6 The Incompatibility of Beauty and Truth



The Incompatibility of Beauty and Truth.  Some say that beauty is truth and truth beauty, but they couldn't be more wrong. Beauty and love, which hang together like will and spirit in metachemistry, are a product of noumenally objective appearances, whereas truth and joy, which hang together like ego and soul in metaphysics, are the product of noumenally subjective essences. Thus there is all the difference between alpha and omega, appearance and essence, between beauty and truth, love and joy, and incompatible they remain. Either you defer to the outer heat of metachemical free soma or, in rejecting it, you cultivate the inner light of metaphysical free psyche. The one is absolutely female, the other absolutely male. Outer heat is as incompatible with inner light as spatial space with repetitive time, for space and time are absolutely antithetical, like alpha and omega. But outer heat can rule the outer mode of time, which I call antitime, and equate with an antimetaphysical subjection to the spatial space of metachemistry which takes the form of sequential time. Contrariwise, inner light can rule ('lead' would probably be too soft a term here, at least in relation to gender differentials) the inner mode of space, which I call antispace, and equate with an antimetachemical subjection to the repetitive time of metaphysics which takes the form of spaced space. Either females get the better of males, who become antimale, or males the better of females, who become antifemale. Yet to the truth-rejecting male, the antimetaphysical antimale, beauty may well seem like truth, for it is what rules him and keeps him in subjection to its metachemical appearance. Likewise, if from a contrary gender standpoint, truth may well seem like beauty to the beauty-rejecting female, the antimetachemical antifemale, since it is what rules over her and keeps her in subjection to its metaphysical essence. Lacking truth proper, which is inner, the antimetaphysical antimale may well project his sense of truth onto beauty and convince himself that beauty is truth. Lacking beauty proper, which is outer, the antimetachemical antifemale may well project her sense of beauty onto truth and convince herself that truth is beauty. Neither one of them is correct. There is no more any such thing as outer truth than there is inner beauty. Truth is by definition inner and beauty outer. The worship of beauty is only possible because of the absence of truth, while, conversely, the worship of truth is only possible because of the absence of beauty. It is the absence of truth from the antimetaphysical antimales that makes the worship of metachemical beauty possible to them and the absence of beauty from the antimetachemical antifemales, conversely, that makes the worship of metaphysical truth possible to them, albeit in both cases the worship of the ruling, or hegemonic, factor is not to be equated with that factor as such, but is only a symptom of subjection. Beauty does not worship itself but projects itself objectively as a metachemical expression of spatial space, which is the appearance of outer heat. Neither does truth worship itself because, being intensely subjective, it is a metaphysical impression of repetitive time, which is the essence of inner light. Space and time are as incompatible as appearance and essence, and therefore beauty is never truth nor truth ever beauty. Beauty rules over the antitruth want of truth as space over antitime, spatial appearance over sequential anti-essence, while, conversely, truth rules over the antibeauty want of beauty as time over antispace, repetitive essence over spaced anti-appearance. Either the noumenally objective heat of metachemistry rules over the noumenally antisubjective antilight of antimetaphysics as Vanity Fair over Anti-Celestial City or, across the upper-order planes of what is an axial divide, the noumenally subjective light of metaphysics rules over the noumenally anti-objective antiheat of antimetachemistry as the Celestial City over Anti-Vanity Fair. You can't have it both ways, for you cannot be simultaneously superheathen and/or anti-superchristian and superchristian and/or anti-superheathen. Yet the latter is much harder, much more difficult, of attainment than the former, which is everywhere the alpha rather than the omega of civilization and therefore that which is most basic and, at certain epochs (of which the present is a case in point), by far the more prevalent.  In fact, so much is this now the case that one might well consider truth (as a precondition of joy) to be 'beyond the pale' and, to all intents and purposes, extraneous to contemporary civilization.  For it is beauty and the worship of beauty which rules the roost, as it were, and keeps people in subjection to appearances and, hence, to the female domination of society.  The struggle for truth is there to be waged, but it will be a long and complicated struggle which only a select few, identifying with metaphysics, will be able to wage.  For the enemy, for them, is not strength principally, nor even knowledge, but beauty, and therefore all that, being apparent, is most contrary to essence.  Hitherto this has been equated with God but, in truth, it is the very devil, the devil not of Satan or any other equivalent antigodly 'fall guy' for sanctimonious denigration from the spatial 'on high', but of that metachemical 'first mover' which is Devil the Mother hyped as God and the ruler, in consequence, of those antigodly antisons - and hence antichrists - whose want of metaphysical truth keeps them as much in somatic subjection to the twin evils of beauty and love as their antifatherly counterparts in psychic subjection to the twin crimes of ugliness and hate, crimes which issue from the psychic binding of the Daughter of the Devil to the somatic freedom of Devil the Mother, as of a noumenally subordinate church to a noumenally hegemonic state, the former of which negatively acquiesces, through fundamentalism, in the materialistic liberties of the latter, whose positivity is bounded only by the limits of its own somatic licence.