The Duties of Social Theocracy.  As I think I may have mentioned some time before, Social Theocracy, if and when it attains to power in consequence of a majority mandate for religious sovereignty in a paradoxical election in certain countries with, like Eire, a Catholic axial tradition, will have more to do than simply to advance the interests of a religiously sovereign people, crucial as that may be, but would also have to deliver them from religious anachronisms and thus from the whole tradition of Bible-based Christianity which still, officially, weighs upon them with all the authority of Scripture.  Obviously the ‘free for’ is more important than the ‘free from’, but one would still have to deal with the latter and thus set about freeing them, our hypothetically religiously sovereign people, from every type of Christian anachronism and effective obstacle to metaphysical liberation and its antimetachemical (antifemale) corollary.  This means that the Bible would itself be in the front line of that which had to be removed from society in the interests of the religiously sovereign people’s deliverance from Creator-based autocracy and metachemical tyranny, the Devil the Mother hyped as God-type scenario which has bedevilled conventional religion for thousands of years.  Thus the Social Theocratic movement would have to be instrumental in confiscating Bibles and having them destroyed, presumably through incineration at special facilities where all sorts of religious and cultural anachronisms would be stored prior to being destroyed in the wake of judgement.  What certain persons of Germanic stamp set about doing on the physical plane in Europe two or three generations ago in relation to perceived physical anachronisms or irrelevancies to European progress, which is to say, to the West’s gradual emergence from out the autocratic shadow of Eastern – and specifically Middle Eastern – influence towards the free horizon of global enlightenment, certain other gentlemen of a different ethnic or racial stamp will have to set about doing on the metaphysical plane, so to speak, in relation to those cultural and religious anachronisms which, if left uncensored, would continue to hold the Europe of the future back from global maturity and thus preclude its liberation from Eastern tyranny, a thing that Western civilization only managed to achieve on the Christian/democratic plane of a worldly intermediacy, as it were, between the Alpha of netherworldly autocracy and the coming Omega of otherworldly theocracy, as though in relation to a constitutional monarchy which, corresponding to the Old Testament, had to allow for such worldly freedoms as first Christianity and then democracy contrived to establish at its expense, the New Testament taking precedence – except possibly in the Anglican case – over the Old Testament and thus signifying a relative break with all forms of netherworldly tyranny.  Doubtless the step beyond the West into a more fully-fledged global civilization than that which heathenistically obtains at present under American auspices will put an end both to Christianity and to democracy, since a majority mandate for religious sovereignty would permit the Social Theocratic authorities to serve that sovereignty on both positive (free for) and negative (free from) terms, thereby advancing the religiously sovereign people’s rights as they set about eliminating all obstacles to those rights, both Western and Eastern.  And the elimination of the Bible as a representative emblem of Western civilization, torn between its own New Testament and that which it basically inherited, Old Testament-wise, from the Middle East, would have to take precedence over everything else, at least until such time as it became possible to proceed to related matter of an equally anachronistic nature.  Thus Social Theocracy will have to use both stick and carrot, so to speak, in its determination to deliver the people from the last vestiges of autocratic tyranny, since their own rights in relation to religious sovereignty could be severely hampered unless all that stands in its way, including Christian prayer-books and hymnals, is not systematically removed from the new order of society in the form of a purge.  But such a procedure, crucial as it may be to the proper functioning of the New Order, will still rank secondary to the principal responsibilities of Social Theocracy vis-à-vis the people, which will entail the advancement of enlightenment in the forms of synthetically artificial stimulants and, in the case of females, tranquillizers or somatic inhibitors – the former to enhance metaphysical free psyche as a male, or godly, prerogative, the latter to constrain females to antimetachemical bound soma and thus keep them instinctually and spiritually bottled up, as it were, and at cross-purposes with themselves under male hegemonic pressure and, hence, the leadership of intellect and, especially, soul.  For any free psyche in the female or, more correctly, antifemale case can only be secondary to its male counterpart, and hence no more than a spin-off from antimetachemical bound soma.  Enlightenment is primarily a male prerogative, since it is not possible to males on a significantly consistent scale unless females are constrained from outer-light clearness in sensuality through male pressures emanating from sensibility, the ensuing unclearness of the one owing much if not everything to the holiness of the other, which means that male freedom in metaphysics can only be achieved at the cost of female binding, or somatic enslavement, in antimetachemistry.  If the boot is not on the male foot, so to speak, it will be on the female foot in sensuality, and instead of culture and civility or, in this noumenal instance, pseudo-civility, you will simply have a continuation of the all-too-prevalent American-dominated context of barbarity and pseudo-philistinism, metachemistry and antimetaphysics, with Devil the Mother hyped as God  and the correlative sanctimonious disparagement, in typically devaluating terms, of the Antison of Antigod (in antimetaphysical free soma), who naturally becomes Devil in that all-too-traditional and sensually conventional event, whether in relation to the cosmos, to nature, to mankind or, indeed, to cyborgkind.  