Beyond Nationalist Politics.  Although I could not, as a self-professed Social Theocrat, endorse the social bureaucracy of radical republicanism in the Republic of Ireland, I am not against it, in the sense that anything to the left of liberal republicanism is bound, sooner or later, to encourage something to the right of it, whether in the form, traditionally, of the so-called Blue Shirts or in some other, more contemporary pro-Catholic guise.  I do not identify with an extreme left/right dichotomy within Irish politics traditionally or, indeed, contemporaneously, since that would be Western and uniquely of the church-hegemonic/state-subordinate traditions in Ireland which encourage such divisions either side of liberal republicanism, or of that which eventually emerged from the Irish Civil-War clash between Free Staters and hard-line Republicans.  On the contrary, my beef, so to speak, is with that which preys upon the lapsed Catholic masses of the southwest point of the intercardinal axial compass from the noumenally sensual and noumenally anti-sensible heights of its northwest point, more usually, these days, in the guise of American-inspired cultural productions of a photographic or filmic or musically synthetic nature which have the effect of causing them to idolatrously defer to what are in effect the cultural offshoots of state-hegemonic/church-subordinate criteria from an effectively quasi-state-hegemonic/quasi-church-subordinate point of view.  Thus my opposition to what might be called the Americanization of Irish life is something which transcends the axial poles or parameters of Irish traditions within Western civilization, being as it were of a global or universal character that finds its fulcrum in relation to the concept of an overhauled northeast point of the intercardinal axial compass whose destiny it would be to save and counter-damn (according to gender) the lapsed Catholic masses from their plight at the southwest point of the said compass to this radically new position in the hope, eventually, that they will not only be delivered from the worst aspects of that which currently preys upon them from the northwest point of the compass in question, but be upgraded in such fashion that they will cease, by degrees, to identify with their former position, becoming increasingly godly and antidevilish (according to gender) the more they accept the synthetically artificial sensible culture that would not only turn them around from what they had previously been deferring to under pressure from noumenal sensuality and noumenal anti-sensibility, but require their progressive cyborgization in order to sustain that ‘rebirth’ at a necessarily intense and persistent level.  For unless they are sufficiently ‘reborn’, through a combination of chemical inducements and technological refinements of a cyborgistic character, they will not remain saved and/or counter-damned for long, and those who had formerly preyed upon them would still be able to do so or, at any rate, would be back in business, doubtless with a vengeance!  But our hope is that by sufficiently saving and counter-damning the lapsed Catholic masses from the southwest to the northeast point of the axial compass not only in Eire but, eventually, in a variety of other kindred or related countries too, the scope for heathenistic predation of the northwest point of the said compass will be considerably reduced, even to the degree, ultimately, of being put out of business altogether, so that the state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axis collapses into itself for want of economic viability.  Unfortunately, that day is a long way off at present.  But I do not despair of it ever happening; for I am convinced that the kind of opposition to it that I represent from a Social Theocratic standpoint is morally and ideologically valid and can be implemented on a gradualist basis in the coming decades.  It is not the bogey of radical republicanism the other side of the liberal republic that bothers me, for I have already seen through it and know where it ultimately leads, in the event of a social bureaucratic/social democratic antagonism subsequently coming to pass in relation to the fatality of the lowest-common-denominators.  I am no ‘blue shirt’ defender of the Catholic faith who would pounce on social bureaucratic tendencies before they got out of hand and threatened just such a long-term scenario, but a revolutionary theocrat who wishes to see the traditional faith, no longer able to stem the rising tide of American secular encroachment, superseded (in the event of a majority mandate for what has been called religious sovereignty ever transpiring in consequence of the paradoxical utilization of the democratic process to counter the quasi-state-hegemonic paradox which currently has the majority of Catholic or lapsed Catholic persons in its secular grip) by Social Theocracy and faith in its ability to deliver the masses in question from their plight at the southwest point of the axial compass to the divine and antidiabolic heights, in noumenal sensibility and noumenal anti-sensuality, of its northeast point, the point I have identified, all along, with ‘Kingdom Come’, and hence with a society characterized by religious sovereignty and the rights that such a sovereignty would entail in the event of its having been voted for in the aforementioned paradoxical election that would constitute a kind of judgement and process whereby ‘world-overcoming’ could be set in train from an otherworldly standpoint, call it Social Theocratic or Messianic or God-Centric or simply of ‘Kingdom Come’.  For only religious sovereignty will grant the people the right to psychic freedom (and somatic binding) of an order potent enough to enable society to be turned around and to experience a sensible ‘rebirth’ that will bring culture and civility, or counter-civility, to their ultimate metaphysical and antimetachemical peaks at the expense of all that would keep the people enslaved to the false cultural evidence of somatic licence in quasi-state-hegemonic idolatrous vein.  This antipathy to the northwest point of the intercardinal axial compass from a revolutionary northeast point of it no less post-worldly and, hence, global in character is beyond any Sinn Fein/Blue Shirt-like antithesis within traditionally church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial criteria, just as global civilization is beyond not only Western civilization but its Eastern counterpart.  The Americanization of contemporary Irish Catholic life renders both radical republicanism and reactionary Catholic protectionism irrelevant to the liberal republican scene.  Only Social Theocracy can deliver the people from out the shadow of the American eagle into the inner light of the dove of peace whose metaphysics (coupled for females to antimetachemistry) must be no less synthetically artificial than the metachemical outer light (coupled for males to antimetaphysics) which currently blinds them to their true destiny in the Messianic ‘Kingdom’ to come.