The Tasks Lying Ahead for the Godly and the Antidevilish.  Of course, as the reader may already have learned, the only thing that will damn the metachemical to antichemistry (to speak in general terms) and counter-save the antimetaphysical to physics is the salvation of the antiphysical to metaphysics (again speaking in general terms) and the counter-damnation of the chemical to antimetachemistry, so that the metachemical/antimetaphysical position at the northwest point of our intercardinal axial compass is rendered commercially untenable for want of chemical/antiphysical prey to exploit from the standpoint of somatic license and psychic enslavement, the outer light and the inner darkness.  Hence only the radical and effectively permanent salvation of the antiphysical to metaphysics and the no-less permanent counter-damnation of the chemical to antimetachemistry will bring down the metachemical/antimetaphysical and effectively collapse the state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axis, the secular fruit of schismatic heresy, to its polar antithesis at the southeast point of the intercardinal axial compass, obliging those who, as physical/antichemical, are already there to make the damned/counter-saved over in their own effectively damned/counter-saved images as a precondition of their own entitlement to salvation and counter-damnation in the not unlikely event, longer term, of their being transferred to and transformed by the church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axis as a matter of evolutionary course.  Even those who were damned down from and counter-saved up from the northwest to the southeast point of the state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axis, sacrificing free soma to bound soma in the case, most especially, of the metachemical and bound psyche to free psyche in the case, most especially, of the antimetaphysical could conceivably find themselves in subsequent line for axial transference and transformation in the event of their physical and antichemical counterparts having already undergone such an experience, since one cannot put a halt to the processes of salvation and counter-damnation until virtually everyone who can be has been saved or counter-damned to the northeast point of our intercardinal axial compass and therefore re-made in the mould of metaphysical divinity and antimetachemical antidevility, according to gender.  But in the shorter term it is only the antiphysical and chemical who can be so saved and counter-damned, and it is those who come, from a revolutionary social theocratic basis, to identify with the northeast point of the said compass who will be responsible, sooner or later, for saving and counter-damning them in a manner commensurate with the synthetically artificial requirements of global civilization.  For this is way beyond both the West and the East, Catholicism and Buddhism, alike, and only a social theocratically radical interpretation of salvation and counter-damnation in relation to the utmost synthetically artificial criteria, whether applied to the self or to the not-self, to psyche or to soma, in both metaphysical and antimetachemical contexts, will suffice to so transfigure the antiphysical and chemical lapsed Catholic generality of, for instance, violent-film-suffering persons that, eventually, they will be removed from their lowly status to the divine and antidiabolic heights of the northeast point of our intercardinal axial compass, which is also the utmost point of church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial criteria.  And it is the extent to which this transpires that will determine whether or not the metachemical and antimetaphysical are damned and counter-saved to antichemistry and physics respectively for want of  chemical and antiphysical prey at the southwest point of the intercardinal axial compass.  At present, those who are prey to all manner of filmic and other metachemical and antimetaphysical impositions ‘from above’ are less church-hegemonic/state-subordinate, in traditional Catholic fashion, than quasi-state-hegemonic/quasi-church-subordinate in their deference, in different degrees, to what passes for culture at the northwest point of the intercardinal axial compass.  They are less meek and pseudo-vain than quasi-vain (quasi-metachemical chemical) and quasi-pseudomeek (quasi-antimetaphysical antiphysical) and therefore they are, as secularized lapsed Catholics, out of kilter with traditional church-hegemonic/state-subordinate criteria.  Only the paradoxical utilization of the democratic process in such traditionally Catholic but effectively secularized countries as Eire to a religiously sovereign end can return the people concerned to church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial criteria, and thus permit their salvation and counter-damnation to metaphysics and antimetachemistry to go ahead.  But this can only happen in the event of a majority mandate for religious sovereignty from out the paradoxical election, and therefore the paradox of their secular deference to state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axial criteria largely, though not exclusively, stemming from the northwest point of the intercardinal axial compass can only be rectified in favour of a return to church-hegemonic/state-subordinate criteria in consequence of this other paradox not only taking place but ultimately proving successful in achieving from the electorate a majority mandate for religious sovereignty, which will alone guarantee it deliverance not only from its own lowly condition but from those who currently exploit such a condition from immorally state-hegemonic/church-subordinate heights of somatic licence in order to increase their fame and wealth at the people’s financial and moral expense.  Only this majority mandate will entitle the social theocratic leadership to begin the process of saving and counter-damning the people to the northeast point of the intercardinal axial compass in relation to a renewal, necessarily revolutionary, of church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial criteria.  There will be much building, within the framework of the Centre (as explained by me in a variety of philosophical texts mostly germane to Opera D’Oeuvre, my collected writings), for Social Theocracy to undertake and also, as a necessary corollary of this, the removal, as and where appropriate, of outmoded and obsolete cultural and religious material such that, for all its good intentions, still stems from the regrettably untransvaluated tradition of Devil the Mother hyped as God and the Antison of Antigod ‘down down’ as the Devil and would hold the people back from their entitlement, under religious sovereignty, to true metaphysical and beautiful antimetachemical self-realization and notself-curtailment.  