literary transcript


11 November 1900


I had quite forgotten this little book.  But now I have something to say, and I will talk to it.

      Something has happened, something final.  The operation has not removed the pain, it seems simply to have driven it underground where each day I search for it anxiously.  And, when I woke this morning, I knew that the pain had finally taken hold.  I have aged terribly and, for once, I do not need a mirror to show me: my body tells me quite plainly enough.  I feel myself decaying - I want to scream out, but I cannot.  I write now only with difficulty.  Maurice leaves the journal by my bed.  I rely upon Maurice so much now: he sits with me and, when I am awake, he reads to me.  He wished to begin Jude the Obscure, but I begged him not to.  It would add a new horror to the deathbed.