A Reappraisal of Salvation and Counter-Damnation in relation to Damnation and Counter-Salvation.  One hears the expressions ‘goddamn’ and ‘goddamned’ so often on the media, especially filmic TV, that it might seem as if God’s primary purpose is to damn those who displease Him or fail to meet the criteria of salvation.  Yet, in truth, God has no interest, at least directly, in damning at all, but only in saving.  The salvation of the antiphysical to the metaphysical on the church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axis stretching from the southwest to the northeast points of the intercardinal axial compass, will happen, if it happens at all, at the expense of the counter-damnation of the chemical to the antimetachemical in like-diagonally-rising fashion, since if males are to be saved to gender sync in free psyche and bound soma, females must be counter-damned to free psyche and bound soma under unequivocally male hegemonic pressures at the northeast point of the said compass, falling in under metaphysics as the aforementioned antimetachemical who, from a female standpoint, will be at cross-purposes with their gender actuality (of soma preceding and predominating over psyche) and accordingly damned, albeit in this instance in ‘pseudo’ terms under genuine salvation.  Thus the salvation of males presupposes the counter-damnation of females.  But this is not the act of God.  On the contrary, it falls under the responsibility of the Antidevil, His antimetachemical counterpart, whose duty it is to uphold the position of counter-damnation in parallel with God’s commitment to salvation.  Thus it is not God who damns or, rather, counter-damns the chemical to antimetachemistry, since his principal concern will be to save the antiphysical to metaphysics.  Counter-damnation follows on the heels of the salvation of the antiphysical to metaphysics as the pseudo-just destiny of the chemical, and is therefore germane to an axial position, viz. antimetachemistry, that is characterized by the Antidevil.  For females take care of females no less than males of males in these matters.  However, should salvation and counter-damnation of the respective genders be carried out to a conclusively metaphysical and antimetachemical degree, such that would eventually imply their transfiguration to the godly and antidevilish positions at the northeast point of the intercardinal axial compass, then the consequences for the undamned and counter-unsaved of the state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axis would be damnation and counter-salvation respectively.  For the metachemical undamned and the antimetaphysical counter-unsaved would not be able to commercially or culturally prey upon the chemical counter-undamned and the antiphysical unsaved if the latter were not there to be preyed upon but had been counter-damned and saved to the antimetachemical and metaphysical options which were germane to their church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axis.  And without prey to avail of, the predatory undamned and counter-unsaved would not be of much use to their financial backers at the southeast point of the axis in question, whose antichemically damned and physically counter-saved positions only really make axial sense in relation to their polar counterparts at the northwest point of the same axis.  So it is likely that, without prey at the southwest point of the overall axial compass to culturally exploit, these commercial backers would cut their losses and accept the inevitable; accept, that is, the collapse of the metachemical undamned and the antimetaphysical counter-unsaved down the axis into positions, once they had be ‘made over’ in their own image, corresponding to damnation and counter-salvation.  Thus with the collapse of the northwest point into the southeast point of the state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axis the undamned would experience damnation and the counter-unsaved experience counter-salvation, indirectly, in each case, in consequence of the salvation of the antiphysical to metaphysics and of the counter-damnation of the chemical to antimetachemistry.  Therefore it could be argued that God is not only indirectly responsible for counter-damning the chemical to metachemistry vis-à-vis the more direct responsibility of the Antidevil in that respect, but that the counter-damnation of the chemical to antimetachemistry by the Antidevil will be responsible, across the axial divide, for the collapse of the metachemical down into antichemistry, while the salvation of the antiphysical to metaphysics in church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial terms will be no less responsible, where the state-hegemonic/church-subordinate are concerned, for the collapse of the antimetaphysical down into physics, where they will be ‘made over’ as counter-saved counterparts to the damned.  Thus it can be argued that God is axially indirectly responsible for the counter-salvation of the counter-unsaved, while his antimetachemical counterpart, the Antidevil, is axially indirectly responsible for the damnation of the undamned.  For salvation is the prerogative of God and counter-damnation the prerogative of the Antidevil.  Damnation from metachemical undamnation to antichemical damnation is the prerogative, on the contrary, of Antiwoman, while counter-salvation from antimetaphysical counter-unsalvation to physical salvation is the prerogative of Man.  It is Antiwoman who damns the devilish undamned and Man who counter-saves the antigodly counter-unsaved.  But only in the event of God having saved the antimanly unsaved and the Antidevil having counter-damned the womanly counter-undamned.  The divine and antidiabolic resolution of the one axis can lead to the antiwomanly and manly resolution of the other axis, though only until such time as the antiwomanly and the manly opt for axial transference to the southwest point of the overall axial compass, where they would be ‘made over’ in the respective images of the chemical and antiphysical or, rather (to put it in male and female church-hegemonic/state subordinate axial terms), the antiphysical and chemical, to be saved from antiman to God and counter-damned from woman to the Antidevil in due process of divine and antidiabolic resolution, their recently damned and counter-saved counterparts to eventually follow suit.  For eventually there can be no axial residues at all, but only the metaphysical and antimetachemical ‘transcendence’ of the evidence of former exploitation by and through God and the Antidevil.  Verily, the antichemical are already damned and the physical already counter-saved, but as polarities, politically and religiously, to the undamned and counter-unsaved.  Such will continue to be the case until the unsaved antiphysical are saved to metaphysics and the counter-undamned chemical counter-damned to antimetachemistry, thus indirectly causing the collapse of the undamned and the counter-unsaved.  But before I conclude this entry I should add that, in order not to overcomplicate the text, I have avoided making pseudo-worldly/otherworldly and netherworldly/pseudo-worldly distinctions such that actually characterize contemporary post-worldly, American-dominated society.  In truth, the antiphysical and the chemical are less antimanly and womanly than pseudo-antimanly and pseudo-womanly in what is, with post-worldly secular criteria, a pseudo-antiphysical and pseudo-chemical precondition of genuine metaphysical and antimetachemical criteria such that portend correspondingly more genuine levels of God and the Antidevil than anything that would have obtained in the pre-cyborg past.  And the same, in reverse gender polarity, applies to the other axis, where the Devil (duly hyped as God) and the Antigod (duly disparaged as the Devil) reign over pseudo-antiwomen and pseudo-men respectively in what is a pseudo-antichemical retort to a more genuine mode of metachemistry and a pseudo-physical retort to a more genuine mode of antimetaphysics, neither of which commend themselves to God and the Antidevil and are therefore fit targets, no matter how indirectly, for counter-salvation and damnation to the post-worldly positions in question.