In short, the free psychic triumph of the inner light and its bound somatic corollary of outer darkness can only come properly to pass if all that appertains to the outer light of somatic freedom and the inner darkness of psychic binding has been systematically rejected, and this would be at first implicit in and then explicit to the assumption of a religiously sovereign people in the event of a majority mandate for religious sovereignty in consequence of a paradoxical utilization of the democratic process in certain countries whose religious traditions predispose one to believe that such a utilization, not matter how seemingly implausible at present, would not only be possible but likely, later if not sooner, to achieve the required mandate from the electorate.  For only from their mandate can the social theocratic ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ be established on earth to start the process of freeing them, little by little, from all that would hold them back and down to the false worship of filmic barbarity and philistinism or, more correctly, pseudo-philistinism.  Even their own traditions in relation to Woman the Mother and the Antison of Antiman, corresponding on state-subordinate terms to chemical free soma and antiphysical free soma, not to mention, in church-hegemonic vein, the Daughter of Woman and Antiman the Antifather, corresponding to chemical bound psyche and antiphysical bound psyche, would hold them back and down, if still operative, from the prospect of that more complete salvation and counter-damnation which, according with gender, will bring them to the gates of metaphysical heaven and antimetachemical antihell on a basis that will owe everything to global universality and antipolyversality and thus to the synthetically artificial overcoming of the world to which, in antiphysics and chemistry, they still belong, if less now on a traditional Catholic basis than on the contemporary secular basis of post-worldly globalization.  I do not pretend that the task of delivering such a people to the revolutionary northeast point of the intercardinal axial compass will be easy or straightforward, but I am confident that unless a start is made on establishing a social theocratic alternative to the contemporary worldly and netherworldly/anti-otherworldly secular status quo, their exploitation at the hands of unscrupulous predators will continue to gather momentum and to grow steadily worse.  It is we Social Theocrats who must bring this alternative to pass so that the people may be delivered both from evil (metachemical free soma) and pseudo-folly (antimetaphysical free soma), as well as from crime (metachemical bound psyche) and pseudo-sin (antimetaphysical bound psyche), the outer light and inner darkness of which can only blind them to their selves and thus to the possibility, for antimales-become-males, of soulful salvation in the Joy of Heaven the Holy Soul through the truthfully blessed ego of God the Father, whose primary church-hegemonic positions in metaphysical transcendentalism will establish the primary state-subordinate (compared to the antimaterialism of antimetachemical antifemales) corollary of transcendentalism in the idealism of the blessed antiwill (bound will) of the Son of God and the blessed antispirit (bound spirit) of the Holy Spirit of Heaven, the truthful approach to beauty and joyful approach to love of which will impact on antimetachemistry in such fashion that, for females-become-antifemales,  there will duly ensue a pseudo-cursed antispiritual (bound spiritual) counter-damnation in Antihell the Unclear Spirit via the pseudo-cursed  antiwill (bound will) of Antidevil the Antimother, the antimaterialism of each of which will establish the possibility of a secondary church-hegemonic (compared to the transcendentalism of metaphysical males) complement to transcendentalism in the antifundamentalism of the pseudo-cursed ego of the Antidaughter of the Antidevil whose beautiful approach to truth will parallel the loving approach to joy of the pseudo-cursed soul of the Unclear Soul of Antihell.  Gender, in itself, is an extremely complicated issue, which needs to be addressed from a standpoint favouring the male and engineering the upending, to unclear cross-purposes, of the female-become-antifemale in order that holiness in the male may prevail as the leading attribute of the metaphysical hegemony over antimetachemistry.  But once one has understood gender and taken the necessary precautions to ensure that gender discrimination is upheld in the interests of metaphysical holiness, then it should be possible to implement the salvation of males and the counter-damnation of antifemales in such a manner that the one will never be at risk of subversion by the other but will continue to prevail in the interests of cultural grace and pseudo-civil wisdom, free metaphysical psyche and bound metaphysical soma, bringing a secondary pseudo-civility in pseudo-goodness (pseudo-modesty) and a secondary culture in pseudo-punishment, bound antimetachemical soma and free antimetachemical psyche, to pass as a matter of secondary church-hegemonic/state-subordinate necessity vis-à-vis the primary church-hegemonic/state-subordinate criteria obtaining ‘on high’, in the truth and joy of metaphysical transcendentalism and the truthful approach to beauty and joyful approach to love of metaphysical idealism, the latter of which will be instrumental, in no small degree, in establishing the beauty and love of antimetachemical antimaterialism as the necessary secondary state-subordinate preconditions of the beautiful approach to truth and loving approach to joy of that antimetachemical antifundamentalism which has been identified, correctly, with secondary church-hegemonic criteria.  Only thus will there be a virtuous circle of metaphysical and antimetachemical factors in both psyche and soma, church and state, inner light and outer darkness, self and not-self, and this can only obtain under what is and has every noumenal right to be an unequivocal metaphysical hegemony over antimetachemistry at the northeast point of the intercardinal axial compass, bringing to pass the godly and heavenly leadership of the Celestial City over the antidevilish and antihellish antirule of Anti-Vanity Fair, Eternity and Anti-Infinity without universal and antipolyversal end.


LONDON 2005-06 (Revised 2012)