Incompatibility of the Intercardinal Axes


Metaphysical Philosophy

As revised/reformatted weblogs


Copyright © 2012 John O’Loughlin





01. Debunking ‘Motherfucking’

02. The Typical Manifestations of each Intercardinal Point

03. The Representative Somatic and Psychic Antipodes in each Axial Case

04. Examining the Relationships between Nature and Genetics and Nurture and Culture

05. Primacy and Supremacy Revaluated

06. An Investigation of Positivity and Negativity in relation to ‘Pro’ and ‘Anti’ Elements

07. The Struggle against Moral Relativism

08. How ‘the First’ will be Last and ‘the Last’ First

09. Revaluating Gaelic Football and Hurling

10. The Natural and Cultural Alternatives of Sensuality and Sensibility

11. Antitheses Exclude, Polarities Attract

12. Contrasting Left- and Right-wing Values

13. Why Beauty is not Truth and Truth not Beauty

14. Heat and Motion vis-à-vis Light and Force

15. The Incompatibility of Beauty and Truth

16. A Deeper Analysis of the Relationship between Beauty and Truth

17. An Analysis of the Relationship between Strength and Knowledge

18. A More Comprehensive Assessment of Heat, Light, Motion and Force

19. Contrasting Heat with Light in Sensuality and Sensibility