Therefore if we wish, as Social Theocrats, to achieve all that is best in civilization, in this instance global civilization, which is premised on the cyborgization of life, we must ensure that culture and pseudo-civility, righteousness and pseudo-justice, take their rightful place at the peak of church-hegemonic/state-subordinate society, and thereby restore to the lapsed Catholic quasi-state-hegemonic majority of countries like Eire the possibility of salvation and counter-damnation from their pseudo-worldly predicament to the revolutionary otherworldly and antinetherworldly positions which it would be the duty of Social Theocracy to uphold in the face of both traditional anachronisms and all-too-contemporary outside influences, not least those which, in American-inspired vein, are primarily responsible for establishing the quasi-state-hegemonic paradoxes of contemporary star-obsessed society in relation to a well-nigh polyversal array of films and film-stars, to take but two examples,1 whose evil or pseudo-foolish content and behaviour does little to advance their moral wellbeing but, on the contrary, enslaves them to all that is most somatically licentious and thus contrary to the will or, more correctly, ego and soulful aspirations of godliness.  But, even here, I am generalizing.  For, of course, the enslavement that the contemporary manifestation of global civilization imposes on society is more in terms of the male, where bound psyche is concerned, than of the female, and is thus symptomatic of the female-dominated heathenistic nature of the age.  The boot, right now, is most assuredly on the other foot, so to speak, and that is the way it will stay until Social Theocracy can establish itself in certain countries with a Catholic tradition (no matter how much such a tradition may since have been overhauled by contemporary criteria), and begin the campaign to wrest the relevant people, those of the anti-omega-worldly and alpha-worldly southwest point of our intercardinal axial compass, away from both their own pseudo-antiphysical and pseudo-chemical, pseudo-antimasculine and pseudo-feminine, limitations and, more importantly, those who would continue to metachemically and antimetaphysically prey upon them from the somatically free and psychically bound heights of its northwest point, thereby precluding, short of the revolutionary transformation I have in mind, their deliverance, under male hegemonic pressures, to the salvation of psychic freedom in metaphysics and, for females-become-antifemales, the counter-damnation of somatic binding in antimetachemistry (to take the more characteristic emphases in each gender case).  Thus Social Theocracy would reverse the current gender situation, putting the emphasis of freedom upon psyche in relation to sensibility as a male-led and male-inspired ideal which it can only be in the interests of males, in particular, to accept and set about furthering by every possible means short, that is, of violence and corruption.  A global civilization that finally extricates itself from the last vestiges of metachemical and antimetaphysical sensuality will truly have been reborn into metaphysical and antimetachemical sensibility as though in a Superchristian rejection of the Superheathen present.  For this to work properly, the religiously sovereign people will have to have recourse to the most potent inner forms of synthetic artificiality as a counterweight to all those outer forms of it to which they are currently subjected in the shape, not least, of filmic and TV bombardment.  If this means that sensible cyborgization follows from the lead of these inner-light alternatives to the filmic outer-lights, then so be it!  It is inconceivable that the people would be able to survive recourse to such potent stimulants to free psyche and purveyors of bound soma unless cyborgization in relation to the person were a concurrent process and right, thereby lifting them from out their human – antimasculine and feminine – limitations toward the divine and antidiabolic heights of supra-human blessedness and pseudo-cursedness and simultaneously ensuring that they remained up the axis of church-hegemonic/state-subordinate criteria at its northeast point on an increasingly frequent and protracted basis, preconditions, after all, of the collapse of the state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axis for want of pseudo-chemical and pseudo-antiphysical prey at the southwest point of the overall intercardinal compass.  For only when that prey has been systematically removed from its lowly status through otherworldly and antinetherworldly transfiguration or transmutation … will the axis which is the bitter fruit of schismatic heresy be brought down and the battle be won by those whose antipathy to everything metachemical and antimetaphysical confirms their divine and antidiabolic, metaphysical and antimetachemical, credentials as leaders of Social Theocracy and the Social Transcendentalist ‘overcoming’ of the pseudo-alpha world of the pseudo-chemical and pseudo-anti-omega world of the pseudo-antiphysical in the interests both of their deliverance from themselves and, more importantly from our metaphysical and antimetachemical perspectives, those who will continue to exploit them and, by so doing, continue to disparage us and preclude us from triumphing at their expense in the name of Truth and, where antimetachemistry is concerned, Beauty.   Thus if ‘man is to be overcome’, to use a Nietzschean phrase, it is to bring what has been called the Devil and Her antigodly corollary, the freely somatic Antison of Antigod, down, in order that godliness and antidevilishness may triumph through the pseudo-antimasculine form of ‘man’ and the pseudo-feminine form of ‘woman’ being lifted up On High and thereby transmuted into that which appertains, in metaphysics and antimetachemistry, to all that is most righteous and most pseudo-just, most true and most beautiful, most saved and most counter-damned.  Verily, God’s triumph over the world with the help of the Antidevil is the only way in which the Devil’s rule over the world with the help of the Antigod (financed and ethnically supported by its axial polarity in man and antiwoman or, in contemporary terms, pseudo-man and pseudo-antiwoman) can be defeated and those who would correspond, in such terms, to pseudo-men and pseudo-women be delivered from exploitation.  The world as here defined in relation to pseudo-chemistry and pseudo-antiphysics is not an ideal place.  It is the scene of exploitation from netherworldly and anti-otherworldly elements financed by omega worldly and anti-alpha-worldly elements who are deluded into believing that their worldliness, because it is not directly in the firing-line of exploitation, is ideal.  Therefore it is something, from our otherworldly and antinetherworldly standpoints, that should be overcome, if only to defeat those who would prey upon it from standpoints at variance with if not totally contrary to all that is true and beautiful, holy and unclear, godly and antidevilish, blessed and pseudo-cursed.  That is the logic, if you will, of world-overcoming, and it is not something that is fanciful or pie in the sky or in any way utopian in consequence of gender or element reductionism.  It is logically well-founded and morally sound.  It is the one form of progress that is not self-defeating or a contradiction in terms.  It is, frankly, inevitable because the desire for Eternity and its antifemale corollary Anti-Infinity cannot be denied for ever.