The Struggle between Opposite types of Sanity.  Sooner or later philosophy demands of the conscientious thinker that comprehensiveness which systematic analysis of the opposites of gender and class requires if the result is to do full justice to the overall framework.  Take the distinction between metachemistry and antimetaphysics at the northwest point of the intercardinal axial compass; such a gender dichotomy between female and essentially antimale elements boils down, in particular terms, to a distinction between the outer sanity of free soma and the anti-inner sanity of bound psyche, specifically with regard to the elements in question, even though in reality, on a general basis, such free soma and bound psyche, and therefore outer sanity and anti-inner sanity, cut both ways – on primary and secondary terms according to gender.  Thus we can speak of metachemistry as signifying a partnership between primary outer sanity and primary anti-inner sanity, with antimetaphysics, its antimale corollary, signifying a like-distinction between secondary modes of outer sanity, or ‘outsanity’, and anti-inner sanity, or ‘anti-insanity’. For at the northwest point of the axial compass it is the female gender which is primary and the male gender secondary, and this has a demonstrative effect upon the southeast point of the compass where, in overall axial terms, the equivocally hegemonic male position is subverted by the under-plane female or, more correctly, antifemale position as physics bows to antichemistry and inner sanity and anti-outer sanity to their female counterparts, albeit with the emphasis falling, within state-hegemonic/church subordinate criteria, on anti-outer sanity, or ‘anti-outsanity’, thereby guaranteeing a primary state-hegemonic antithesis between the evil of metachemical outer sanity and the goodness of antichemical anti-outer sanity, with, for males, a secondary state-hegemonic antithesis between the pseudo-folly of antimetaphysical outer sanity and the pseudo-wisdom of physical anti-outer sanity, the church-subordinate complements of course being between the pseudo-sin of antimetaphysical anti-inner sanity and the pseudo-grace of physical inner sanity in the secondary, or ‘male’ case, and between the crime of metachemical anti-inner sanity and the punishment of antichemical inner sanity in the primary, or ‘female’, case.  Therefore a primary antithesis, for females, between materialist metachemical ‘outsanity’ and antirealist antichemical ‘anti-outsanity’ on the one hand (state) and fundamentalist metachemical ‘anti-insanity’ and antinonconformist antichemical ‘insanity’ on the other hand (church), with males obliged to fall in with a secondary antithesis between anti-idealist antimetaphysical ‘outsanity’ and naturalist physical ‘anti-outsanity’ on the one hand (state) and antitranscendentalist antimetaphysical ‘anti-insanity’ and humanist physical ‘insanity’ on the other hand (church).  So much for the state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axis which is stretched between the northwest and southeast points of the intercardinal compass. - Now let us take the distinction between metaphysics and antimetachemistry at the northeast point of the compass in question; such a gender dichotomy between male and essentially antifemale elements boils down, in particular terms, to a distinction between the inner sanity of free psyche and the anti-outer sanity of bound soma, specifically with regard to the elements in question, even though in reality, on a general basis, such free psyche and bound soma, and therefore inner sanity and anti-outer sanity, cut both ways – on primary and secondary terms according to gender.  Thus we can speak of metaphysics as signifying a partnership between primary inner sanity and primary anti-outer sanity, with antimetachemistry, its antifemale corollary, signifying a like-distinction between secondary modes of inner sanity, or ‘insanity’, and anti-outer sanity, or ‘anti-outsanity’.  For at the northeast point of the axial compass it is the male gender which is primary and the female gender secondary, and this has a demonstrative effect upon the southwest point of the compass where, in axial terms, the equivocally hegemonic female position is subverted by the under-plane male or, more correctly, antimale position as chemistry bows to antiphysics and outer sanity and anti-inner sanity to their male counterparts, albeit with the emphasis falling, within church-hegemonic/state-subordinate criteria, on anti-inner sanity, or ‘anti-insanity’, thereby guaranteeing a primary church-hegemonic antithesis between the grace of metaphysical inner sanity and the sinfulness of antiphysical anti-inner sanity, with, for females, a secondary church-hegemonic antithesis between the pseudo-punishment of antimetachemical inner sanity and the pseudo-crime of chemical anti-inner sanity, the state-subordinate complements of course being between the pseudo-goodness of antimetachemical anti-outer sanity and the pseudo-evil of chemical outer sanity in the secondary, or ‘female’ case, and between the wisdom of metaphysical anti-outer sanity and the folly of antiphysical outer sanity in the primary, or ‘male’, case.  