No ‘Fall of Man’.  Anyone who unthinkingly goes along with the notion of man being made in God’s image will almost certainly also accept the correlative concept of the fall of man.  Yet as I have attempted to demonstrate in the previous entry, it is not man that is made in God’s image but woman that is made in the image of Devil the Mother hyped as God, which tends to be the traditional or conventional religious norm where the concept of ‘Creator’ is concerned.  Therefore a devolution from the Devil (not Satan but something closer to the cosmic ‘first mover’ or, rather, to metachemistry as elemental ‘first mover’ in the cosmos, in nature, in mankind, and in cyborgkind) to woman would be from absolute free soma and bound psyche in metachemistry to relative free soma and bound psyche in chemistry, as from noumenal objectivity to phenomenal objectivity, and such a devolution would be equivalent to the fall of woman from the Devil or, more comprehensively, the fall of Woman the Mother from Devil the Mother in free soma and of the Daughter of Woman from the Daughter of the Devil in bound psyche, as from fire to water in what, objectively considered, are the primary elements.  But since fire and water precede, in overall elemental terms, vegetation (or earth) and air (with particular reference to oxygen), so it must transpire that the fall of woman from the Devil precedes the possibility of the rise of God from man, as of absolute free psyche and bound soma in metaphysics from relative free psyche and bound soma in physics or, more correctly, from relative bound psyche and free soma in antiphysics, since we have to consider such a rise less in relation to man per se than in relation to his antimasculine counterpart on what I have elsewhere described as the church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axis the respective poles of which are rather more southwest and northeast of an intercardinal axial compass than northwest and southeast.  However that may be, the general pattern would be that the fall of woman from the Devil has to be contrasted with the rise of God from man, as one would contrast devolution from fire to water with evolution from vegetation to air, and therefore one can no more speak of the fall of man than of the rise of woman.  If the female side of life, being objective, is devolutionary, then its male side, being subjective, can only be evolutionary, and it is this evolutionary dimension that equates with the notion of a rise, as, in general terms, of God from man.  Therefore I do not believe in the fall of man, any more than I believe that man (considered in male terms) was made in the image of God.  All that was made in the image of Devil the Mother hyped as God was Woman the Mother or, in plain parlance, woman, who therefore exists in a fallen state – phenomenal relativity of the chemical as against noumenal absolutism of the metachemical – from the Devil.  But man has yet to achieve his rise to God on anything approaching definitive or genuine terms.  The risen Christ was a foreshadowing of this potential and possibility, but one necessarily hampered, in the degree and nature of its rising, by the prior existence of Devil the Mother hyped as God, not least in relation to its root manifestation in the metachemical aspects of the Cosmos, which I have tended to identify with the stellar plane.  The test for the future will be to achieve definitive Godhead ‘On High’, at the northeast point of the axial compass, on the necessarily supra-human (cyborgistic) basis that will be commensurate with global universality, but this can only arise in the wake of what I have elsewhere described as a paradoxical utilization of the electoral process in certain countries for religious sovereignty and the outcome, sooner or later, of a majority mandate for such a sovereignty that will permit the relevant authorities – call them Social Theocrats - to encourage the development of cyborgization in conjunction with human life to levels that surpass anything man could achieve in respect of metaphysical perfection …  conceived in necessarily synthetically artificial terms.  And the corollary of the salvation of the male sex from antiphysics or, more correctly, pseudo-antiphysics in the ‘lapsed Catholic’ quasi-state-hegemonic ‘world’ to metaphysics, as from pseudo-antiman to God, pseudo-antiearth to Heaven, will be the counter-damnation of the female sex from pseudo-chemistry to antimetachemistry, as from pseudo-woman to the Antidevil, pseudo-purgatory to Antihell on the church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axis that stretches from the southwest to the northeast point of the intercardinal axial compass.  For if males are to be psychically free and somatically bound in sync with their gender actuality of psyche preceding and preponderating over soma, then females must be upended to follow suit, becoming, under male pressure, somatically bound and psychically free in contradiction of their gender actuality of soma preceding and predominating over psyche.  Hence holiness in psyche and soma, soul and spirit, for males is achieved at the price of unclearness in soma and psyche, spirit and soul, for females, who will be the antimetachemical corollary of a metaphysical hegemony, the Anti-Infinity that will be forever subordinate to Eternity as … Anti-Vanity Fair to the Celestial City.