A Metaphysical Rejection of Brass.  What especially fails much so-called classical music and even jazz for me … is the prevalence of brass, whether in relation to silver or bronze, to metachemistry or antimetaphysics, as a kind of instrumental paradigm of conventional theism, not to say autocracy and antitheocracy, at what might be described as the northwest point of the intercardinal axial compass.  No one who rejects Devil the Mother hyped as God in what, compared to convention, must seem an atheistic stance … can possibly be complacent about brass instruments in music, since there is assuredly a correlation between brass, as a fiery order of wind, and metachemistry and/or antimetaphysics, the fiery and anti-airy elements par excellence.  Whether this brass is strictly a metachemical parallel in starry silver or a kind of solar antimetaphysical parallel in sunny bronze, the fact remains that it accords with a musical exemplification of autocracy and antitheocracy such that is at the roots of all societies that defer to Creatorism in the sense of Devil the Mother hyped as God and, again in free soma, the Antison of Antigod ‘done down’ as the Devil.  Thus there is something Old Testament-like about the utilization of brass, especially trumpets, and one feels that no composition with brass in it could possibly appeal to someone who was significantly metaphysical and thus committed, transcendentally and idealistically, to what properly appertains to God the Father and, in bound soma, to the Son of God.  Even those who, in female vein, would approximate to antimetachemistry should, one feels, have an aversion to brass, not least in respect of trumpets or horns, that may yet manifest in paradoxically bound somatic terms through the utilization of a muting device coupled, it may be, to some other parallel, perhaps physiological, to a contiguously encircled star.  For bound brass, as it were, must be the corollary of free wind, in the sense of woodwind without mutes or other constraining devices … at least up to and including mankind-centred music, which would have been overhauled, alpha-wise, by free brass of an electronic or synthetic order in typically contemporary vein which, if it didn’t spurn woodwind altogether made sure it was relegated to a subordinate position that was effectively psychically bound, like some contiguously-encircled cross.  Across the sensual/sensible divide of contemporary civilization, however, we are really talking synthesizers rather than synthesized brass or woodwind, and therefore music would be beyond the utilization of brass or woodwind of any description, making use of samples or original synthetic tones that could create a wind or brass or, more correctly, antibrass effect without having to compromise with a mankind-like shortfall from cyborgistic requirement, the sort of requirement that characterizes global civilization at the expense of both Western and Eastern civilizations.  Therefore one would be beyond brass altogether, even more so than those rock groups that are guitar-based rather than synthesizer-led and yet keen to avoid, for reasons best known to themselves, any connection with brass.  I must say that I respect their integrity in this matter and feel that there is a common bond between radical ‘men of the people’ and what might be called revolutionary intellectuals that unites them in opposition not only to the utilization of brass but to all types of music, including some so-called rock music, that are either based in or oriented towards brass.  No atheist in our sense of the word could possibly enjoy such music, and that is why those of us who are consciously, if not unconsciously, oriented towards transcendentalism and idealism, which requires in the female an antifundamentalist and antimaterialist corollary, more usually try to avoid such music and to reject it as symptomatic of all that stands in the way of a metaphysical and antimetachemical revolution such that would save theocracy from the autocratic clutches of Devil the Mother hyped as God and allow what properly appertains to God … the Father to transcendentally reign over the antifundamentalism of the Antidaughter of the Antidevil in unequivocally church-hegemonic vein, just as in state-subordinate terms the Son of God must take idealistic precedence over the antimaterialism of Antidevil the Antimother if justice is to be done to both metaphysics and antimetachemistry at the northeast point of the axial compass for all eternity and anti-infinity, God and Antidevil without end.