Debunking ‘Motherfucking’.  Just as the expression 'sonofabitch' is somewhat logically dubious (as already explained in a previous entry [See Opus Postscriptum Vol.1]), so is the expression 'motherfucker' likewise; although used in the sense of someone who 'fucks' a 'mother', whoever she may be, it undoubtedly makes perfect sense.  But in terms of a position on the intercardinal axial compass - forget it!  Having already identified the position of 'mothers' with metachemistry in noumenal objectivity and chemistry in phenomenal objectivity, I can safely say that 'motherfucking' would not be verbally relevant to either, even if one could, in slang jargon, resort to expressions like 'motherfrigging', and hence 'motherfrigger' in the one case, that of metachemistry, and 'mothersucking', and hence 'mothersucker', in the other case, that of chemistry.  For 'frigging' and 'sucking' are no less germane to noumenal and phenomenal objectivity than 'snogging' and 'fucking' to their sensible counterparts in noumenal and phenomenal subjectivity, where we are concerned with metaphysics and physics, those male hegemonic realities identifiable with 'fathers' and 'sons' rather than with 'mothers' or 'daughters'.  Obviously one could argue in favour of anti-positions, as it were, for any hegemonic position, be it sensual or sensible in noumenal or phenomenal class terms, but even then 'antimothers', for example, would have to be equated with either 'antifrigging' or 'antisucking', their antimale counterparts with either 'antisnogging' or 'antifucking'.  So, other than in terms of someone who 'fucks' a 'mother', the expression 'motherfucker' is as inept as its verbal transmutation, and in no sense to be taken literally.