Revaluating Gaelic Football and Hurling.  For years I thought Gaelic football superior to hurling as though it were the higher of the two Irish sports and the one that stood at the northeast point of the intercardinal axial compass as against the southwest in church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial terms.  But subsequent reflection led me to revaluate this assumption and to perceive that while both games allowed for a point over the bar, hurling was more consistently the game in which the player was expected to keep the ball or, rather, sliothar off the ground with the use of his hurley, the hockey- if not club-like stick, and therefore, when other factors had been taken into account, including the hurley itself, I came to believe that hurling stood in axial polarity to Gaelic football in reverse terms to how I had supposed in the past.  But that does not make me pro-hurling.  On the contrary, I perceive in the hurley a parallel with Devil the Mother hyped as God which has the idealism, as it were, of a transcendent point over the bar 'by the balls' in the sense that such a point stems from a materialistic precondition in the hurley itself.  Therefore there seems to me to be something quintessentially Catholic in the noumenal context of the northeast point of the intercardinal axial compass which, despite rhetoric to the contrary, is still subject to the metachemical fundamentalism and, more to the point, materialism of its northwest point in typically alpha-stemming, Old-Testament deferring, extrapolative fashion.  I am suspicious of this hurley materialism, and I feel that it could not be endorsed in a context led by a more complete and genuine order of metaphysics that sought to dispose of everything metachemical (not to mention antimetaphysical) as it enhanced the northeast point of our intercardinal axial compass in the interests of a more complete and permanent gender-based salvation and counter-damnation of those at its southwest point, who, in the relativity of these things, may well be more given to Gaelic football than to hurling.  An aspect of raising the lowly up to a position of paramount metaphysics (and for females antimetachemistry) would be the indoor interiorization of sport, not least in respect of Gaelic football, and I feel that while Gaelic could be interiorized with benefit to all who both play and watch it, hurling, corresponding to the Roman Catholic noumenal status quo, would be less suited to such a transfiguration in view of the much greater noise that would surely result from the utilization of hurleys in an indoor context.  But if Gaelic football was raised up in such fashion, then it would not be long before everything traditionally state-hegemonic/church-subordinate in Ireland was adversely affected to a degree whereby rugby, the higher, or noumenal, British sport was brought crashing down to association football and football itself was deemed eligible for axial transposition and subsequent elevation in the wake of Gaelic football.  In the end, only something approximating to football, and then to Gaelic football, duly transmuted, would exist, as though in parallel with the triumph of everything godly and antidevilish at the northeast point of the intercardinal axial compass.  Now such a hypothesis may seem wildly fanciful and even a little crazy, but it only follows the general inter-axial schema of salvation and counter-damnation, damnation and counter-salvation already outlined in my writings and therefore parallels, in some degree, that more politically- and religiously-oriented sequence of events which I equate with moral and cultural progress.  It may be that, in the event of a credible approximation to 'Kingdom Come' ever coming to pass, no sport will be given all that much encouragement.  But that sounds somewhat idealistic and, as it were, too dismissive of reality and the slowness and difficulty with which significantly meaningful change can be engineered.  If some accommodation with the sporting status quo has to be made, then what I have outlined above may not, after all, be that far off the provisional mark, even if, long term, the prospects for any physical sport surviving could not be too great.  If the lowly are to be raised up, as from southwest to northeast of the intercardinal axial compass, then those who are already representative of the noumenal heights will have to be if not cast down then, at the very least, removed and invalidated, since you can no more establish an ideology like Social Theocracy without getting rid, in due course, of everything Catholic than bring the Gaelic footballers to indoor salvation/counter-damnation without getting rid of that which is so obviously rooted in materialism and, hence, an outdoor allegiance which apparently goes all the way back, on sublimated terms, to Old Testament fundamentalism.  Gaelic football and hurling, like rugby and association football in Britain, have their respective political and religious adherents in Ireland, and it would come as no surprise to me to discover that, when push comes to shove, a blue shirt stands behind every hurler that would be quick to pounce, in defence of hierarchical values, on radical republicanism.  I am not, of course, a radical republican in that obviously Sinn Fein sense, but I do subscribe to an overhaul or, rather, to the supersession of Catholic tradition on my own rather more elevated metaphysical and antimetachemical terms, for which a democratic mandate of the concept of religious sovereignty would be required.  For unless a paradoxical election or utilization of the democratic process in Eire does transpire at some future date, there can be no deliverance of the people not just from Catholic tradition but from that which has effectively consigned such a tradition to an obsolescent status in the background of contemporary American-inspired materialism, making them less church-hegemonic/state-subordinate than deferentially quasi-state-hegemonic/quasi-state-subordinate in a paradoxical limbo from which they can only be delivered via the successful prosecution of a contrary order of paradox such that, in the event of a majority mandate, would signify the dawn of a new order of church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial criteria commensurate, in Social Theocracy, with 'Kingdom Come', and thus with the restitution of salvation and counter-damnation on terms which, being synthetically artificial, owed nothing to Catholicism and everything to its globally universal successor.