literary transcript


This is Oscar Wilde talking, taken down by Maurice Gilbert




Bring me some champagne, he says, there's a good boy    The doctor has put leeches on his temples but he does not feel them





There is something I want you to have, he tells me, there is in my possession an engraving of Faust sitting hunched at his desk, behind him there is a skeleton, a telescope and a mirror, do you think from this description you will be able to find it Maurice   

He is sleeping now





When he woke up he was in good spirits    When I die I shall probably get three inches in the Times under a German army officer that will no doubt be an extremely uncomfortable position    He laughs with his high-pitched laugh.  He asks me about Père Lachaise where I had gone with Mr Ross    When you see three or four people gathered together around a grave, you know that there is a spirit within the world, Maurice.  When God arrives to take me to his bosom, I shall turn around and say, 'Leave me alone.  I am thinking.'    He closes his eyes now.  I think he is sleeping for the laudanum is very strong    Well, things are as they are, don't you agree, Maurice?  Perhaps I will have the pleasure of seeing myself die    I tell him not to speak so    I do not mind.  I am only curious: I would like to know.  It is the one sensation which has never been perfectly expressed.  I have always hated that clock.





The nurse has come to inject him - I think with morphia although the doctor says not to.  He is muttering to himself and I do not think it is right to write it down, these are his own thoughts to himself.  He turns to me and seems to recognise me for he points towards this book.    I saw beauty only.  Without beauty there is nothing in the world, the beautiful is more than the good.  I tried to catch it but even as I tried I fell deeper than any man

He is fading now.  Mr Turner does not think he can last much longer and has gone to find a priest.  Mr Wilde looks at me and says    I am ready, Maurice    I do not know if he wants me to write or not    I had fame without it I am smoke in the air and foam in the water.  I am a great scandal, am I not?    he laughs    There was a great carp in Ireland, Maurice.  It spoke to me once when I was a child.  Do you know what it said?  It said, I am asleep, little Oscar.  Do not wake me.  You will come to me one day, little Oscar.  I head the trees speak and the statues move.    I think this is what he says





He is becoming delirious now but I will write it down for his words have always been wonderful to me

It has been a hot summer has it not    I tried to get a cab this morning but he said it was too far out.  You know, when they found the body of Christ    I cannot follow what he is saying here    and then once more I shall be lord of language and lord of life, do you agree, mother?    he is laughing    I knew I should create a great sensation    no more now



Mr Wilde died at ten minutes to two p.m. on Friday, November 30.