The Moral Necessity of Gender Discrimination.  Males, as I am often keen to repeat, are psyche preceding and preponderating over soma.  Females, by contrast, are soma preceding and predominating over psyche.  Will and spirit predominating over ego and soul in the one case; ego and soul preponderating over will and spirit in the other case.  Therein lies the roots of the gender struggle which nature ordained largely in the interests of females without foreknowledge of the extent to which male-led civilization, largely founded on the need to foster and protect families, would subsequently exploit this dichotomy to its own advantage.  For a dichotomy once established cannot be undone, nor is there any guarantee that the psyche preceding soma of males won’t be taken to such lengths, under genuine culture, as to achieve a permanent victory in hegemony over the soma preceding psyche of females, thereby not only opposing nature – which, in any case, is all that civilization is good for – but ultimately transcending her.  For nature is fundamentally feminine or, at any rate, designed in such fashion as to favour the female at the expense of the male.  I think I have made a case, in certain of my works (preceding these weblogs), about the Cosmos being in its more prevalent, i.e. stellar/solar, aspects a context which favours the female absolutely, that is, on a 3:1 basis.  If that is so, then nature is only a context which favours the female relatively, on a 2½:1½ basis, being phenomenal rather than noumenal, corporeal rather than ethereal, and therefore relative as opposed to absolute.  Yet even that is no small advantage.  How much better then, from a male perspective, is the context which, as urban civilization, tends to favour the male on a 2½:1½ basis!  And yet, being relative, that is still inferior to whatever, in transcendent culture, favours the male on a 3:1 basis and thereby establishes an absolute antithesis with the stellar-ridden barbarity of the Cosmos.  If  civility is, in axial terms, a retort to barbarity, then culture is very much an axial retort to nature, if from a different male point of view – one favouring divinity rather than humanity, God rather than man.  Yet, for all their axial distinctiveness, culture and civility still ‘hang together’, whether genuine in the one case and pseudo in the other (metaphysics) or vice versa (physics), as male-dominated accomplishments; as, on the other side of the gender coin, do barbarity and nature, their sensual antitheses.  And yet people still persist in treating the genders as if they were equals!  As though the XX-chromosomal integrity of the female and the XY-chromosomal integrity of the male (the latter giving the male that edge over nature) were identical!  If you give females an inch of freedom, which for them means somatic freedom in sensuality, they will take an objective mile of it to the detriment of males.  For what is right for them (though not in the moral sense) is not to be under male domination in sensibility, but to be able to dominate males in sensuality.  This is the way that, according to nature and even the cosmos, they are made.  Shame for them is to be at cross-purposes with their gender actuality of soma preceding and predominating over psyche.  That makes them resigned, even if unconsciously, to vice.  Shame for males, on the contrary, is to find themselves at cross-purposes with their gender actuality of psyche preceding and preponderating over soma.  That removes them from their original innocence, whether as a consequence of alcohol abuse, sexual promiscuity, gluttony, drug abuse (especially in relation to narcotics), materialism, naturalism, or whatever it is that causes them to grovel before free soma.  Females have no such innocence.  They were not born innocent or intended, by nature, to be innocent, but to perpetuate the species through the vacuous imposition of objectivity in relation to free soma, free will, and hence all that is darkly removed from the innocence of inner light, of enlightenment.  I would not classify it as guilt, in the sense that shame in being at cross-purposes with one’s inherent nature makes for remorse and regret.  It is a sort of inherent evil that criminally takes itself for granted and can do no wrong in its own eyes, provided it is free to do what is in its best interests from a female point of view.  And it loathes, it mortally loathes to the point of barbarous fury, all that would oppose it and thwart its evil designs, all Christian somatic denial of folly (male) and/or evil (female) and psychic liberation from sin (male) and crime (female).  It wants that dead.  For it only gives birth on the basis that what it gives birth to will continue to pander to its interests in years and indeed generations to come.  It does not want to be put in its place and rendered impotent to conceive, unable to act freely, obliged to kowtow to male designs which, running contrary to sensual nature and the cosmos, can only be civil or cultural.  Unless it is put in a subordinate place to the male, however, and preferably in unequivocal rather than equivocal terms, in relation, that is, to antimetachemistry under metaphysics rather than to antichemistry under physics (which has the benefit of metachemistry over antimetaphysics to draw upon in state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axial terms), there can be no male innocence, no peace that comes from being in sync with one’s gender actuality of psyche preceding and preponderating over soma, and therefore no end to guilt and suffering, to war and self-division, to folly and sin at the hands, craftily disguised and even tactfully ignored by conventional religions, of evil and crime, of that which, while not exactly innocent, is far from being guilty in and of itself.  Only when the advantage which nature inadvertently gave males by making them the other way around has been turned to full cultural account … will the gender war have been won, and peace become the rule rather than the exception, the rule of metaphysics for males which will require of antimetachemistry for females a binding to antiwar.  For they will be ashamed to have been counter-damned from war to antiwar as from chemistry to antimetachemistry, even though it was, like evil and crime, a pseudo-war that equivocally reigned over antiphysics at the southwest point of the intercardinal axial compass. (For the pseudo vis-à-vis genuine positions to be the other way round one would have to be describing state-hegemonic/church-subordinate criteria as germane to the opposite axis from anything traditionally church-hegemonic/state-subordinate, as here.)  But their shame in pseudo-good (bound soma) and pseudo-punishment (free psyche) in antimetachemistry is no argument against males being saved from antipeace to peace, as from antiphysics to metaphysics; for the blessed grace (in free psyche) and wisdom (in bound soma) of metaphysical salvation is its own justification and cannot be achieved except at the female’s counter-damned expense.  Willy-nilly, males have a duty to themselves or, rather, their selves, to defeat females in this way and return to a state of innocence.  Only cultural righteousness can guarantee such innocence, which is the blessedness of metaphysical holiness.  But it has to be coupled to pseudo-civil pseudo-justice (counter-justice) and, hence, to the pseudo-cursedness of antimetachemical unclearness, the shame of which counter-descending deliverance from war for females will be their inability to wage war as before, since antiwar is the antidevilish and antihellish corollary of godly and heavenly peace, the antivicious complement of true virtue, and only culture, taken to its logical extreme, can guarantee such peace.  Do you or do you not want such peace and antiwar?  That is the question of judgement.  But rest assured that if you do, it can only be achieved on a supra-human basis, as germane to the northeast point of our axial compass.  And to want it, and even to fear it, you have to be at its southwest point, as already remarked.  For salvation and counter-damnation are not just for anyone, but only for those who, as urbanized lapsed Catholics, are effectively pseudo-antimen and pseudo-women, the post-worldly preconditions of godly and antidevilish transmutation come the dawn of otherworldly righteousness and pseudo-justice with the Celestial City and Anti-Vanity Fair.