Therefore a primary antithesis, for males, between transcendentalist metaphysical ‘insanity’ and antihumanist antiphysical ‘anti-insanity’ on the one hand (church) and idealist metaphysical ‘anti-outsanity’ and antinaturalist antiphysical ‘outsanity’ on the other hand (state), with females obliged to fall in with a secondary antithesis between antifundamentalist antimetachemical ‘insanity’ and nonconformist chemical ‘anti-insanity’ on the one hand (church) and antimaterialist antimetachemical ‘anti-outsanity’ and realist chemical ‘outsanity’ on the other hand (state).  So much, then, for the church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axis which is stretched between the northeast and southwest points of the intercardinal compass.  Consequently there are four positions to take into account at each of these axial points, whether the free soma and bound psyche of metachemistry and antimetaphysics at the northwest; the free psyche and bound soma of physics and antichemistry at the southeast; the free psyche and bound soma of metaphysics and antimetahemistry at the northeast; or the free soma and bound psyche of chemistry and antiphysics at the southwest.  Free soma is equivalent on either axis to outer sanity, or ‘outsanity’, whereas bound psyche is no less equivalent to anti-inner sanity, or ‘anti-insanity’, each position being germane to sensuality as opposed to sensibility.  By contrast, free psyche is equivalent on either axis to inner sanity, or ‘insanity’, whereas bound soma is no less equivalent to anti-outer sanity, or ‘anti-outsanity’, each position being germane to sensibility as opposed to sensuality.  One cannot have it both ways.  Either outer sanity triumphs over anti-inner sanity at the expense of inner sanity, free soma over bound psyche at the expense of free psyche, or inner sanity triumphs over anti-outer sanity at the expense of outer sanity, free psyche over bound soma at the expense of free soma.  Such is the nature of the gender struggle which makes, or can make in worldly relativity, for contrasting types of society – those dominated by the State with the co-operation of the Antichurch at the expense of the Church, and those, by contrast, dominated by the Church  with the co-operation of the Antistate at the expense of the State.  Neither of these antithetical types of worldly society will ever see ‘eye to eye’, for they are torn between alternative types of sensuality and sensibility, noumenal sensuality (coupled to noumenal antisensibility) and phenomenal sensibility (coupled to phenomenal antisensuality) on the one hand, and noumenal sensibility (coupled to noumenal antisensuality) and phenomenal sensuality (coupled to phenomenal antisensibility) on the other hand.  Only the Social Theocratic overcoming of the world can put an end to this dichotomous state-of-affairs, the cause of exploitation and strife.  For until those at the southwest are saved and/or counter-damned (according to gender) to the northeast on a truly radical basis, commensurate with the revolutionary overhaul of Catholic tradition, they will continue directly to fall prey to the northwest point of the intercardinal axial compass and indirectly to its southeast point, which is that which finances the somatic licence of the northwest in female-dominated heathenistic defiance of male-led Christianistic values.  The otherworldly ‘Kingdom of God’, as of Heaven, will not have come while such netherworldly exploitation and worldly strife – and division – persist, as they do at present on the largely post-worldly basis of commercial secularity with a synthetically artificial framework based in sensuality.  Only the establishment of its sensible counterpart will restore to those at the southwest point of our compass the moral right to salvation and counter-damnation which will alone guarantee them deliverance from the secular fruit of schismatic heresy and restore to them the possibility of grace and pseudo-punishment, wisdom and pseudo-goodness, in the ‘insanity’ and ‘anti-outsanity’ of an ultimate metaphysics and antimetachemistry at its resurrected northeast point, the point according with Messianic intervention and therefore, in a loose sense (given its Western limitations), with the Second Coming or, rather, with a new manifestation of God the Father (metaphysical psyche) and a new manifestation of the Son of God (metaphysical soma), the new manifestations of Antidevil the Antimother (antimetachemical soma) and the Antidaughter of the Antidevil (antimetachemical psyche) to follow on, as Truth makes possible the truthful approach to Beauty which establishes Beauty as a precondition of the beautiful approach to Truth in the virtuous circle of metaphysical and antimetachemical factors which also embrace, in both holiness and unclearness, soul and spirit, Joy and the joyful approach to Love, Love and the loving approach to Joy, Heaven the Holy Soul and the Holy Spirit of Heaven, Antihell the Unclear Spirit and the Unclear Soul of Antihell, for all Eternity and Anti-Infinity.