have yet to make a serious attempt on the heavenly citadel which is the end of everything else – everything, that is, apart from its antihellish corollary in Antidevil the Antimother and, more importantly, the Antidaughter of the Antidevil, the bound soma and free psyche of antimetachemistry which will accompany the free psyche and bound soma of metaphysics in terms of God the Father and the Son of God, not to mention their free soulful and bound spiritual concomitants which we have previously identified with Heaven the Holy Soul and the Holy Spirit of Heaven, the former above the Unclear Soul of Antihell and the latter above Antihell the Unclear Spirit, as metaphysics is above antimetachemistry in both church and state.